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Government appeases religious parties on blasphemy law

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for god's sake, tell me what is wrong to talk about the rights of women? dont you want to see our women be seen and treated like humen?

our women been seen?? and treated like human, are we treating them like an animal in pakistan now???

---------- Post added at 06:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:23 PM ----------

are you for real? who says secularist system legitimizes corruption?

he is talking about zerdari government..
for god's sake, tell me what is wrong to talk about the rights of women? dont you want to see our women be seen and treated like humen?

Sir, you are lost in the abyss of ignorance

---------- Post added at 06:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:23 PM ----------

our women been seen?? and treated like human, are we treating them like an animal in pakistan now???

been seen? what do you mean by that? I dont say you are treating them like animals in paksitan, but i was rather talking about muslim countries in general. If you think we have treated our women fairly then i can tell you that you are walking in a wrong way, or you just pretend nothing is happening to our women.

he is talking about zerdari government..

It is zardari, not secularism. tell me in whic peice of gov legislation says that corruption is OK?
The ulema is biased and politically inclined, when questioned by Justice Munir and Kiyani, none of them had the same opinion of what constitutes a Muslim.

This Ulema of yours indulges in all vices and you consider them to be the righteous lot.

You asked for a reference and so I referred not just one, but virtually all the Ulema of Pakistan. Ulema of all sects have given many references as why blasphemy is within the bound of Islamic law.
But again, your not a Muslim so what difference does it make to you?

Secularist agenda is not anti Islamic, your opinion is limited and confined to defending Islam not promoting it.
What a completely nonsensical straw man statement! How is defending Islam not promoting it? How can one be for defending something and not want to promote it?

Sure, but Mullahs are not a representation of Islam but rather extremism.
Who are you to judge that? You dismissed all the Ulema in Pakistan as not being representative of Islam? Who is representative of Islam? You, a non-Muslim who promotes an anti-Islamic secular agenda day and night?

You were born in a state where Secularism is national discourse. Yet you continue to aggressively denounce it, hypocrisy at it's finest.

You earn your bread and butter in a place where what you hate is the norm and yet you oppose it.

You do not have any right as an outsider to preach my nation.

Islam is not limited to a single nation or state. It is for all man-kind, regardless of where they are from and who they are. For you as a non-Muslim from a Muslim majority country to make such a statement actually flies back in your face.

For you to push an anti-Islamic agenda where Islamic law is supreme is in direct violation of law of the land.

Unlike a coward like some, I defend my religion publicly in this country and I am proud of it. In Fact, many non-Muslims I have talked to in this country agree with what I say in regards to Islam.
The blasphemy law will definately be removed, if the government doesnt remove it, the common man of pakistan will force it to do so.
You asked for a reference and so I referred not just one, but virtually all the Ulema of Pakistan. Ulema of all sects have given many references as why blasphemy is within the bound of Islamic law.
But again, your not a Muslim so what difference does it make to you?

Inane as usual, you referred me when, all you did is state that the 'Ulema' agree on blasphemy law, how exactly is that refrencing a unified statement.

Common falsified argument trying to divert from the matter and not offering concrete factualities for support.

Btw, I made that Kafir statement as a point of sarcasm becuase apparently according to your logic, promoting secularism makes one Godless.

What a completely nonsensical straw man statement! How is defending Islam not promoting it? How can one be for defending something and not want to promote it?

So you promote it through emotional rants, cursing seculars and not offering any proof for your stand. As long as the Ulema says so, it's a matter of finality.

Who are you to judge that? You dismissed all the Ulema in Pakistan as not being representative of Islam? Who is representative of Islam? You, a non-Muslim who promotes an anti-Islamic secular agenda day and night?

Clearly respect and manners are not norm for these Mullahs and you share that trait. Let me give you a final warning, be civil when you are discussing or you are gone.

