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General Chuck Yeager and the Pakistan Air Force


May 3, 2009
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Chuck Yeager and the Pakistan Air Force

An Excerpt from Yeager,

the Autobiography of General (Retd.) Chuck E. Yeager (USAF)


When we arrived in Pakistan in 1971, the political situation between the Pakistanis and Indians was really tense over Bangladesh, or East Pakistan, as it was known in those days, and Russia was backing India with tremendous amounts of new airplanes and tanks. The U.S. and China were backing the Pakistanis. My job was military advisor to the Pakistani air force, headed by Air Marshal Rahim Khan, who had been trained in Britain by the Royal Air Force, and was the first Pakistani pilot to exceed the speed of sound. He took me around to their different fighter groups and I met their pilots, who knew me and were really pleased that I was there. They had about five hundred airplanes, more than half of them Sabres and 104 Starfighters, a few B-57 bombers, and about a hundred Chinese MiG-19s. They were really good, aggressive dogfighters and proficient in gunnery and air combat tactics. I was damned impressed. Those guys just lived and breathed flying.

One of my first jobs there was to help them put U.S. Sidewinders on their Chinese MiGs, which were 1.6 Mach twin-engine airplanes that carried three thirty-millimeter canons. Our government furnished them with the rails for Sidewinders. They bought the missiles and all the checkout equipment that went with them, and it was one helluva interesting experience watching their electricians wiring up American missiles on a Chinese MiG. I worked with their squadrons and helped them develop combat tactics. The Chinese MiG was one hundred percent Chinese-built and was made for only one hundred hours of flying before it had to be scrapped - a disposable fighter good for one hundred strikes. In fairness, it was an older airplane in their inventory, and I guess they were just getting rid of them. They delivered spare parts, but it was a tough airplane to work on; the Pakistanis kept it flying for about 130 hours.

War broke out only a couple of months after we had arrived, in late November 1971, when India attacked East Pakistan. The battle lasted only three days before East Pakistan fell. India's intention was to annex East Pakistan and claim it for themselves. But the Pakistanis counter-attacked. Air Marshal Rahim Khan laid a strike on the four closest Indian air fields in the western part of India, and wiped out a lot of equipment. At that point, Indira Gandhi began moving her forces toward West Pakistan, and President Nixon sent an ultimatum: An invasion of West Pakistan would bring the U.S. into the conflict. Meanwhile, all the Moslem countries rallied around Pakistanis and began pouring in supplies and manpower. China moved in a lot of equipment, while Russia backed the Indians all the way. So, it really became a kind of surrogate war - the Pakistanis, with U.S. training and equipment, versus the Indians, mostly Russian-trained, flying Soviet airplanes.


The Pakistanis whipped their [Indians'] a$$es in the sky, but it was the other way around in the ground war. The air war lasted two weeks and the Pakistanis scored a three-to-one kill ratio, knocking out 102 Russian-made Indian jets and losing thirty-four airplanes of their own. I'm certain about the figures because I went out several times a day in a chopper and counted the wrecks below. I counted wrecks on Pakistani soil, documented them by serial number, identified the components such as engines, rocket pods, and new equipment on newer planes like the Soviet SU-7 fighter-bomber and the MiG-21 J, their latest supersonic fighter. The Pakistani army would cart off these items for me, and when the war ended, it took two big American Air Force cargo lifters to carry all those parts back to the States for analysis by our intelligence division.

I didn't get involved in the actual combat because that would've been too touchy, but I did fly around and pick up shot-down Indian pilots and take them back to prisoner-of-war camps for questioning. I interviewed them about the equipment they had been flying and the tactics their Soviet advisers taught them to use. I wore a uniform or flying suit all the time, and it was amusing when those Indians saw my name tag and asked, "Are you the Yeager who broke the sound barrier?" They couldn't believe I was in Pakistan or understand what I was doing there. I told them, "I'm the American Defense Rep here. That's what I'm doing."

India flew numerous raids against the Pakistani air fields with brand new SU-7 bombers being escorted in with MiG 21s. On one of those raids, they clobbered my small Beech Queen Air that had U.S. Army markings and a big American flag painted on the tail. I had it parked at the Islamabad airport, and I remember sitting on my front porch on the second day of the war, thinking that maybe I ought to move that airplane down to the Iranian border, out of range of the Indian bombers, when the damned air-raid siren went off, and a couple of Indian jets came streaking in overhead. A moment later, I saw a column of black smoke rising from the air field. My Beech Queen was totaled. It was the Indian way of giving Uncle Sam the finger.

