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GCC declares Lebanon's Hezbollah a 'terrorist' group

2006 - Qusayr town in Syria rallies in support of Hezbollah.
2013 - Hezbollah celebrates destruction and ethnic cleansing of Qusayr.


Everything u need to know about Hezbollah.

* Arabs fought 6 wars with Israel sending hundreds of thousands soldiers, tens of thousands Arab soldiers lost their lives.

* Iran never sent a single soldier to fight Israel, however Iran did send soldiers to slaughter and ethnically cleanse millions of Muslims.

The arabs who fought those wars and the arabs of today are very different. Plz show me the place of the ethical cleansing, where did it happen and when did it happen.
The suicide bomber was an example, and not pointing out Hezbollah.
Unguided rockets have bad precision, but still they are not fired at random.
They are fired at targets, and those targets are generally population centres
so it is easy to determine that it is a war crime.

When You fire a guided missile which lands on a civilian targets, then You have to
investigate if there is a military target present.
If there is, and the military value of destroying the military target is high compared
to the civilian losses, no war crime has been committed.
If there are good reasons to believe that a significant military target is present,
but in reality it is not, then it is a mistake, and not a war crime.
Only if it is known by the attacking side, that no military target is present, then it is a war crime.

You cannot draw a conclusion that just because civilians are killed, a war crime has bern committed
and even if one side has killed more civilians than the others, then that side is more criminal.
Each incident has to be investigated, before a conclusion.

The case of indiscriminate firing of rockets is just so much simpler to investigate than most others.

Note that "civilian" targets can lose their status easily, if they are used for military purposes.
A party which puts snipers in civilian buildings, should expect them to be destroyed.
If civilian appartment buildings are boobytrapped, and exploded as soon as the other side
enters, allows the other side to treat ALL appartment houses as military targets which can be blown
up in advance.

Infrastructure has dual use, so they are not purely civilian.
Still the destruction of Infrastructure must follow guidelines on proportionality.
(There are very few precedents where an official judgement has occured, though)

Wiki says:
"An Egyptian civilian merchant ship, the Moonlight,[50] was hit by a Hezbollah rocket, caught in the cross-fire as Hezbollah was firing on the Israelis.[51] The ship was registered in Cambodia, but sailing under Egyptian flag, carrying several hundred tons of cement. The ship sank in minutes, but the Egyptian crew managed to board lifeboats and was picked up by another civilian vessel. One crewman, however, was seriously injured.[52]"
Not sure why You bring it up. Maybe You have a different explanation.

Finally, States can NEVER be terrorists according to most definitions,
simply because the acts are covered by International Law.
The question is if they are war criminals.
you are saying Hezbollah put snipers at building 300km away from battlefield , fired rockets that have a range of 30km from those buildings and boobytraped those buildings ? that's strange to me .

also who says Hezbollah targeted civilian area they targeted military area adjacent to those civilians or perhaps the infrastructure that you say may have be valid targets depended on the situation but the rockets missed on some occasions .

about moonlight , can you explain to me how Hezbollah can detect a ship 100km away and use a missile that only have 15km of range to destroy that , please don't quote wiki nonsense that it was C-802 Hezbollah didn't had that missile and nor then neither now they have the necessary radars to use that missiles. what they had was Kowsar which is a copy of C-701 the missile have less than 20km warhead so there is no way it sank a ship in just minutes

by the way about the sources of that wiki nonsense are you aware that link no. 50 is fake and return "page not found" link no. 51 also is fake and return "We are unable to locate the page you requested." and link no. 52 is also fake and return "We had a good look, but couldn't find the page you requested." and everybody knew Wikipedia is as credible as its sources .
The arabs who fought those wars and the arabs of today are very different. Plz show me the place of the ethical cleansing, where did it happen and when did it happen.
As I said it was Quseir town:

In May 2013 Hezbollah thugs ethnically cleansed and destroyed this town whos only crime was that they did not wanted a corrupt dictator. Since then ethnic cleansing became a widespread tactics of Assadists. Virtually all towns and villages they captured since 2013 was ethnically cleansed.

you are saying Hezbollah put snipers at building 300km away from battlefield , fired rockets that have a range of 30km from those buildings and boobytraped those buildings ? that's strange to me .

also who says Hezbollah targeted civilian area they targeted military area adjacent to those civilians or perhaps the infrastructure that you say may have be valid targets depended on the situation but the rockets missed on some occasions .
Indiscriminate rocket fire which was used by Hezbollah is a war crime.
If u dont have accurate missiles that does not justify u to use indiscriminate attacks.

