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Go home Indian media, Nepal Twitterati says


Apr 28, 2011
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The outrage on Twitter is connected to the accusation that Indian TV channels have engaged in “insensitive” reporting of the aftermath of the earthquake in Nepal.

NEW DELHI: If the Indian media has devoted wall-to-wall coverage of the Nepal earthquake, they were shown their place on social media on Sunday, the top trending hashtag being #GoHomeIndianMedia, which until evening had collected about 144,000 tweets.

The online outrage is connected to the accusation that Indian TV channels have engaged in "insensitive" reporting of the aftermath of the earthquake. The TV channels, with their penchant for shoving microphones at suffering victims, have been accused of gross misconduct, in some situations even confronting security forces at the site of the devastation. They have intruded into family cremations, questioned grieving relatives, and generally shown a picture that many have found to be cringe-worthy.

The Indian media, and here a distinction would have to be made between the TV channels and the print media, have also been accused of showing the efforts of the Indian Army, and Indian disaster-relief personnel at work in Nepal, in a glowing light.

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Some of the tweets were scathing — "dangerous insensitive journalism without any humane elements, such a tragedy in the aftermath of one"; "Indian media ruining harmony, neighbourhood, respect and affection between Nepal-India by their unethical journalism"; "Dear vultures, you've picked the bones of the dead clean. Go home now".

In the hours after the devastating earthquake, Indian TV channels were the first on the ground. Their stories and their pictures brought the massive destruction to living rooms across the country and the world. It generated a massive response from the Indian public, with schools and Bollywood all pitching in with relief and assistance. In many ways, it has driven the global response to Nepal.

But in the week since the tragedy, the TV channels' relentless quest to feed the 24/7 news networks have elicited stories that may have been exaggerated, while the pressure of competition may have led them to resort to hyperbole in ways that probably should have been reined in. But the stories have been aired without question by the channels.

"Stop your media-quake!! We are already in pang by devastating earthquake and your news are not helping the victims!!" said an anguished tweet.

Of course, the part of the story that no one talks about is what would have happened if the Indian media was not all out there? The first, and most justified criticism, would have been again about an insensitive media. But on an instant high, Twitter has stood in judgment.

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Go home Indian media, Nepal Twitterati says - The Times of India
@Horus @Oscar @WebMaster @Jango @Jungibaaz @nair @SpArK @OrionHunter @AUz @Abu Zolfiqar @Spring Onion
Meanwhile - Pakistan is leading relief efforts but not bragging about it. This is a time to focus on helping Nepal and its people not scoring 'points'


p.s. indian media was trying to slander our efforts in Nepal by bringing up beef masala MREs - when that was only 1 of the many items we had provided (that one in error, though im sure there are Nepalese who eat meat)
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People will know who was helping and who was point scoring... we are there purly to help!
stupid Indians they keep falling into holes they think they are digging for others
Meanwhile - Pakistan is leading relief efforts but not bragging about it. This is a time to focus on helping Nepal and its people not scoring 'points'


p.s. indian media was trying to slander our efforts in Nepal by bringing up beef masala MREs - when that was only 1 of the many items we had provided (that one in error, though im sure there are Nepalese who eat meat)

Leading relief efforts. Lol.
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Forget everything, tell me what mighty Arnab thinks about the current situation ?? Subcontinent janana chahta ha ........ :cheesy:
Who knew that Indian Media won't know the norms and manners of Hindu Kingdom.

But then again the other day Indians were all "how dare Pakistan supply Beef Masala as food aid package to Nepalese, its against their religious beliefs, it must have hurt their religious sensitivities" etc. Now how would they explain their own lack of sensitivity and respect for the culture and manners?
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Gen V.K Singh said it right, we do have plenty of 'Presstitutes', however none can match the amount of assets from the IAF/IA helping in Nepal. India is clearly there to help on the long run.
. . .
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