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Granting India transit rights through Pakistan to Afghanistan

It is the external intelligence agency of Bangladesh. It has the same functions as RAW and the ISI.
I think we should start a long march :p and hope that major political parties i.e atleast TI and JI will lift up the issue.I know it sounds a lil optimistic but we dont have any other option...do we???
And who is the whole world BTW????

US/Israel/ India/ and now Karzai.

So you call them the whole world???

BTW ISI as much an intellgence agency as CIA, MOSSAD. RAW/ KGB.

All carries one agenda of working for their countries and all have the similary kind of working and tactics.
Hence there is no question of singling out one for calling it bad or good.
In the business of intellgence agencies there is no good or bad. Its all about carrying own agendas to foreign land.

Want to add Spain to the mix?
I do not think many people in Pakistan know what has happened. Will the government refute the story if they know that it is circulating or will they deny the whole thing even if true? I assume it must be quite an explosive issue in Pakistan. I know that the transit issue in Bangladesh is very controversial but India is still trying.

What I find strange is how the Indians on this forum knew about it but did not say anything until I put up the thread.
I do not think many people in Pakistan know what has happened. Will the government refute the story if they know that it is circulating or will they deny the whole thing even if true? I assume it must be quite an explosive issue in Pakistan. I know that the transit issue in Bangladesh is very controversial but India is still trying.

What I find strange is how the Indians on this forum knew about it but did not say anything until I put up the thread.

you expect that Indians would disclose that thing before the transit is activated ????

Thanks dear you did a great thing for us. Also Moin is one lovely who is doing great service to Pakistan.

AS far this issue well this is more than explosive.
I do not think many people in Pakistan know what has happened. Will the government refute the story if they know that it is circulating or will they deny the whole thing even if true? I assume it must be quite an explosive issue in Pakistan. I know that the transit issue in Bangladesh is very controversial but India is still trying.

What I find strange is how the Indians on this forum knew about it but did not say anything until I put up the thread.

Why is it so controversial? Why are you so insecure and want others to be insecure too? This is not how self-confident countries behave.

Why is such a normal thing as transit rights (in return for the transit fee) such a bad thing? Why would it compromise a nation's sovereignty? It is so normal a practice all over the world.

Do you think the landlocked countries don't have any rights?
i am not 100% sure about the credibility of the story. i couldn't find anything online to substantiate the claim of Pakistan granting India transit. this is big news, and it'll be a miracle if no media in the subcontinent reports on it. Couldn't find anything about it in Indian media.

But here's an article about Zardari getting flak for his comments on Kashmir:

Zardari slammed in Pak for Kashmir remark

Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari seems to be heading towards trouble. His comments in a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, describing Islamic militants operating in India as 'terrorists', has drawn flak in his own country.

The Parliament in Pakistan may just take up the issue as Nawaz Sharif's party has take a strong stance against these remarks.

Over 40 people were killed and 600 injured during a recent agitation in Kashmir.

Zardari also said that India has never been a threat to Pakistan and that it's not scared of India's influence abroad.

NDTV.com: Zardari slammed in Pak for Kashmir remark
Well he is a traitor no doubt about and its good if Nawaz party had decided to take up the issue irrespective of whatever his agenda is but atleast the debate is going to start.
Good going Ghaddari Ji, you've just betrayed thousands of martyrs and many more who're affected by this struggle for freedom!

I think somebody will just put a bullit in his head for selling this country. :disagree:
Good going Ghaddari Ji, you've just betrayed thousands of martyrs and many more who're affected by this struggle for freedom!

I think somebody will just put a bullit in his head for selling this country. :disagree:

By giving transit rights, he has betrayed martyrs!

Care to explain that?
By giving transit rights, he has betrayed martyrs!

Care to explain that?

No, it was in response to his kashmir remarks.
I have no issues with transit, its a goodwill gesture and comes at the right time as we need to improve our image.
Why is it so controversial? Why are you so insecure and want others to be insecure too? This is not how self-confident countries behave.

Certainly he has a point MBI Munshi, we should not be as insecure as India (screaming about ISI 24/7, making childish statements in reaction to Pakistan selling arms to Sri Lanka, expressing ones insecurity over Pakistan's Gawadar port, expressing 'concern' over Pakistans modest aircraft procurements despite out spending Pakistans defence budget like 7 to 1 and the list goes on).

Why is such a normal thing as transit rights (in return for the transit fee) such a bad thing? Why would it compromise a nation's sovereignty? It is so normal a practice all over the world.

Okay he sort of has a point there too, its okay if the people of Pakistan dont want this agreement (it is our country after all). But I would like to know what and why you as a Bangladeshi are reading into this sir?
Maybe indians refraining from stopping our water flows will be a good gesture.

Mark my words, the next India Pakistan controntation will be due to water. If not now, then in a few years time.

Until India fulfills its treaty obligations regarding water, I'd say stop all one sided good will gestures.
Good will gestures? We're just giving them everything they want and more!
Kasrkin, why should we let the Indians trade via our country?

What is to guarantee that the Indians will not use this transit system, to flood our markets with their cheap goods? AFter all, most of what is exported to AFghanistan, ends up being resold in Pakistan - minus the sales tax.

This will only encourage smuggling, and hurt our exchequer.
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