about moonlight , can you explain to me how Hezbollah can detect a ship 100km away and use a missile that only have 15km of range to destroy that , please don't quote wiki nonsense that it was C-802 Hezbollah didn't had that missile and nor then neither now they have the necessary radars to use that missiles. what they had was Kowsar which is a copy of C-701 the missile have less than 20km warhead so there is no way it sank a ship in just minutes
Hezbollah used civil sea port radars to guide missile. That was their dirty terrorist trick. After that atack Israel destroyed all the radars and Hezbollah could not fire more rockets. They made claims they fired but it was a lie.
As I said it was Quseir town:

In May 2013 Hezbollah thugs ethnically cleansed and destroyed this town whos only crime was that they did not wanted a corrupt dictator. Since then ethnic cleansing became a widespread tactics of Assadists. Virtually all towns and villages they captured since 2013 was ethnically cleansed.

Indiscriminate rocket fire which was used by Hezbollah is a war crime.
If u dont have accurate missiles that does not justify u to use indiscriminate attacks.

Hezbollah used civil sea port radars to guide missile. That was their dirty terrorist trick. After that atack Israel destroyed all the radars and Hezbollah could not fire more rockets. They made claims they fired but it was a lie.

Well we will find about the ethnically cleansed thingy if peace is restored to syria and we start finding mass graves.
Well we will find about the ethnically cleansed thingy if peace is restored to syria and we start finding mass graves.
Apparently u dont understand the difference between ethnic cleansing and genocide.
A lot of Lebanese consider Hezbollah terrorists too.

What Iran did to Lebanon is disgraceful. A country now totally hijacked by Hezbollah and can't move/breathe without Hezbollah approval.
Richard Falk is obsessive Israel hater. His words are nothing but his opinion. Can u name me one tiny village or neighborhood which was ethnically cleansed? Nope u cant.

I can name u dozens of villages and towns which were ethnically cleansed since October Iran-Hezbollah offensive alone.
Richard Falk is obsessive Israel hater. His words are nothing but his opinion. Can u name me one tiny village or neighborhood which was ethnically cleansed? Nope u cant.

I can name u dozens of villages and towns which were ethnically cleansed since October Iran-Hezbollah offensive alone.
Wherever there is war, there are refugees and people naturally tend to go to safer places. Nothing like ethnic cleansing. Meanwhile, fascist state of Israel is slowly driving people out of their homes without war, by building illegal settlements on the land it has stolen from Palestinians.

You were told what was needed, good luck with another week of being ignored.
Apparently u dont understand the difference between ethnic cleansing and genocide.

I understand the term. Here is below for your understanding. Ethnic cleaning can have killings to achieve the goal of cleansing, while we know about genocide. And from what i hear you and other arab terrorist sympathizers that Asad forces are killing, beheading, raping etc etc etc the opposition, that is why i mentioned mass graves.

Anyway, i think there is no further need to go into details as both things have mass graves in them.

Ethnic cleansing vs. genocide
The crimes committed during an ethnic cleansing are similar to those of genocides, but while genocide includes an intent at complete or partial destruction of the target group, ethnic cleansing may involve murder only to the point of mobilizing the target group out of the territory. Hence there may be varied degrees of mass murder in an ethnic cleansing, often subsiding when the target group appears to be leaving the desired territory, while during genocide the mass murder is ubiquitous and constant throughout the process, continuing even while the target group tries to flee.[12][13]

Ethnic cleansing is not to be confused with genocide; however, academic discourse considers both as existing in a spectrum of assaults on nations or religio-ethnic groups. Ethnic cleansing is similar to forced deportation or population transfer whereas genocide is the intentional murder of part or all of a particular ethnic, racial, religious, or national group.[14] Some academics consider genocide as a subset of "murderous ethnic cleansing."[15] Thus, these concepts are different, but related; "literally and figuratively, ethnic cleansing bleeds into genocide, as mass murder is committed in order to rid the land of a people."[16]


Wherever there is war, there are refugees and people naturally tend to go to safer places. Nothing like ethnic cleansing. Meanwhile, fascist state of Israel is slowly driving people out of their homes without war, by building illegal settlements on the land it has stolen from Palestinians.

You were told what was needed, good luck with another week of being ignored.

The experts in ethnic cleansing & genocide are giving us lectures. Ironic.
Wherever there is war, there are refugees and people naturally tend to go to safer places. Nothing like ethnic cleansing. Meanwhile, fascist state of Israel is slowly driving people out of their homes without war, by building illegal settlements on the land it has stolen from Palestinians.

