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Govt will construct Diamer-Bhasha dam from its own resources if no foreign assistance is received


Diamer Bhasha happens to be one of the toughest terrains to build a dam..not only will it be costing a bomb, it also happens to be almost logistically inaccessible and cutting through that tough rock will be time consuming 12 to 15 years minimum is what most experts agree.

Incidentally Kalabagh could have been completed in half the time and fraction of cost , would not have required a NOC from India to get foreign assistance.
kalabagh and bhasha dam both have its advantages..experts dont agree to what you say as a detail engineering study has already completed which put the time frame at 8-9 years.
logistically its accessible through KKH however to deliver the final turbnes the highway will have to be slightly increased in width.

kalabgah has advantage of able to use extra 20 MAF of water from river kabul but bhasha dam has the advantage of not only saving tarbela dam but giving extra power at DASU,TARBELA and ghazi brotha.

which one is more beneficial, the answer is bhasha dam(MORE POWER,MORE STORAGE) but it will be costly to make about 30-40% more than kalabagh.

however if govt take the second route i.e earth filled rather than roller concrete than the projects cost can come down however the time frame will be increased..thats why the decision was made on roller concrete form.

kalabgh will generate approx 12 billion units every year basha will generate 19 billion units and additional 2 billion units at tarbela 5 billion units on dasu down stream and another 1 billion units at chasm and ghazi brotha. thus near twice as much of energy in addition to saving tarbela whose capacity is to be increased to 6000 mw under tarbela V (from 4800 once tarbela IV is completed)

so even if we built kalabgh, bhasha will still be of an immense importance especially after work on dasu..dasu can be completed to its full capacity of 4300 without bhasha
why is kalabagh dam a necessity, to stop down streaming flooding of kabul river( during flooding on occasion about 30 MAF of water is poured in from river kabul) and to irrigate barren lands of KPK and punjab
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5 - 7 years at best - if all the studies including feasibility report and detailed design are complete. Making dams on Indus is no joke.
some dams that are gigantic on global scale but pretty small for us like manda dam(1000mw 1.2MAF storage) can be completed within 5 years.
Dasu also originally had 5-6 years building period.

storage dams like bhasha will take a lot longer 8-9 years
kalabagh and bhasha dam both have its advantages..experts dont agree to what you say as a detail engineering study has already completed which put the time frame at 8-9 years.
logistically its accessible through KKH however to deliver the final turbnes the highway will have to be slightly increased in width.

kalabgah has advantage of able to use extra 20 MAF of water from river kabul but bhasha dam has the advantage of not only saving tarbela dam but giving extra power at DASU,TARBELA and ghazi brotha.

which one is more beneficial, the answer is bhasha dam(MORE POWER,MORE STORAGE) but it will be costly to make about 30-40% more than kalabagh.

however if govt take the second route i.e earth filled rather than roller concrete than the projects cost can come down however the time frame will be increased..thats why the decision was made on roller concrete form.
kalabgh will generate approx 12 billion units every year basha will generate 19 billion units and additional 2 billion units at tarbela 5 billion units on dasu down stream and another 1 billion units at chasm and ghazi brotha. thus near twice as much of energy in addition to saving tarbela whose capacity is to be increased to 6000 mw under tarbela V (from 4800 once tarbela IV is completed)

so even if we built kalabgh, bhasha will still be of an immense importance especially after work on dasu..dasu can be completed to its full capacity of 4300 without bhasha
why is kalabagh dam a necessity, to stop down streaming flooding of kabul river( during flooding on occasion about 30 MAF of water is poured in from river kabul) and to irrigate barren lands of KPK and punjab

1. Sindh has major problems with any suggestion of Punjab drawing water from Indus since Sindh supposedly has rights over Inudus' water and Punjab is supposed to use water from Chenab and Jhelum. So, irrigation of Punjab's lands from KBD is totally out. Irrigation of lands from KPK is necessary to win over KPK for this project.

2. Increase of Tarbela's capacity is for flood season from mid-June to early September. Luckily this is the time when most electricity is consumed during Summer heat. Beyond these three months, Tarbela can not utilize increase in capacity since there is not enough flow to use the extended generation capacity.

3. The design of dams upstream of Tarbela must account for seismic activity / earthquakes as a primary design consideration.

4. I agree that KBD should not be addressed until Bhasha and Dasu are in operation.
I wonder how much gigantic Katzarah dam which will generare 15,000MW and storerage capacity 35MAF will cost?
As you may already be aware that Skardu-Katzarah dam was shelved years ago

15,000MW dam project shelved by Wapda - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

The negative factors are way too many for us to consider right now. Only once a network of dams is already there, we can contemplate about initiating such a gigantic project. This is mother of all projects but requires lots of sacrifices from the local people. The damages will be minimum once a network of dam is there and the water flow can be managed in more appropriate manner.
As you may already be aware that Skardu-Katzarah dam was shelved years ago

15,000MW dam project shelved by Wapda - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

The negative factors are way too many for us to consider right now. Only once a network of dams is already there, we can contemplate about initiating such a gigantic project. This is mother of all projects but requires lots of sacrifices from the local people. The damages will be minimum once a network of dam is there and the water flow can be managed in more appropriate manner.

Shelved from 2025 Wapda vision, its long term project after other big dams are build. With its huge MAF storage capacity it can store huge amount of flood water which comes every 5-6 years in Pakistan.
4. I agree that KBD should not be addressed until Bhasha and Dasu are in operation.

