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God, please defeat America’s allies on May 11


Mar 5, 2013
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God, please defeat America’s allies on May 11
Saturday April 27, 2013


“O God, please defeat America’s allies on May 11,” said the imam at a Friday congregation in my neighborhood mosque in Islamabad. Some of the worshippers said, ‘Amen.’ Others were quiet.

Later in the evening, at a reception some of the guests said the same thing, although they worded it differently. “The Americans have dumped PPP. They are now backing PML-N,” said a guest.

“What if America does not have a favorite in this election?” I asked him. This attracted others too and they joined the conversation.

“You want us to believe that the Americans have stopped interfering in Pakistan?” asked Mr. Chaudhry, the deputy editor of a local newspaper.

“Perhaps,” I replied.

“Rubbish,” said Mr. Khan, an architect who works on several US-funded projects. “Pakistan is too important a country to be left alone.”

“Don’t we give too much importance to ourselves? Perhaps, the Americans have other important things to do as well,” said I.

This triggered an agitated discussion on conspiracies.

“Who sent Musharraf?” asked a guest.

“That too was a conspiracy?” I asked.

“Obviously,” he responded, “he has been sent to weaken the Pakistan army.”

“And how would he do that?” I asked.

“See, how because of him the army is being attacked from all sides. If this continues, the people of Pakistan will start hating their armed forces and that’s what America wants,” said another guest.

“Why would America want that? I asked him.

“They are withdrawing from Afghanistan and have helped build a huge force in that country. On the east, there’s India. On the West, there will be Afghanistan. This will force Pakistan to do whatever the Americans want them to do,” said the guest.

“Someone suggested that PML-N is their favorite. If it is true, it means Nawaz Sharif shares their views and he too wants Pakistan to be sandwiched between two adversaries,” I said.

“Well, who knows? All of them are in America’s pockets,” said yet another guest.

Fascinated by these talks, I decided to take the conversation to the bazaar and engaged some while visiting Banni Chowk and Kirtarpura, two old markets in Rawalpindi.

“Imran is the only one who is not an agent of a foreign power,” said Zeb Khan, while offering a plate of delicious mutton tikkas at Bala Tikka House, one of the best in the federal capital area. “He is against the drones.”

“I am not so sure,” said his friend Nasir Malik, “he too has lived in the West, had a western wife.”

“Maulana Fazlur Rehman is not an agent,” said Abdul Hameed, a man from Mansehra who works at a grocery store in the nearby Raja Bazaar.

“Maulana Fazlur Rehman not an agent?” the other two cried out.

“He was paid millions of dollars to reform madrassahs,” said Zeb Khan.

What he said next contradicted his claim that the maulana too was an agent but nobody seemed to have noticed this contradiction.

“The Americans fear that religious parties can form an MMA-type government in KPK and want to stop it,” he said.

“Why should they be scared of their own agent?” asked I, while reminding him that he said Maulana Fazlur Rehman was an American agent.

“He may be their agent but they do not want a religious government in KPK while they are busy withdrawing their forces from Afghanistan,” came the reply.

“Does it mean that they will prefer PTI or PML-N to dominate the next KPK government?” I asked.

“Yes, perhaps,” said Mr. Khan.

“But you just said that they too, were American agents,” I reminded him.

“Yes, all this is very confusing but one thing is clear, all these politicians are in their pockets,” he said.

“If whoever is in power will work for America, why should they care who wins the election?” I asked.

This started another animated conversation and all four participants, through some twisted logic, concluded that the Americans do not want the May 11 elections. The army too opposes it as does President Zardari. So, the elections will be postponed with the judiciary’s support.

“Now you are saying that the president, the army and the judiciary all work for America,” I reminded them.

“President Zardari? Of course, he does. The whole world knows that,” said one of them.

“The Americans also have had close links to the military. But I am not so sure about the judiciary,” said another.

“I will not be surprised if they too were American agents,” said the first.

“O God, please defeat America’s allies on May 11,” I repeated what I heard at the mosque as I moved out of Bala Tikka House.

“But then, who will run the country if all are agents?” I asked myself.

