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Give Pervez Musharraf Support

he almost ..almost butchered this country and you want him to be the prez..he is the reason scum like zardari are ruling Pakistan today !

You like Bhutto? :blink:

The 1 billion she stole last time was not enough. If she was President she would have stole the rest of Pakistan's money and lived the lavish luxury lifestyle while Pakistanis go hungry and suffer. :disagree:
he almost ..almost butchered this country and you want him to be the prez..he is the reason scum like zardari are ruling Pakistan today !

Zardari is ruling Pakistan because more than 1crore people voted him while other 17crore were sh***** in their bathrooms instead of being at the poling stations.

(WE) The Pakistani people deserve a scum like Zardari.!! Way to go Zardari, there is still alot of Pakistan, yet to be destroyed!!!
As far as I am concerned, musharraf did better than anyone so far from Zia. The Current admin is doing a few things well and hope it continues but i want to see Musharraf in office, it was good time for Pakistan.
I am a major contributor to the anti-Musharraf campaign but it is his right to come back and take part in the process (if he is willing to).

Before that, let me correct a few mistakes

Musharaf sold his sister's and brother's to USA, remember Dr Afia and Lal Masjid.

No thousands of "brothers and sisters" sold as commonly believed by every Tom, Dick and Harry. It's been discussed in detail, case by case, in the Musharraf sticky thread. Only 8 or 9 Pakistanis who were arrested in Pakistan were ever handed over. Dr. Aafia is irrelevant. She is a US citizen. Don't give me the "daughter of Pakistan BS.

Musharaf gave bases to USA, to attack its own people (drones) remember.

While he most definitely should have demanded more in return and negotiated a better deal, giving the "bases" is not a crime. We gave bases in the cold war as well (albeit for smaller operations). Nobody could have become a stonewall, it is pointless to become one. Neither could have we resisted the US demand to join as an ally in the WoT nor could have resisted any attempts to launch air strikes from our land. CSF, development aid, better terms could have been achieved but this attitude of yours clearly emnates from west-is-against-islam, death-to-america, pan-islamic jihad thoughts. Come out of the "Ahmedinejad rocks" mindset.

Musharaf compromised on kashmir by cutting supply line of freedom fighters.

Supply line should have been cut. We can support them morally and ideologically but if we aim to settle Kashmir once and for all, a military solution is non-existent and three major adventures are a testament to it.

The talks were a major failure though. Back channel diplomacy didn't yield any results, only promises.

I failed to understand how a sain Pakistani in his right state of mind can tolerate him back.

He is a citizen with a constituionally protected fundamental right to live freely, engage in political assembly and run for public office.

Exiles are pointless and shameful for a nation.

Musharaf should come back, but not to contest election but stand trail for treason.

Let that happen when he comes back. While I most definitely do not support him nor do I approve of him largely, treason trials are pointless. Give him NRO as well. Move on.

Each time i think of Dr:Afia and her childern's and hundreds of missing Pakistan'i, i feel like killing him.

Again, don't give me the Dr. Aafia BS. You give her money, she'll blow you up as well. The "missing people" are the product of dictatorial, totalitarian and autocratic rule. a testament to the time we lived in.

I would love to see him back coz i know some one will takecare him sooner or later.

He will most definitely have support among the .1% of the population comprising of friends, extended family and the upwardly mobile urban class. Army brats and teenagers with I-hate-politics attitude don't matter in any political process in Pakistan, they can just post pictures on Facebook and jump around with big statements without ever indulging in anything substantiative.
@Paksindhi You maybe over carried away with their emotional blackmail it seems but the reality is far different.

Mrakistani man, r u serious or joking, i am not a Bhutto or Zardari lover, infact i dispise them but Musharaf is no saint also.

WEll, no 1 is

Musharaf sold his sister's and brother's to USA, remember Dr Afia and Lal Masjid.

Lal Masjid case Where one man forcefully locks female students as human shields for Jihad (just like taliban) and forces them to die for defending him in the name of Islam and where the other surviving brother tries to flee under a lady's Bhukra, leaving the girls in death trap and gets caught and laters begs for mercy !!!!

Afia siddique, my sympathies are with her, but one thing i could never get through my mind, If she is innocent, then what USA has got to do with an innocent girl with two kids, playing around with her wasting its money,time & getting a bad image!! There are crores of girls in Pakistan and hundereds of thousands of female doctors and scientists then y only her ?? there is something. Her husband never appears on tv or supports her, y??

Musharaf gave bases to USA, to attack its own people (drones) remember.

What different is Zardari doing ? He let them in even more, and by the way we all know Musharaf was arm twisted and we were threatened to be bombed back to stone age, any other leader would also have done the same or at best would have bargained it better.

I failed to understand how a sain Pakistani in his right state of mind can tolerate him back.

Just as How some can tolerate Bhutto(who broke Pakistan into half just for his seat, Benazir(famous for corruption also who promised US to let armies in Pakistani lands if she will be PM) & Zardari(the dirtiest creature on the planet)now!!

Musharaf should come back, but not to contest election but stand trail for treason.

More than him was PPP's Rehman malik and others are responsible. What a President has to do after he has ordered to provide security and if a police officer doesnt carry it properly. All these claims are false that Police security wasn't good enough, if there was even a slight fault the attack would have happened before right when she was at stage, it was her own mistake when she came out of the car just for some show off, when she knew herself that how risky it is, so when you take such risks you sometime have to pay off!

Each time i think of Dr:Afia and her childern's and hundreds of missing Pakistan'i, i feel like killing him.

