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Gradual exposure of the hidden face in Bangladesh


Apr 8, 2007
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Awami League led Leftist-Islamist Coalition government in Bangladesh, brought the very first Sedition charge against a former deputy speaker in the National Parliament. He was also placed under 30-days detention order under the Special Powers Act of 1974, which has been considered to be a black law in Bangladesh.

What was his crime? According to police, former deputy speaker, Akhtar Hamid Siddiqui passed ´seditious comments about the ruling government´.

Police arrested the former deputy speaker as the Mahadebpur police officer-in-charge, Elias Fakir, filed a general diary on March 19, 2009 accusing Akhter Hamid of threatening the officer with ´dire consequences´ for arresting local activists of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party.

Elias alleged Akther Hamid had told him the Awami League-led government would be ´ousted´ in two months and ´thousands of people would die´ during the period, according to the United News of Bangladesh.

"Who will save you then?" the police officer-in-charge quoted Akhter Hamid as telling him.

Akhter Hamid was also quoted as saying the elections were not fair and "the army put the Awami League in power."

Akhter claimed the officer-in-charge had leveled ´false´ allegation against him to tarnish his image and destroy the BNP.

"I have not made any seditious or anti-government statement," he had told local journalists before the police picked him up. "The officer-in-charge was instigated by a quarter in the government to file a general diary against me."

I personally failed to understand as to what crime the former deputy speaker committed even if he has said that this government will be ousted in two months. Any person should have his right of expression. And, why the government was over enthusiastic in bringing sedition charge against this former parliamentarian just at the scoop of a police officer?

In reality, this is only a part of exposure of the ultimate face of the rulers, who promised to transform Bangladesh into a country of infinite possibility thus progressing with its vision 2021. But, now the way the present government student and youth wings are continuing terror countrywide, the way party thugs are committing free-styled crime, the way political oppression already began and the way government is also planning to suffocate the media, hopefully people of Bangladesh will once again witness the horror of old days.

Now, just let us have a glimpse over the news headlines of past 72 hours, to assess the ´peace and prosperity´ Bangladeshi people are witnessing under the charismatic leadership of 2021 leader Sheikh Hasina:

Organized crimes back from wilderness; Patients unattended for 16hrs as DMCH interns on strike; Militants threaten Bangladesh schools [Reuters]; BDR mutiny culprits may be tried under court martial – Law Minister; No decision yet on mutiny trial – Law Minister; BDR court martial trial will not violate human rights - Law Minister.

Just see, how a responsible minister in charge of the Law ministry changed his statements on 3 consecutive days. Can such attitude be expected in any other responsible and sovereign nation in the world?

Now let us turn our face to the educational institutions. Reign of terror by the members of the student´s wing of the ruling party is by now known to all. In a recent incident, when a student leader of the ruling party was arrested, members of the law enforcing agencies found above TK. 260,000 under his pillow. No, please do not consider it to be any act of jinny. It is the money collected by the ´Golden Boy´ [as termed by the Prime Minister] from extortion and other forms of crime.

Health Minister Professor A.F.M. Ruhul Haque asked the Vice Chancellor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University [BSMMU] to resign forthwith showing personal reason.

"The government has indeed some reshuffle plans. So, while talking to the VC around noon, I dropped a hint that he should resign. I know I cannot directly ask him to quit," the minister told reporters.

Earlier in the afternoon, Nazrul claimed Ruhul had asked him to resign without mentioning any allegations against him or his administration.

"He told me there is some pressure on him and it would be better if we [VC and his colleagues] tendered our resignation citing 'personal reasons' by Monday.

VC Nazrul also alleged that from day one of this government, pro-Awami League doctors' association Swadhinata Chikitsak Parishad has been out to disrupt activities of the BSMMU administration.

Finally, the Vice Chancellor and others had to resign as they knew, refusing the instruction from the minister would place them under severe consequences.

A number of ministers in the present government, especially Commerce Minister Lt. Col. [Retired] Faruk Khan, who is also the chief coordinator of the probe committees, continued to forecast the possible outcome of the investigation. In a series of statements, he said, militancy has penetrated inside the law enforcing and disciplined forces in Bangladesh; foreign links have been found behind the February carnage inside Bangladesh Riffles headquarters; Islamist militancy group is behind the massacre etc.

Referring to some ministers' comments on the incident at BDR headquarters before completion of investigation, Agriculture Minister Matia Chowdhury [who is amongst the cleanest ministers in the political history of Bangladesh] said, "Sometimes silence is gold."

Former army chief Lt Gen [Retd] Harun-ur-Rashid, chief coordinator of Sector Commanders Forum, said comments on the incident before completion of investigation is undesirable.

He said the BDR mutineers should be tried under the Army Act to avoid the lengthy procedures of the laws of the land and no question will be raised about its transparency as the act gives the accused a chance to defend themselves.

But, for sure, the ministers in the present government in Bangladesh will never pay minimum hid to such experts comments or public opinion.

Senseless remarks by the ministers in the present government has already started tarnishing image of Bangladesh. Taking the advantage of such remarks, vested interest groups are active in causing serious damage to the country in various ways and forms.

Gradual exposure of any fascist government would only welcome series of agonies and sufferings for the nation.

American Chronicle | Gradual exposure of the hidden face in Bangladesh
I don't understand this guy. He was arrested for treason while on the way to Israel under BNP government yet he sympathize with them. What's up with him although he is making some sense lately through writing.
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As long he keeps saying the right things we should give him some space and see where he goes with this.
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