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German jihadis kill Syrian Christians.

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German jihadis kill Syrian Christians.
09/08/2013 01:59

REUTERS BERLIN – Radical German Islamists participated in the murders of Syrian Christians in an early August attack on the Turkish-Syrian border, according to a report in the German magazine FOCUS.

The magazine reported last week the involvement of nearly 100 “fanatical” German Muslims, including Germans who converted to Islam, in the Syrian civil war.

Two Western intelligence agencies provided the information to FOCUS about the role of German Islamists in the August massacre.

A German police official told the magazine that “the complicity of Germans in the extermination and ethnic cleansing in Syria is a sheer intolerable condition.”

Prosecutors are examining whether the German Muslims can be charged with participation in a terrorist organization.

The growing presence of German Islamists in Syria prompted the Federal Republic’s interior minister Hans-Peter Friedrich to issue a warning in April about the “calls for those Europeans who have been trained in battle [in Syria] to return home and pursue jihad.”

The Sunni Salafist movement in Germany has provided the main combatants for the conflict against Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime. Dirk Baehr, a German political scientist who has written about European and German ****** groups, told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday that six months ago there were 60 German Islamists in Syria and now the number has climbed to 150. Many of the jihadis fighting in Syria are from Belgium, Baehr added.

In a video cited in the FOCUS report, which appears in German and Arabic, German jihadists praise the expulsion of Christians from the Syrian villages. The video shows between nine and 10 jihadis walking by dead people. Baehr said it is difficult to ascertain if the dead individuals are Christians.

One Islamic combatant strikes the head of a dead Syrian soldier in the video.

Former gangster rapper from Berlin, Denis Cuspert (a.k.a Deso Dogg), is believed to be fighting with the al-Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front. German counter-terrorism officials view Cuspert as a powerful recruitment tool. He made a video before his departure to Syria, urging Muslims to join the jihad in Syria.

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German jihadis kill Syrian Christians | JPost | Israel News
they have always killed Christians, now western backed terrorists are destroying a Christian town of Malola'a one of the oldest places where their residents speak Aramaic...
oppsss what happened to Israelis condemning liberation forces ?? ehhh what for ? killing Christians? hmm they should only kill Muslims and they will be liberation forces aka US backed al-Qaeda liberation force.
Good. Europe should send more jihadists to Syria. It will be good target practice for Hezbollah and good way for Europe to clean out all the extremist Muslims who live in Europe who give everyone a bad name.

A win win.
Good. Europe should send more jihadists to Syria. It will be good target practice for Hezbollah and good way for Europe to clean out all the extremist Muslims who live in Europe who give everyone a bad name.

A win win.

A lot of people think on same lines.


What would they do when these people return from Syria, trained and battle hardened.
Good. Europe should send more jihadists to Syria. It will be good target practice for Hezbollah and good way for Europe to clean out all the extremist Muslims who live in Europe who give everyone a bad name.

A win win.

so you are encouraging of killing other people... don't forget who is supporting those terrorists... the west wants to attack Syria to help their losing @$$...
Germany is deliberately sending them or what? I have heard this term for the first time.
Now German jihadis !!!

These jihadis are becoming a global menace . The countries around the world should join together to eradicate these jihadis and people who support them .
Now German jihadis !!!

These jihadis are becoming a global menace . The countries around the world should join together to eradicate these jihadis and people who support them .

that means the west itself... along with their puppets in the M.E such as GCC
This is a natural extension of ****** ideology to European country. Nothing is new or unexpected. European liberalism is not enough to content Islamic ****** Ideology. There are clear indication from all across the world that situation is going to be worsen in future unless a collective stand is taken by by international community and a strategy is worked out to address it.
that means the west itself... along with their puppets in the M.E such as GCC

In the case of Syria , it may be true .

But on global scale , there are many outside west and GCC who support jihadis .

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