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Great things to learn from China

If that is the case, I hope Chinese companies can indeed get a share in those construction business in India. I do believe India need learn from China how to build the infrastructure faster and cheaper.

Let me Help you for that, enriching your knowledge.
India to invest $1 trillion in infrastructure over five years, says PM Manmohan Singh - Economic Times

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Monday that good road infrastructure was crucial to achieving nine percent growth, targeted for the next Five Year Plan (2012-13 to 2016-17), and adequate investment would be made towards that.

At the same time, he insisted that the awards on private sector were placed in a fair and transparent manner so as to dispel any fear or charges that the government was resorting to any form of favouritism or arbitrary decisions.
"Infrastructure will play a key role in achieving our growth target of of nine percent. Our effort is to double the investment of $500 million in the 11th Five Year plan to around $1 trillion in the 12th plan," the prime minister said.

"It is also necessary to ensure projects are awarded in a fair and transparent manner to avoid suspicion of favouritism," he told a conference on 'challenges and opportunities in public-private partnership in national highways'.

According to Road Transport and Highways Minister C.P. Joshi, the government will award contracts under public-private partnership to lay around 7,800 km of national highways worth an estimated Rs.50,000 crore ($11.1 billion) by the end of this year.

"Contracts worth Rs.21,000 crore have already been awarded in the first four months," he said, hoping that the target of 20 km of national highways every day would be met.
We do have those abuse of power and wide spread corruption problems.

Few Chinese members here will deny that.

The fact is that we do get things done.

Second, we do send a bullet to the head to those who have abused their powers and taken a lot of bribes.

If you check the past 30 years, we indeed have sent a great numbers of such high rank officials either to prison or HELL for their crimes, no matter it is abuse of power, or taking bribes and etc. (Here their official ranks can be comparable to the state governors, U.S. senators or even ministers level)

I do not think such tough punishments have been done in India or U.S.

Please let me know if I am wrong here.

I don't think a few people equates to thousands does it?

---------- Post added at 03:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 PM ----------

Chinese farmers protest over land grab - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

Villagers of Zhejiang province accuse officials of taking their land and not paying compensation.
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That is true that most Chinese do not have enmity towards India.

The reason Chinese members here sometimes are hostile are due to the facts that Indian members here attack China on the following issues:

(1) tibet, south tibet and dalai lama:
It is related to China's territory integrity and no Chinese members here want to be insulted on those matters.

(2) certain indian members blindly support west on attacking China on various issues: e.g. China muslim separatists, human right problems and etc., without paying any attention to the truth.

(3) India's intentions to interfere China border disputes other countries, e.g. vietnam, japan and etc.

(4) Many indian members made posts that were way beyond the reality and those posts can be construed as either imagination or total dream.

Well same thing can be said for Indian members hostile comments - when the Chinese members comment on Indian issues.

Do you think the Chinese members don't poke their nose on Indian issues???, I am not sure who started first and who followed - so it's childish to say only Indian members poke their nose on China related issues, I believe you can see it yourself on the PDF posts...

I am new to this forum and never had any hostile opinion about China, but when I saw first time the Chinese members unwanted comments on India, it induced me to reply the same manner but only thing restrained me from doing so was - it's online forum I am not aware who is posting the message, the message can be posted by any one pertaining to be a Chinese or Indian, also I can't measure a country by judging few extremists elements...

I am an optimists, by being two great civilisations and large countries India and China have lived relatively peacefully for many centuries except few incidents, mostly there was an exchange of cultural learning between two countries not war in-spite of sharing a common border for a long stretch.

In 1193, when the world's first University Nalanda was sacked by the fanatic Bakhtiyar Khilji, a Turk; this event is seen by scholars as a late milestone in the decline of Buddhism in India. The Persian historian Minhaj-i-Siraj, in his chronicle the Tabaquat-I-Nasiri, reported that thousands of monks were burned alive and thousands beheaded as Khilji tried his best to uproot Buddhism and plant Islam by the sword the burning of the library continued for several months and "smoke from the burning manuscripts hung for days like a dark pall over the low hills." - After the destruction the last throne-holder of Nalanda, Shakyashribhadra, fled to Tibet in 1204 CE at the invitation of the Tibetan translator Tropu Lotsawa (Khro-phu Lo-tsa-ba Byams-pa dpal), in Tibet, he started an ordination lineage of the Mulasarvastivadin lineage to complement the two existing ones, you can see it's in China the Indian religious texts are preserved when it faced threat...