You were told what was needed, good luck with another week of being ignored.
Israel faces similar uprising as Assad in past 30 years. Nevertheless not a SINGLE village or neighborhood was ethnically cleansed. There huge Arab population growth, there is no any mass migration or refugees.

Assad on he other hand cleansed nearly half of Syria's population and murdered another quarter million, he starves, gasses and indiscriminately bombs his people.

Who is fascist here?

I understand the term. Here is below for your understanding. Ethnic cleaning can have killings to achieve the goal of cleansing, while we know about genocide. And from what i hear you and other arab terrorist sympathizers that Asad forces are killing, beheading, raping etc etc etc the opposition, that is why i mentioned mass graves.

Anyway, i think there is no further need to go into details as both things have mass graves in them.
You doubt the fact that there are millions of refugees? Must be a photoshop:



Virtually every town and village captured by Assad since hezbollah thugs came in in 2013 was depopulated aka ethnically cleansed starting from Quseir and Khirbzet Ghazale ending by Hader and El Eis.

In 2011-2012 Assad used to capture towns but then local population restored control back. Thats why they switched to ethnic cleansing strategy.
The Arab league is a joke as long it is ran buy Egypt and controlled by the Sauds.
Algeria made it clear it will not follow the decision of the league. She voiced against the decision of the latter...

"The Algeria "refuses to speak in place of the Lebanese in a case which concerns" following the decision of the Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior to consider Hezbollah as a "terrorist organization" , s 'prohibiting "any interference" in this case, said Thursday, March 3 the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE).

"Further to the answer of the Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Ramtane Lamamra, the question of what was the position of Algeria about the decision of the Council of Ministers Interior of Arab countries consider Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, "the MFA spokesman, Abdelaziz Benali-Cherif stressed in a statement to APS," Hezbollah is a political-military movement that part of the social and political landscape of Lebanon and participates in fragile balance patiently and laboriously negotiated in this country, in particular under the Taif Accords which he was involved. "

"Any decision on this motion, therefore, must come from the Lebanese themselves. Algeria, for which the non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries is one of its foreign policy guidelines, prohibits any interference in this matter and refuse to speak in place of the Lebanese in a case concerning an exclusive way, "he said.

"That said, it is clear that this movement, member of the government coalition and actor in the Lebanese Parliament in which he has many representatives, it also has a duty not to interfere in the affairs of others and avoid involvement in destabilizing the environment, "he said.

"Algeria will continue, for its part, to act to avoid dissension and strengthen solidarity among the countries of the Muslim-Arab world," added the spokesman of the Foreign Ministry.

The Gulf Cooperation Council consists of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and Oman, filed Wednesday as "terrorist" Hezbollah.

These monarchies accuse Hezbollah of serving beachhead for Iran to interfere in the affairs of Arab countries. They accuse him of "recruiting youth (Gulf) to carry out terrorist acts" and "trying to destabilize" their country.

Their decision came a day after a speech by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has accused Saudi Arabia to work for a "sedition between Sunni and Shiite Muslims."

As I said it was Quseir town:

In May 2013 Hezbollah thugs ethnically cleansed and destroyed this town whos only crime was that they did not wanted a corrupt dictator. Since then ethnic cleansing became a widespread tactics of Assadists. Virtually all towns and villages they captured since 2013 was ethnically cleansed.

Indiscriminate rocket fire which was used by Hezbollah is a war crime.
If u dont have accurate missiles that does not justify u to use indiscriminate attacks.

Hezbollah used civil sea port radars to guide missile. That was their dirty terrorist trick. After that atack Israel destroyed all the radars and Hezbollah could not fire more rockets. They made claims they fired but it was a lie.
Hezbollah could not fire more missile because you ordered all your ship to stay at least 100km away from Lebanon shore and that kowsar could not fly more than 20km.

and i think you mean if you had hell-fire missile you can use it against a girl on tricycle, and nobody is allowed to ask you why because your missile is precise. and no you are wrong you are to blame because you put your military centers adjacent to civilian ones.those rocket are precise enough not t hit civilian areas if you didn't hid your military base and double use infrastructure between civilians.
Hezbollah could not fire more missile because you ordered all your ship to stay at least 100km away from Lebanon shore and that kowsar could not fly more than 20km.
Lets see. Here Hezbollah claim from 11 August:

"At 2:05 pm (1105 GMT), while an Israeli Super Dvora warship was off the coast of Mansouri, south of the city of Tyre, and was aggressing our steadfast people and our civilian regions, the men of the Islamic Resistance attacked the ship with suitable weapons," a Hezbollah statement said.