I stayed on in Pakistan for almost a year after the war ended, and it was one of the most enjoyable times of my life. From 1972 until we came home in March 1973, I spent most of my time flying in an F-86 Sabre with the Pakistani fighter outfits. I dearly loved the Sabre, almost as much as I enjoyed the P-51 Mustang from World War II days. It was a terrific airplane to fly and I took one to see K-2, the great mountain of Pakistan and the second highest mountain in the world, about an hour's flight away [from Islamabad] at over 28,000 feet.

It's a fabulous peak, as awesome and beautiful as any on earth, located in the middle of a high range that runs the length of the Chinese-Pakistani border. We actually crossed over into China to get there, and I've got some pictures of me in my cockpit right smack up against the summit. I made two or three trips up to K-2 - real highlights. I also did some bighorn sheep hunting in the Himalayan foothills. Susie owned a little Arabian mare. She took her horse when I went hunting and actually learned some of the Urdu language of the mountain people.

Copyright © 1985 by Yeager Inc.


Chuck Yeager's posting to Pakistan as the US Defense Representative from 1971 to 1973 provided the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) with a great opportunity to learn from someone who was at that time the most experienced and perhaps the best fighter pilot in the world. The PAF and its fighter pilots learnt as much as they could in that short period. During the war, he was constantly at hand to advise and organize the PAF's defences. After the war ended, Chuck Yeager, who had experienced it first had, briefed at length the PAF on what it had done right and on what it had done wrong.

Many of Chuck Yeager's training and combat advice to the PAF was incorporated into PAF training and combat tactics manuals. Chuck Yeager's affiliation with the PAF was an honour to it. The PAF remains the only foreign air force in the world to have received Chuck Yeager's admiration - a recommendation which the PAF is proud of.

That embolden part (About arses) is discussed so many time, do you want the same fate of this thread as the other have met? :D

You mean retarded Indian trolls trying to claim legitimacy over a man who unarguably is one of the greatest aviators in the history of mankind by posting blog articles written by pathetic jingoistic losers to whom no one otherwise will pay attention to ? , bring it on.

This is the full extract which hasn't been posted before , and i will be posting much more.
You mean retarded Indian trolls trying to claim legitimacy over a man who unarguably is one of the greatest aviators in the history of mankind by posting blog articles written by pathetic jingoistic losers to whom no one otherwise will pay attention to ? , bring it on.

Greatest aviator does not mean the most fair, the two are incomparable.. I hope you being a mod should know that.
Greatest aviators does not mean the most fair, the two are incomparable.. I hope you being a mod you know that.

Yes it does mean fair when he is talking about something is The Best at ! - He is a professional , has worked with the best aviators planet has to offer , has fought against the best , has flown with the best and has trained the very best too. He has no more fame to gain by recording PAF's A$$ kicking flying against IAF the best way he could by verifying the best possible evidence. So When he says what he says , rest of the world must listen because he has earned it , and those who claim that he is unfair just because the truth hurts IAF's ego on an epic level , my advice to them is to get a life.
Ok, if you say that being a greatest aviator he can be free from making such unprofessional statements as whipping arses.. then lets read this..

I cant find the link though you can confirm it on the net..

I find it to be a disgrace even debating that , you can't find the link because they would be all Indian links. You ain't not trying to disprove something , you are just making yourself look stupid.

Speaking of PAF , we hold another unique honor to ourselves , the first and also the last plane to be shot down between PAK-IND wars were both Indian. You know what that means ? :D
I have read that excerpt before. But I know whats going to happen to this thread. Its going to be taken over by Indians and eaten up.

Its a fair assessment. I would not call anyone fair. Everyone has a certain bias. But its fair because Yeager was an American and its the American's perspective of Pakistan side of war and not Pakistani's.
I find it to be a disgrace even debating that , you can't find the link because they would be all Indian links. You not trying to disprove something , you are just making yourself look stupid.

Speaking of PAF , we hold another unique honor to ourselves , the first and also the last plane to be shot down between PAF and IAF air wars were both Indian. You know what that means ? :D


You can call me all you want but then I could almost guess that the only thing you could do was to throw up such useless sentences..