Both countries have benefited with cultural exchanges for centuries and even today China is India's largest trading partner and I hope the same for future...

Nalanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well same thing can be said for Indian members hostile comments - when the Chinese members comment on Indian issues.

Do you think the Chinese members don't poke their nose on Indian issues???, I am not sure who started first and who followed - so it's childish to say only Indian members poke their nose on China related issues, I believe you can see it yourself on the PDF posts...

I am new to this forum and never had any hostile opinion about China, but when I saw first time the Chinese members unwanted comments on India, it induced me to reply the same manner but only thing restrained me from doing so was - it's online forum I am not aware who is posting the message, the message can be posted by any one pertaining to be a Chinese or Indian, also I can't measure a country by judging few extremists elements...

I am an optimists, by being two great civilisations and large countries India and China have lived relatively peacefully for many centuries except few incidents, mostly there was an exchange of cultural learning between two countries not war in-spite of sharing a common border for a long stretch.

In 1193, when the world's first University Nalanda was sacked by the fanatic Bakhtiyar Khilji, a Turk; this event is seen by scholars as a late milestone in the decline of Buddhism in India. The Persian historian Minhaj-i-Siraj, in his chronicle the Tabaquat-I-Nasiri, reported that thousands of monks were burned alive and thousands beheaded as Khilji tried his best to uproot Buddhism and plant Islam by the sword the burning of the library continued for several months and "smoke from the burning manuscripts hung for days like a dark pall over the low hills." - After the destruction the last throne-holder of Nalanda, Shakyashribhadra, fled to Tibet in 1204 CE at the invitation of the Tibetan translator Tropu Lotsawa (Khro-phu Lo-tsa-ba Byams-pa dpal), in Tibet, he started an ordination lineage of the Mulasarvastivadin lineage to complement the two existing ones, you can see it's in China the Indian religious texts are preserved when it faced threat...

Both countries have benefited with cultural exchanges for centuries and even today China is India's largest trading partner and I hope the same for future...

Nalanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/QUOTE

good saying

I would recommend you: look at indian media first, to see how they talk about China; then look at Chinese media, to see if india on Chinese media is negative. You will know who start the "war".
It might be not easy for you to find the talking about india on Chinese media. That in fact is good news for indian. That means india still have time to change their negative idiea on China before it is too late.
Once normal Chinese start to believe india is the enemy of China, that will be too late.
well we need to learn a lot of things from the chinese , they have moved a lot ahead of us in fields such as infrastructure , technology and defence , so lets just make peace with them and learn few things
good saying

I would recommend you: look at indian media first, to see how they talk about China; then look at Chinese media, to see if india on Chinese media is negative. You will know who start the "war".
It might be not easy for you to find the talking about india on Chinese media. That in fact is good news for indian. That means india still have time to change their negative idiea on China before it is too late.
Once normal Chinese start to believe india is the enemy of China, that will be too late.

As far as I know the regional news channels in India rarely have a word about China negative or positive, I have never seen any one discussing about china in our regional News channels or print media...But I have seen few major Indian English news channels and print media running programs about China - but it's not that they show China in a very negative way as you think, unfortunately I have not followed any Chines media as of now so I can't comment on that...
As far as I know the regional news channels in India rarely have a word about China negative or positive, I have never seen any one discussing about china in our regional News channels or print media...But I have seen few major Indian English news channels and print media running programs about China - but it's not that they show China in a very negative way as you think, unfortunately I have not followed any Chines media as of now so I can't comment on that...

In China 1962 war was not mentioned in history text book, which is arguably a good thing. To most Chinese, India is still a mythical "buddist" country that produces a lot of dancing/singing movies. India in Chinese media is almost always positive. Ocassionaly an article from military forum like PDF is hostile and then Indian media treat it as "Must be official tone since everything must be approved by government". This cannot be farther from the truth.

Over the years I noticed that Indians who have lived in China always defend China during discussions on various news sites. That on one hand reflects their experience in China, on the other hand, shows the importance of people exchange.