Islam is not limited to a single nation or state. It is for all man-kind, regardless of where they are from and who they are. For you as a non-Muslim from a Muslim majority country to make such a statement actually flies back in your face.

For you to push an anti-Islamic agenda where Islamic law is supreme is in direct violation of law of the land.

Unlike a coward like some, I defend my religion publicly in this country and I am proud of it. In Fact, many non-Muslims I have talked to in this country agree with what I say in regards to Islam.

I am confused, first you liken the leaders of Pakistan to be secular but then you state that in Pakistan, Islamic law is supreme.

What is it? Secularism or Islamism.

Confusion and hypocrisy is common, so is veiled insults it seems.

I stand correct, you have as much say in Pakistans set up as I have in US.

I am an observer who can only comment on what I am asked, same goes for you and thank God for that.
If this thread has taught me anything, it is that I m not going to engage in any discussion with T Faz...

Pointless emotional ranting at its best...
If this thread has taught me anything, it is that I m not going to engage in any discussion with T Faz...

Pointless emotional ranting at its best...

You had to find a reason to not debate with me and now you have one.

Kind advice, don't spend too much time on that Khilafat website you pointed me towards.

Islam has other reasons to exist rather than engage in 'Clash of the civilisations' or somehow defeat the west.

T-faz and webby,in my observation has proved to be one of the sanest individuals around. He does not go overboard and clearly presents his rationale. Its religous bigots like you who needs to muzzled so pakistan can move forward. Dismissing his view as "emotional" hardly does anything to refute him and instead displays your desperation.
You had to find a reason to not debate with me and now you have one.

Kind advice, don't spend too much time on that Khilafat website you pointed me towards.

Islam has other reasons to exist rather than engage in 'Clash of the civilisations' or somehow defeat the west.

There is nt just one reason to avoid discussion with you... There is more than one...

1. You ask questions, yet refuse to accept answers when given to you.

2. You ask for a road map to progress as inspired by Islam and when it is given to you, you escape by stating you ll read it when you have time.

3. You claim youself to be a Kafir (if you are a Kafir why not keep your kufr to yourself and not engage in discussions about Islam then? What is it to you? You are definitely not the majority in Pakistan... why are you so agitated about what Muslims want and what they dont want in their country... and most importantly why do you want to impose your ideas upon the majority of the people of Pakistan?

4. You think that people who live in the west should be completely secular and have no opposition to secularism otherwise they are hypocrites and yet you yourself live in a country of Muslims and oppose all notions of Islam and then try to hide behind oh I was born here excuse... what about a Muslim who was born in the west? Why do you have such double standards that when you have nothing left to discuss you resort to name calling and insulting other members?

I think that these are good enough reasons to avoid discussion with you... You are so emotional in your rants its obvious for readers here... dont get me wrong... I actually enjoyed discussing with you and liked you for your curiosity and thinking... but anyone can see that a discussion with you is basically going nowhere except you creating a tense environment here in all discussions that have to do with Islam...

and to think of it... You are a moderator on this forum... what a shame...
Obviously not but i don't understand that how the honour of our prophet(P.B.U.H) is in danger in a Muslim majority country?

Besides Sherry Rehman was only trying to modify the law so that it is not exploited. Noone was removing the law altogether but our religious mafia didn't like it either.

What do you mean by big picture. Can you elaborate?
Its easy way to get rid of enemies......

Accuse someone of Balsphemy..... Pay 1000 rupees to investigating ASP........ On his investigation court will decide.... There is no other sentence except death sentence.... Problem solved... Mullah Happy....

Ohh and BTW never argue in real life with mullah on this topic.... Otherwise you'll be the next in line of blasphemy law..... because they can't argue and the easy way to win is issue a fatwa. So either the court will hang you or you'll get killed by angry Mullah mob.
I am convinced after reading......mullah's are on RAW payroll and sent to destabilise pakistan with their illiterate rants. And goons like some on this thread blindly follow them.
Hell, i am going to get that german citizenship.
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