Here are the details of the article

Publication: The Washington Monthly
Date: October 1985
Volume/issue: Vol. 17

You can verify it yourself, it is not an Indian article..

I have read that excerpt before. But I know whats going to happen to this thread. Its going to be taken over by Indians and eaten up.
Its more like the mod has taken that position now..

Its a fair assessment. I would not call anyone fair. Everyone has a certain bias. But its fair because Yeager was an American and its the American's perspective of Pakistan side of war and not Pakistani's.
His perspective was that PAF would reach Delhi within a week too..

You can call me all you want but then I could almost guess that the only thing you could do was to throw up such useless sentences..

Here are the details of the article

Publication: The Washington Monthly
Date: October 1985
Volume/issue: Vol. 17

You can verify it yourself, it is not an Indian article..

Its more like the mod has taken that position now..

His perspective was that PAF would reach Delhi within a week too..

And where had Yeager been during these dramatic two weeks? The slim entries in his autobiography aren't much help. Yeager says that he "didn't get involved in the actual combat because that would have been too touchy.' He then goes on to explain casually that he did "fly around' on such chores as picking up Indian pilots who had been shot down, interrogating them, and hauling them off to prison camps. There are clues, however, that suggest a more active role. A Pakistani businessman, son of a senior general, told me excitedly that Yeager had moved into the big air force base at Peshawar and was personally directing the grateful Pakistanis in deploying their fighter squadrons against the Indians. Another swore that he had seen Yeager emerge from a just-landed jet fighter at the Peshawar base. Yeager was uncharacteristically close-mouthed in succeeding weeks, but a sly grin would appear on his leathery face when we rehashed the war in staff meetings. I once asked him point-blank what he had been up to during the war. "I went fishing,' he growled.

Above extract from the article you posted is only relevant to the topic , rest of that , well he can be drunk or do anything its his personal business , he may think PA would reach new dehli that is his assumptions but what we are talking about is the data he collected as a "professional" , are you able to see the difference ?

Yeager was uncharacteristically close-mouthed in succeeding weeks, but a sly grin would appear on his leathery face when we rehashed the war in staff meetings. I once asked him point-blank what he had been up to during the war. "I went fishing,' he growled.

This is a professional's way of saying "stop asking this question".
The battle lasted only three days before East ;)Pakistan fell. India's intention was to annex East Pakistan and claim it for themselves.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...-yeager-pakistan-air-force.html#ixzz23Nhxp1OA

He seems to be terribly misinformed or fed with one sided propaganda.:lol:

And is this really surprising? America was Pakistans biggest ally back then, so he is obviously going to say good things about PAF. I mean he was was the military advisor to the PAF after all, it would stupid to say that nah they were no good. Am sure Soviets would have only good things to say about the IAF.

PAF may or may not have won the air battle, at the end of the day it was India who won the war, and thats what is more important.
He seems to be terribly misinformed or fed with one sided propaganda.:lol:

And is this really surprising? America was Pakistans biggest ally back then, so he is obviously going to say good things about PAF. I mean he was was the military advisor to the PAF after all, it would stupid to say that nah they were no good. Am sure Soviets would have only good things to say about the IAF.

PAF may or may not have won the air battle, at the end of the day it was India who won the war, and thats what is more important.

what have soviets to say about IAF's performance during war?????post it ...otherwise shutup if u dont have any thing worthy to contribute....trolls like you have destroyed the overall mood of this forum...trolling day in and day out...i dont know what have trolls like you contributed towards this forum in terms of expertise and why webmaster tolerates retarded indians here.
The Pakistanis whipped their [Indians'] a$$es in the sky, but it was the other way around in the ground war. The air war lasted two weeks and the Pakistanis scored a three-to-one kill ratio, knocking out 102 Russian-made Indian jets and losing thirty-four airplanes of their own. I'm certain about the figures because I went out several times a day in a chopper and counted the wrecks below. I counted wrecks on Pakistani soil, documented them by serial number, identified the components such as engines, rocket pods, and new equipment on newer planes like the Soviet SU-7 fighter-bomber and the MiG-21 J, their latest supersonic fighter. The Pakistani army would cart off these items for me, and when the war ended, it took two big American Air Force cargo lifters to carry all those parts back to the States for analysis by our intelligence division.

Very true, the indians were utterly humilated and shamed in the sky and today their airmen still pose no threat and admit PAF leads them in every way..


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