India media absolutely abuses so called "media freedom" to play normal readers' sensations. Sometime I feel they must have some hidden agenda and are backed by millary people to get more budget or sell more weapons. Once or a while, there's this "China will attack India in 20XX" ****. Do people here honestly believe China will attack a nuclear power blindly? No matter how evil you think Chinese leaders are, they are not insane. The friendship between Pakistan and China doesn't mean India and China cannot be good neighbors. As a matter of fact, all three countries can maintain good relationships while keeping their disagreements. Pakistan, India and China should demonstrate some leadership to the rest of the developing countries.

As to the 1962 war, I suggest Indians read some 3rd party analysys instead of blindly believe Indian's governement "China back stabbing" story. Anyway, whatever happened, it was 50 years ago and let's move beyond that. Let's start that from this forum first on this new Year day.
In China 1962 war was not mentioned in history text book, which is arguably a good thing. To most Chinese, India is still a mythical "buddist" country that produces a lot of dancing/singing movies. India in Chinese media is almost always positive. Ocassionaly an article from military forum like PDF is hostile and then Indian media treat it as "Must be official tone since everything must be approved by government". This cannot be farther from the truth.

Exactly right. :tup:

I've said this before, but they don't believe it.
Forget our personal geopolitical biases for a moment and think about this: China in 1949 was a largely agrarian/peasant society just coming out of a long and brutal civil war (where one faction was supported by the West). China, unlike India and Pakistan, did not have the infrastructure as well as the English-speaking workforce then. And then China had to suffer Mao's Great Leap Forward. Despite all that, look at them now! And look at India and Pakistan in contrast.
Truly an accomplishment!


As they say, there are those that always look for excuses to fail, and then there are those who accomplish miracles. The Chinese have shown that determination and hard work can work wonders.
i learnt 23 war when I was in the UK like 10 years ago
Exactly right. :tup:

I've said this before, but they don't believe it.
i have many chinese frnd in india in my steel plant these r engineers from sino steel company which work in paid sallary with our company.
they r very hard working nice guys the only problem is language so they have to carry english translator with them (she is hot chinese gal).
with them i came to know few thing abot chinese.
1. they r not very social like indian.
2. they drink lot of india beer.
3. they r chain smokers and perfer chinese cigareets.
4. they dance on bhangra beats.
5. they hate to talk about pakistan or sino india war and it chinese gov problem not ours.
6. they love india gal love india salwar kurta .
7. they love india in its bad colours also say how can india so kind to animals cows roam in roads and offered fruits by fruit hackers monkey and snake is prayed.

means the total problem between india and china is not d lama or boders dispute it china with pak which india thinks pak is using china to check in and usa india relation which china think usa using india to contain it to asia only.

and same problem in pdf
pakistani member will alway direct any topic regarding pakistan to china india comparing forum. like they will say why comparing with us see china is ahead of u in this this that that as if china is pakistan and now u both big boy(china) and india(fight). pkistan and usa will b refery of match.
True. There are unwanted idiotic comments coming from certain Chinese members here. I do see them.

A lot of those comments arise due to the past negative comments cycle between Chinese members and Indian members. A lot of them are just silly comparisons or I-am-better-than-you types of comments. If you do not take them seriously, those comments won't do real harm.

The real concern is that no matter what the past relation between india (well, there was never a united country called india though before 1947) and tibet in the past, tibet has been under Chinese government (or empire) rule for at least the past 500 years, way before the establishment of U.S.A. or India.

There are a lot of indian members who misjudge China's intention including many indian politicians. They simply consider China just wants to bully india even though india currently occupies 90 sq Km2 south tibet, which is part of tibet and thus part of China.

Even though india was brutally occupied by the u.k., india government after u.k. suddenly thinks whatever the u.k. stole from other countries is justified and should also be part of the independent india, including the south tibet stolen due to the notorious mcmahon line and simla accord in 1914, which was never recognized by the official China government then and now.

After the 1962 border conflict, China army has already shown the good will gesture to retreat to the control line before conflict. However, it seems that indian government did not understand what the good will gesture from China means.

If China indeed has territory ambition against India, we would not have stopped so quickly in 1962. We would have grabbed land from india long time ago during the past 500 years when we began to rule tibet since then india was just consist of hundreds of small kings or tribes.

As long as the south tibet issue is not resolved, there won't be real warm relationship between the two countries. As far as for dalai lama, well, he will be dead soon. I do think he will be a much smaller road block between the two countries. As for those tibetians currently in india, I think india can have them for free. China would like india to have them without charge.

