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German police raid Islamist group


Nov 1, 2010
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German police have raided properties linked to an ultra-conservative Islamic organisation after the interior minister banned the group.

Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said the Salafist organisation Millatu Ibrahim, had been calling on Muslims to fight against Germany's "constitutional order".

He said the group's goal was to see Germany ruled by Islamic Sharia law.

Some 1,000 police raided buildings including homes and mosques in seven of Germany's 16 states.

Germany's intelligence and security agencies have been increasingly monitoring the activities of the Salafists, who number some 4,000 in Germany.

Overall, officials say some 130 radical Muslims in Germany are known to authorities as being potentially violent, and 24 of those are part of the Salafist movement.

www.bmi.bund.de/EN/(German Interior Ministry)
and people still ask why islamophobia is on the rise
No Religion is bad...and we r no one to judge others religion.......

But the main problem with most of the Islamic follower is there hardcoreness. they want to force u to follow there rules.. u want to live under that rule...follow it who stopping u...
...but no u want to move to other country for better living ...and then try to make that country like ur country...is sick...
There are so many Turkish immigrant in Germany at the moment, they might as well call it Northern Turkey. Growing influence of Islam is something that cannot be avoided under these circumstances.
German police have raided properties linked to an ultra-conservative Islamic organisation after the interior minister banned the group.

Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said the Salafist organisation Millatu Ibrahim, had been calling on Muslims to fight against Germany's "constitutional order".

He said the group's goal was to see Germany ruled by Islamic Sharia law.

Some 1,000 police raided buildings including homes and mosques in seven of Germany's 16 states.

Germany's intelligence and security agencies have been increasingly monitoring the activities of the Salafists, who number some 4,000 in Germany.

Overall, officials say some 130 radical Muslims in Germany are known to authorities as being potentially violent, and 24 of those are part of the Salafist movement.

www.bmi.bund.de/EN/(German Interior Ministry)

Deport all those people to there original place......
These Salafi/ Wahabis are giving Islam a bad name

Due to the actions of these Salafi/Wahabis the average peace-loving Muslims are looked at with suspicion
muslims immigrants in europe never fail to embarass us, while OTOH the was a thread about legit tourists not getting a visa :P
German police have raided properties linked to an ultra-conservative Islamic organisation after the interior minister banned the group.

Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said the Salafist organisation Millatu Ibrahim, had been calling on Muslims to fight against Germany's "constitutional order".

He said the group's goal was to see Germany ruled by Islamic Sharia law.

Some 1,000 police raided buildings including homes and mosques in seven of Germany's 16 states.

Germany's intelligence and security agencies have been increasingly monitoring the activities of the Salafists, who number some 4,000 in Germany.

Overall, officials say some 130 radical Muslims in Germany are known to authorities as being potentially violent, and 24 of those are part of the Salafist movement.

www.bmi.bund.de/EN/(German Interior Ministry)

Send them back.....
I bet most of them are 2end generation immigrants who never had contact with their home countries and the real values of Islam, so I think its ridiculous to blame their homecontries or Islam as a whole.
turkish gabbage,get **** out of other one's home.

I bet that most of them are not even Turkish and the majority of Turks in Germany are law abiding people who couldn't care less what the Sharia tells them to do. I have some really cool friends with Turkish roots, they are well educated, well integrated and have not an ounce of problems with the way Germany works.

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