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Geelani’s health deteriorates again, to be flown to New Delhi


Nov 25, 2013
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With fresh snowfall and intense cold having gripped valley, the condition of ailing octogenarian separatist leader has once again deteriorated. This was stated by Hurriyat (G) spokesperson Tuesday.

“Geelani Sahab has once again complained of pain and ache in his whole body and he is feeling very uneasy,” Ayaz Akbar said.

The spokesman said that Geelani felt uneasiness during the night.

He said that though Geelani is a patient of ‘Chronic Bronchitis’ and the unexpected change in weather condition have become a concern for his health and due to this extreme cold, his aliments have increased.

The central leadership of Tehreek-e-Hurriyat Tuesday morning held an important meeting at Hyderpora Headquarters and after the thorough discussion it was decided that Geelani will be flown to New Delhi for further treatment and the medical investigations which were advised by the doctors will also be conducted there and if need arises, he may also be admitted there.

“After weather improves, he will be taken to New-Delhi for further treatment and for some important medical investigations,” he said.

Hurriyat has appealed people to held special prayers for the speedy recovery of separatist leader.

Geelani’s health deteriorates again, to be flown to New Delhi | Kashmir Life


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So he wants to enjoy the benefits of living in India, while preaching seperatism from it? He has been treated in the finest hospitals in Delhi and Mumbai previously as well, and Indian doctors have removed his ailing kidney and treated his cancers, so that the cancer himself can live on and spew hatred against the countrymen who keep him alive.

Earlier he was set to travel to USA and UK for treatment, but both countries denied him a visa, because of his anti american and anti western screeds. His supporters cried human rights violation because the countries they hated and wanted destroyed didn't treat his illness. Oh, the hypocrisy.

Anyway I'm glad to see India treating him and allowing him to travel freely all over India - a priviledge only allowed to Indian citizens, and that he enjoys because his Kashmir is a part of India. It is ironic that he wants to spend a lifetime advocating seperation of Kashmir from India, but when his own personal safety and comfort is threatened, he has no compunctions or qualms about availing the benefits that arise from his state being a part of the Union of India.

Get well soon, may the doctors cure you yet again, so that your followers can see plainly the benefits of being an Indian citizen.
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Why Indian national capital now ? :crazy:
The best hospitals in India/the region are in Delhi/Bangalore/Mumbai. It's all very well for him to ask others to go and die fighting in the Valley in the most horrific ways, but when it comes to his own personal health-nothing but the best ....
is he dead yet?

RIP in advance

The best hospitals in India/the region are in Delhi/Bangalore/Mumbai. It's all very well for him to ask others to go and die fighting in the Valley in the most horrific ways, but when it comes to his own personal health-nothing but the best ....

i highly dout that best are only in metro cities.

Private hospitals like apollo , max, fortis have reached non-metros like Ludhiana , chandigarh

the real reason is that Private ones will charge money ......but Govt hospitals of delhi like AIIMS etc will send bill to the govt who will pay............stupid indian govt
.but Govt hospitals of delhi like AIIMS etc will send bill to the govt who will pay............stupid indian govt
Honestly I think this is the biggest PR coup the GoI could pull. As much as he'd deny it, this fool is being treated on the treasure of India and has this right because HE IS AN INDIAN CITZEN. This level of hypocrisy won't be ignored by all his "followers" and it certainly undermines his position..
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