Well same thing can be said for Indian members hostile comments - when the Chinese members comment on Indian issues.

Do you think the Chinese members don't poke their nose on Indian issues???, I am not sure who started first and who followed - so it's childish to say only Indian members poke their nose on China related issues, I believe you can see it yourself on the PDF posts...

I am new to this forum and never had any hostile opinion about China, but when I saw first time the Chinese members unwanted comments on India, it induced me to reply the same manner but only thing restrained me from doing so was - it's online forum I am not aware who is posting the message, the message can be posted by any one pertaining to be a Chinese or Indian, also I can't measure a country by judging few extremists elements...

I am an optimists, by being two great civilisations and large countries India and China have lived relatively peacefully for many centuries except few incidents, mostly there was an exchange of cultural learning between two countries not war in-spite of sharing a common border for a long stretch.

In 1193, when the world's first University Nalanda was sacked by the fanatic Bakhtiyar Khilji, a Turk; this event is seen by scholars as a late milestone in the decline of Buddhism in India. The Persian historian Minhaj-i-Siraj, in his chronicle the Tabaquat-I-Nasiri, reported that thousands of monks were burned alive and thousands beheaded as Khilji tried his best to uproot Buddhism and plant Islam by the sword the burning of the library continued for several months and "smoke from the burning manuscripts hung for days like a dark pall over the low hills." - After the destruction the last throne-holder of Nalanda, Shakyashribhadra, fled to Tibet in 1204 CE at the invitation of the Tibetan translator Tropu Lotsawa (Khro-phu Lo-tsa-ba Byams-pa dpal), in Tibet, he started an ordination lineage of the Mulasarvastivadin lineage to complement the two existing ones, you can see it's in China the Indian religious texts are preserved when it faced threat...

Both countries have benefited with cultural exchanges for centuries and even today China is India's largest trading partner and I hope the same for future...

Nalanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As for indian media, I have seen some sensational topics saying China is about to attack india this or that...

However, we do not have such stuff in China about China attacking India or India attacking China soon news.

As for "Who start wars", I suppose you mean 1962 border conflict.

I think you should read more to see who started the 1962 war.

Well same thing can be said for Indian members hostile comments - when the Chinese members comment on Indian issues.

Do you think the Chinese members don't poke their nose on Indian issues???, I am not sure who started first and who followed - so it's childish to say only Indian members poke their nose on China related issues, I believe you can see it yourself on the PDF posts...

I am new to this forum and never had any hostile opinion about China, but when I saw first time the Chinese members unwanted comments on India, it induced me to reply the same manner but only thing restrained me from doing so was - it's online forum I am not aware who is posting the message, the message can be posted by any one pertaining to be a Chinese or Indian, also I can't measure a country by judging few extremists elements...

I am an optimists, by being two great civilisations and large countries India and China have lived relatively peacefully for many centuries except few incidents, mostly there was an exchange of cultural learning between two countries not war in-spite of sharing a common border for a long stretch.

In 1193, when the world's first University Nalanda was sacked by the fanatic Bakhtiyar Khilji, a Turk; this event is seen by scholars as a late milestone in the decline of Buddhism in India. The Persian historian Minhaj-i-Siraj, in his chronicle the Tabaquat-I-Nasiri, reported that thousands of monks were burned alive and thousands beheaded as Khilji tried his best to uproot Buddhism and plant Islam by the sword the burning of the library continued for several months and "smoke from the burning manuscripts hung for days like a dark pall over the low hills." - After the destruction the last throne-holder of Nalanda, Shakyashribhadra, fled to Tibet in 1204 CE at the invitation of the Tibetan translator Tropu Lotsawa (Khro-phu Lo-tsa-ba Byams-pa dpal), in Tibet, he started an ordination lineage of the Mulasarvastivadin lineage to complement the two existing ones, you can see it's in China the Indian religious texts are preserved when it faced threat...

Both countries have benefited with cultural exchanges for centuries and even today China is India's largest trading partner and I hope the same for future...

Nalanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/QUOTE

good saying

I would recommend you: look at indian media first, to see how they talk about China; then look at Chinese media, to see if india on Chinese media is negative. You will know who start the "war".
It might be not easy for you to find the talking about india on Chinese media. That in fact is good news for indian. That means india still have time to change their negative idiea on China before it is too late.
Once normal Chinese start to believe india is the enemy of China, that will be too late.
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