Actually it is normal that Germany spying us

they are fearing because we visited of their teritorry in 16. centurry in Ottomans time and 3. centurry in Hun Turks time. If we rise again we can effect of their economy as negative, change world balances and can interfere of their internal issues etc.
Actually we have many potantial enemies in the world, because we were successfully in history and we almost ruled half of the world in our long history so they are fearing us and they are little jealous
Little bit history about Turkic empires,
France hate us because we destroyed of their armies when they tryed to enter Muslims territory (like crusades, anatolia and Istanbul in ww1 etc.) and we was interfering of their internal affairs in our Strong times.
Britain hate us because we was attacking of their lands in Hayreddin Barbarossa time, we cutted of their interests several times in the history and we helped Irish people when they needed help...
America not hate us so their problem with the money and power. They are companies state. they don't mind people, states, nations, religious or anything, they are playing for interests of masonic groups and businessmen.
Russia dont like us because our interests allways collide,
China not possitive because they remember our old wars, we allways disturbed them since B.C.
Greece no need talk about it
Iran hate us because of section differences and historical background, we captured of their lands and ruled them long times as a Turkic people...
Arabs are not possitive because we took The banner of Islam from them a thousand years ago and we ruled Muslims very well, so they are jealous

Israel hate us because we are imprisoned them in Palastine but actually their plan is so big, They wanna occupy M.E. and even they wanna make world people slaves like dogs.
Armenia hate us because we exiled them but they are forgetting that, they was working with France and killed our hundreds of thousands unarmed people so they are lying about that genocide and try to get more lands and money from us.
Who are our friends?
Turkic people lossed their spirit and caracter because of communism so they have no target about future like before times but of course they like us and novadays our relationship increasing very fast !
Pakistan and Bangladesh love us because we have same blood same destiny and strong historical background! we was helping each other since hundred years with our life, money, technology, prays and everythings....
Japans love us, we have less relationship less historical background but i don't now why we are really love each other sincerely, actually Okinawa Japans was living in same area with Turkic people in the past so their language grammer is Altaic,
Korean love us because we have same blood same Altaic grammar same cultures, so they have historical documents which shows Turkish and Korean people are coming from same family.
Albanian and Bosnanian love us even they dont know our language but when we speak they are crying, because they miss JUSTICE like in Ottoman time.
Poor people love us like casualty, war victims, hungry etc. because we are helping them without interests so we are teaching them how can they developte themselves, look at Africa...
As a result our friends far from us as distance or they are not strong,but we have enough potantial enemies which close to us or they are far but strong, so they are really interesting in us because we are staying center of the world, it is mean everycountry has interests on Turkey and every moves of Turkey effecting them... this way they are spying us and trying the change our natural destiny...