"They scored a direct hit, destroying it, setting off a fire on it and sinking it," said the statement, read on Hezbollah's Al-Manar television.

"Other Israeli boats and zodiacs rushed to rescue its crew, made up of 12 officers and soldiers and who were killed, wounded or drowned," it said.


So who is lying here you or Hezbollah?

and i think you mean if you had hell-fire missile you can use it against a girl on tricycle, and nobody is allowed to ask you why because your missile is precise. and no you are wrong you are to blame because you put your military centers adjacent to civilian ones.those rocket are precise enough not t hit civilian areas if you didn't hid your military base and double use infrastructure between civilians.
You are a sick liar.

Israel has clear marked bases. Each base is at least 100 m size and the overwhelming majority are located far from the towns. For example nearest base to Naharia and Akko towns which suffered terribly from Hezbollah rockets is Golani base which is has 600x400 m size and located 2 km from them.

Hezbollah used inaccurate rockets which cant differ between military and civilian targets thats why they area war crime without any question. In fact they were so inaccurate that in majority of cases they missed towns and often hit Arab towns instead of Jewish.

Now these lowlife mercenaries are slaughtering people who supported and sheltered them in 2006 war.
you are saying Hezbollah put snipers at building 300km away from battlefield , fired rockets that have a range of 30km from those buildings and boobytraped those buildings ? that's strange to me .

also who says Hezbollah targeted civilian area they targeted military area adjacent to those civilians or perhaps the infrastructure that you say may have be valid targets depended on the situation but the rockets missed on some occasions .

about moonlight , can you explain to me how Hezbollah can detect a ship 100km away and use a missile that only have 15km of range to destroy that , please don't quote wiki nonsense that it was C-802 Hezbollah didn't had that missile and nor then neither now they have the necessary radars to use that missiles. what they had was Kowsar which is a copy of C-701 the missile have less than 20km warhead so there is no way it sank a ship in just minutes

by the way about the sources of that wiki nonsense are you aware that link no. 50 is fake and return "page not found" link no. 51 also is fake and return "We are unable to locate the page you requested." and link no. 52 is also fake and return "We had a good look, but couldn't find the page you requested." and everybody knew Wikipedia is as credible as its sources .

No, Again I am giving generic examples of what may and may not be war crimes.
Not neccessarily related to Hezbollah.

Even if someone is "targetting" a military area, the precision of that weapon needs to be high enough
that it should hit the target in the normal case.

If hitting a town several km away is the normal case, then its precision is so low, that firing it is a war crime.
If statistics show that the hits are centered on the town, it is a war crime, even if it is just a few hundred meters away.

I think it is pretty clear that Hezbollah is war criminals based on the number of hit on Israeli towns
by unguided missiles.

As for the Egyptian Ship, I just looked at the obvious place, and then asked You for Your version.
I obvioulso do not claim that the Wiki entry is the truth
So far You did not produce any sources Yourself.

I understand the term. Here is below for your understanding. Ethnic cleaning can have killings to achieve the goal of cleansing, while we know about genocide. And from what i hear you and other arab terrorist sympathizers that Asad forces are killing, beheading, raping etc etc etc the opposition, that is why i mentioned mass graves.

Anyway, i think there is no further need to go into details as both things have mass graves in them.

Ethnic cleansing vs. genocide
The crimes committed during an ethnic cleansing are similar to those of genocides, but while genocide includes an intent at complete or partial destruction of the target group, ethnic cleansing may involve murder only to the point of mobilizing the target group out of the territory. Hence there may be varied degrees of mass murder in an ethnic cleansing, often subsiding when the target group appears to be leaving the desired territory, while during genocide the mass murder is ubiquitous and constant throughout the process, continuing even while the target group tries to flee.[12][13]

Ethnic cleansing is not to be confused with genocide; however, academic discourse considers both as existing in a spectrum of assaults on nations or religio-ethnic groups. Ethnic cleansing is similar to forced deportation or population transfer whereas genocide is the intentional murder of part or all of a particular ethnic, racial, religious, or national group.[14] Some academics consider genocide as a subset of "murderous ethnic cleansing."[15] Thus, these concepts are different, but related; "literally and figuratively, ethnic cleansing bleeds into genocide, as mass murder is committed in order to rid the land of a people."[16]


The experts in ethnic cleansing & genocide are giving us lectures. Ironic.

The difference between genocide and ethnic cleansing is that genocide focuses
on decimating a group of people in part or fully by killing them.
Ethnic cleansing focuses on reducing the number of people not belonging to a specific group in an area.
One way of getting the reduction is to force them to leave, another is to commit genocide.
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