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Ghaznavi Missile Tested

yeah but they are considered heroes in our parts so we name our missiles after their bravery and valor

like ghaznavi ghauri alkhalid name of tank babur missile etc
Well actually India needs an ICBM for its global ambitions,everyone including u knows that US is not an ally of ours,in any case there is a conflict between the 2 then we are at the loosing side,so we need one
and to be honest Pakistan also needs one for its safety,maybe after it US will stop the drones
but it needs to be handled carefully,i m saying these because as i was going through 1 of the posts,a member said that if we are on the losing side then we will make sure that no one survives by using A bomb on most countries
these kind of attitude is really deadly

Yar how the hell US is not your ally? US is your biggest ally even bigger then Rusia.
faster than speed of light as per Pakistan! now are you scared?

pffftttt we got that slow speed covered with babur:p:P:P this one can go faster then neutrinos( something faster then the speed of light)
ballistic missile speeds are more then speed of SOUND. no exact speed number is know!
however the Ghauri and Shaheen missiles are stated to have speed of around Mach 5 to Mach 8
Why the hell Pakistan is testing Missile again and again which have already have been tested several times Pakistan should now test new longer range Missiles

A weapon tested frequently is a reliable weapon.
ballistic missile speeds are more then speed of light. no exact speed number is know!
however the Ghauri and Shaheen missiles are stated to have speed of around Mach 5 to Mach 8

You do realize that machs are used for the speed of sound and that there is no known matter that can go close to the speed of light. right?
You do realize that machs are used for the speed of sound and that there is no known matter that can go close to the speed of light. right?
recent studies has found out some particles which can travel at the speed of light..i forgot the name. however it still is not widely accepted, needs more studies. any way it has nothing to do with pak missiles as of now.B-)
You do realize that machs are used for the speed of sound and that there is no known matter that can go close to the speed of light. right?

was laughing at the post above mentioning the speed to be faster then speed of light and replied in same state of mind, it was a mistake at my end, sorry, i wrongly said light in place of sound (corrected now)
sorry, and thanks for pointing!!

i mean to say speed of Sound, not light,
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