God, please defeat America
I must agree, nowadays everyone is a conspiracy theorist in pakistan!
. This was epic
“But then, who will run the
country if all are agents?” I
asked myself
"Imran is the only one who is not an agent of a foreign power"

The other day in an interview, Imran Khan revealed how he requested his father to step-down from chairmanship of Shoukat Khanam when he wasn't able to manage growth and opportunities. If IK didn't tolerate weakness in his own father, which else can matter in his pursuit of prosperity..? Which personality, which factor, which country?
Ahhhhhhhh! We Americans!!! MASTERS of Pakistan, the world and the UNIVERSE!!!!! Bow down before our might, our intelligence, and our cunning ......

old man you are not young any more, time's changed :rofl:
Ahhhhhhhh! We Americans!!! MASTERS of Pakistan, the world and the UNIVERSE!!!!! Bow down before our might, our intelligence, and our cunning ......

your leaders cant pull out your retreating forces from Afghanistan without our help. Your leaders beg for a safe passage for your forces and you are ordering us to bow down.:rofl:
Nice read, author summed it up nicely in his last line.. :tup:
The problem is that we Pakistanis need a “boogy man” and these days our “boogy man” is America. Educated people cannot get out of conspiracy theories than what would one expect from the uneducated man on street – nothing but confused babbling. Pakistanis need to do a deep soul searching and see where the problem lies. It is not America or its allies. Pakistan is a nuclear state with a powerful military. Today it is being treated like a rag-tag banana republic because of in-deep corruption in all faction of our lives… Our religious leaders are corrupt; they not only fool the common public with their beards and turbans but even try to fool GOD (nauzbillah). Our Judges are another bunch that are dishonest to the core. Look at them they have been fooling the people of this country since 1954 when Justice Munir validated Governor General Ghulam Mohammad’s unconstitutional move. Today it is no different the same bunch of Judges are who validated Musharraf’s rule in 1999 are prosecuting him for various crimes… They have been knee deep with him in his so called crimes. The politicians who have been making hue and cries against America’s Drone attacks have silently indorsed the killing machines as they do kill terrorist (but with them innocent women and children also die). These corrupt politicians have been looting Pakistan and building and buying palaces in England, France Spain, Saudi Arabai and the UAE. Some even have ranches in America. The irony is that we keep cussing America and keep putting blames on others but do not just tilt our heads and look under our own collars… We will see the problem within. We need to root that out! By voting in “honest” people… America will always look for its interest… so should we… Look at our own interest but the question is do we?
Ahhhhhhhh! We Americans!!! MASTERS of Pakistan, the world and the UNIVERSE!!!!! Bow down before our might, our intelligence, and our cunning ......

Stop being so naive.
The US has long been using dirty, undemocratic tactics to impose their will on others.
Supporting dictators, supporting murderers, thieves and also using divide and rule tactics.

being from the US I don't expect you to know a damn thing about what I'm saying.
being from the US I don't expect you to know a damn thing about what I'm saying.

And, by your not being from the US, I don't expect that you know a damn thing about what you are saying! :yahoo:
I don't know what the US is doing, they'd obviously want to keep it a secret if they were involved...

The US has interfered before, remember Iran? The CIA was responsible for causing trouble for Mosaddegh and getting the Shah back into power, all because of British oil companies... so they can definitely interfere and cause a mess for their own interests.

Still, I don't believe in conspiracy theories for Pakistan yet.
And, by your not being from the US, I don't expect that you know a damn thing about what you are saying! :yahoo:

This is the kind of blissful ignorance I've across in many Americans on this forum and others.
Some of you are all right.

But others well...
You block out any ideas that threaten you, blissfully ignorant and unaware.
the political scene in Pakistan this time is so complex that even US is confused to choose a favourit.

so. be ready for a mixture of parties.
The Elections in Pakistan are its internal matter and the United States has no favorites in the Pakistani elections. We do not support any candidates and nor do we have a say in it. We have worked with all parties that have formed the government in the past and we hope to continue to work with any party that is elected by the people of Pakistan to form the next government. Pakistan is an important country in the region and we are concerned about the terrorist attacks on Election rallies, candidates and offices. We hope that Pakistani security forces are able to apprehend the terrorists so all are able to participate in free and fair elections.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
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