Bunji 7100
Dasu 4300
Diamer-Bhasha 4500
Neelum Jhelum 969
Small dams = thousands of MW when total output combined

After we have these infrastructures ready we can add another option of Yulbu 3000, Skardu 1600 and many other dams. When you see the total potential of proposed dams, it already exceeds 40,000 MW of electricity with millions of cubic feet water of reserves. We don't need to take a risk for Skardu-Katzarah dam anytime soon.

I would love to see Kalabagh being constructed as had it been constructed back in 1980s, it would have fetched so much revenue already that we may have probably constructed 3x another dam from the profits of Kalabagh. But now the priorities are different, we can postpone Kalabagh and Katzarah like dams for the next 2 decades to come and focus on existing projects first

I am talking about dreaming. The total cost of making all of these dam may exceed 100 billion dollars easily, so either you take loans to fulfil your dream or wait for decades for the Government to fund these projects from her own pocket
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some dams that are gigantic on global scale but pretty small for us like manda dam(1000mw 1.2MAF storage) can be completed within 5 years.
Dasu also originally had 5-6 years building period.

storage dams like bhasha will take a lot longer 8-9 years

Pakistan is blessed with hydropower potential, what we call small dams are massive dams for rest of the world.
We need all dams be built as soon possible, not bothered where we get the money from.

Extension of Mangla & Tarbela
Completion of as many major & Minor hydropower projects as possible

All needed to be completed in the next 10 years if we are to remain competitive for exports in International market.

Get rid of floods, increase production agriculture many folds, massive increase in exports for both Agricultural and Industrial sector, cheap electricity and water reservoirs, millions of jobs will be created and a much healthier economy after utilising our natural resources

Building dams should be our utmost priority, it is a jugular vein of Pakistan.

China Has Offered 100% Financing on Very Easy Terms of which $5 Billion Will Be Released Immediately and China Three Gorges Will Start Work Within Weeks.Russia Made A Similarly Juicy Offer.All These Countries Ask Is That Their Countries Be Allowed To Take Up The Project Directly Which Is A Fair Demand Because They Are Giving Such A Big Financial Commitment On Very Easy Terms.They Deserve That Much of a Concession.

We Have Options We Do Not Need To Beg World Bank Or Get A Stupid NOC From India.We Can Tell No NOC Will Be Given WB Can Take It's Money And Shove It Up It's *******
Close the NISHAT industries of Nawaz shareef, electricity, gas. All will come back.
As you may already be aware that Skardu-Katzarah dam was shelved years ago

15,000MW dam project shelved by Wapda - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

The negative factors are way too many for us to consider right now. Only once a network of dams is already there, we can contemplate about initiating such a gigantic project. This is mother of all projects but requires lots of sacrifices from the local people. The damages will be minimum once a network of dam is there and the water flow can be managed in more appropriate manner.

The rate of population growth means that any problems of displaced people due to dam building will only grow with time the longer construction is delayed.
The rate of population growth means that any problems of displaced people due to dam building will only grow with time the longer construction is delayed.
But we might not need such a dam for the next 25 years. With our existing hydropower projects we can easily generate 40,000MW+ of electricity. Once that is done, we can think of drowning a beautiful valley of skardu


If we can truly complete the existing and proposed projects, we may not need to go ahead for this project or we can tweak the design to curtail most of the damage. Alternatively, We can explore plenty of other options like Wind power, Solar and Nuclear
But we might not need such a dam for the next 25 years. With our existing hydropower projects we can easily generate 40,000MW+ of electricity. Once that is done, we can think of drowning a beautiful valley of skardu


If we can truly complete the existing and proposed projects, we may not need to go ahead for this project or we can tweak the design to curtail most of the damage. Alternatively, We can explore plenty of other options like Wind power, Solar and Nuclear

Our problem is not generating capacity. It is mismanagement and theft, even if we build a 100 dams. Billions of rupees of circular debt will strangle any system.
China Has Offered 100% Financing on Very Easy Terms of which $5 Billion Will Be Released Immediately and China Three Gorges Will Start Work Within Weeks.Russia Made A Similarly Juicy Offer.All These Countries Ask Is That Their Countries Be Allowed To Take Up The Project Directly Which Is A Fair Demand Because They Are Giving Such A Big Financial Commitment On Very Easy Terms.They Deserve That Much of a Concession.

We Have Options We Do Not Need To Beg World Bank Or Get A Stupid NOC From India.We Can Tell No NOC Will Be Given WB Can Take It's Money And Shove It Up It's *******
nope, china hasnt, it has offered to construct but with high tarrif of nearly 8-10 rs twice of that which you will have to pay to WB if you get the loan from them(with tarrif around 4rs)
for all people have to understand that chinese are pure businessman ready totake the risk of investing in pakistan
There are lies, damned lies and statistics. This is how a shortfall of only 3100MW is claimed:

QUOTE: "When asked, Minister of State for Water and Power Abid Sher Ali admitted that the actual shortfall stands at 7000MW as per the total electricity demand all over the country.
However, he said that the government calculates power shortfall from the quotas allocated to Discos, rather than the total demand. “If a Disco gets less from its allocated quota, we count it as power shortfall,” he said."/QUOTE

Actual power shortfall at least 7000MW, official records reveal - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
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