Compared to loots of billions of dollars and largest corruption scandals and breaking up of Pakistan into two, you are bringing up one case buddy!! Whe are not in heavens with angels serving us!!

Each time i think of Dr:Afia and her childern's and hundreds of missing Pakistan'i, i feel like killing him.

Well, what has Mr.zardari done in regard with that case ?? Did they try to free her? And how can we put one case against Billions of corruption scandals & tearing of Pk into two pieces!!!

Im sure you are not aware of the economic & defense developments Pakistan made under his political regime!!
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Musharaf sold his sister's and brother's to USA, remember Dr Afia and Lal Masjid.

Lal Masjid was an anti-terrorism operation. They took people hostage, killed police officers, and destroyed dozens of businesses.

Musharaf gave bases to USA, to attack its own people (drones) remember.

The drones have killed more terrorists than innocents. But what difference would a missile make? Or you would rather have 100's of potential suicide bombers running freely throughout the land? Then again, why would an innocent be hanging out with a terrorist?

Musharaf compromised on kashmir by cutting supply line of freedom fighters.

Those freedom fighters did more damage to Pakistan than they did to India.

I failed to understand how a sain Pakistani in his right state of mind can tolerate him back.

Economy, infrastructural development, and huge amounts of deals he made with China.

Musharaf should come back, but not to contest election but stand trail for treason.

Treason for what? Actually doing positive stuff for Pakistan?

Each time i think of Dr:Afia and her childern's and hundreds of missing Pakistan'i, i feel like killing him.

You do realise, that Dr. Aafia was captured in Afghanistan, and not Pakistan, right? Her husband was the nephew of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and he was caught aiding the 9/11 hijackers. Just because she is a woman, does not mean she is innocent.

"Hundreds of missing Pakistani's"
13,000 Taliban militants are under Pakistan military custody. I wonder how many of them would fall under those lines.

I would love to see him back coz i know some one will takecare him sooner or later.
The problem is that we need to concentrate on development and advancement in all sectors while also quashing islamism that zia sowed the seeds of. Perhaps it is better to compromise on our little specialities such as fighting with someone or between ourselves and meddling in foreign affairs.

We need to move forward and that we did under Musharraf which is commendable, like him or not, he got things done.

Overcome your petty ethnic alliances or your revolutionary instincts and decide what's best for our country. We do not need politicians who are busy filling up their pockets but leaders who can make the right decisions.
What different is Zardari doing ? He let them in even more

What BS ! Neither do you have any proof, nor can you establish this argument theoretically. Just shut this "blackwater" conspiracy machine.

Just as How some can tolerate Bhutto(who broke Pakistan into half just for his seat, Benazir(famour for corruption also who promised US to let armies in Pakistani lands if she will be PM) & Zardari(the dirtiest creature on the planet)now!!

1. Bhutto wasn't even the most major factor. Glaring economic disparity, political oppression since independence and the last nail in the coffin being Yahya Khan. Much has been written about it and even a book cannot do justice to this debate. There are major threads for this discussion, do not make unsubstantiated major claims that have no ground.

2. Care to provide how Benazir "promised US to let armies in Pakistani lands" ? I'm speechless. The establishment portrayed her as a traitor and threat to national security just to downplay her image because people like you will believe anything that is said about anybody when it comes to the hysteria of national security.

3. I won't comment on the words you used for Zardari, but I most definitely do not like to use such words for anybody.

More than him was PPP's Rehman malik and other responsible. What a President has to do after he has security and if a police officer doesnt carry properly. All these claims are false that Police security wasnt good, if there was a slight fault the attack would have happened before, it was her own mistake when she came out of car just for some show off when she knew herself that how risky it is, so when you take such risks you sometime have to pay off!
Nobody made a comment about the BB assassination. Were you afraid somebody would make such a statement?

Well, what has Mr.zardari done in regard with that case ?? Did they try to free her? And how can we put one case against Billions of corruption scandals & tearing of Pk into two pieces!!!

The GoP has spent > USD 2 million pursuing legal necessities in the Aafia Siddiqui case. That's nearly 1 rupee spent for every Pakistani. We should have let her case be handled automatically under public prosecution and spent the 2 million on our children.
Mr:Pakistani man, r u serious or joking, i am not a Bhutto or Zardari lover, infact i dispise them but Musharaf is no saint also.

Musharaf sold his sister's and brother's to USA, remember Dr Afia and Lal Masjid.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was Dr Afia second husband's uncle.

She help out Al-Quaeda. She would most likey have helped out those that are doing terror bombings in Pakistan was she not caputured.

She is your "sister" not mine.
Lal Masjid was an anti-terrorism operation. They took people hostage, killed police officers, and destroyed dozens of businesses.

The drones have killed more terrorists than innocents. But what difference would a missile make? Or you would rather have 100's of potential suicide bombers running freely throughout the land? Then again, why would an innocent be hanging out with a terrorist?

Those freedom fighters did more damage to Pakistan than they did to India.

Economy, infrastructural development, and huge amounts of deals he made with China.

Treason for what? Actually doing positive stuff for Pakistan?

You do realise, that Dr. Aafia was captured in Afghanistan, and not Pakistan, right? Her husband was the nephew of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and he was caught aiding the 9/11 hijackers. Just because she is a woman, does not mean she is innocent.

"Hundreds of missing Pakistani's"
13,000 Taliban militants are under Pakistan military custody. I wonder how many of them would fall under those lines.


Well said. :tup:
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