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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

They are targeting US forces that Turkey shamefully hosts at that base, not the Turkish Air Force.
İt is Turkish base, Turkish air force in command. Elaborate on which US presence you are talking about.

The 10th Tanker Base is the command operating under the Combat Air Force and Air Missile Defense Command at Incirlik Air Base. The 101st Aerial Refueling Squadron provides aerial refueling for fighter jets to increase the mission duration. It also contributes to the establishment of security in the Eastern Mediterranean and on Turkiye's southern border, thanks to the fighter jets transferred to the base from other commands at certain times.

No protests that exceed security procedures are allowed in the vicinity of this base. The protest here is more of a provocation than a protest against Israel. Some organizations disguised as aid organizations have been playing statism and threatening the Turkish state for the last few days, this is not a simple protest. It is natural that you cannot see these things because you do not follow the political agenda in Turkiye closely and do not know its dynamics.
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"Since the launch of the Battle of Al-Aqsa Storm, Al-Qassam fighters have managed to breach several Israeli military positions, kill and capture several of its soldiers. The enemy has acknowledged an (incomplete) death toll of 2000, with over 4500 wounded, including hundreds in critical condition."

Incirlik Base is one of the Air Force bases of the Turkish Armed Forces, together with all the facilities on it, owned by the state of the Republic of Turkiye. It is also one of the six NATO bases in Europe with tactical nuclear weapons under nuclear sharing agreement.

This military base is the most important command for the Turkish air force in terms of logistics and intelligence activities across the Eastern Mediterranean. The idiots involved in this incident should not be shown the slightest mercy.

its under US control

if its under Turkish control then close it down

its like Jordan and Saudi shooting down Yemen missiles saying our air space was violated

soon the people will over throw the leaders and peace will be back

the leaders are only interested in keeping the conflict going for their own personal agenda
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Sure, I respect that, but maybe on humanitarian ground ? like a small semi autonomous strip somewhere in the north sinai. The world will hail Egypt as heroes, saviour of the Palestinian people, your stock will rise within the Muslim world as such a move will dethrone Saudia, Turkey etc and you will take their place as undisputed leaders.

I don't think many people, including you, realize that Gazans are not fighting for Gaza, they are fighting for the Palestinian cause and Muslim Holy places and the imprisoned Palestinians in the West Bank. Otherwise, Gazans don't have to live in the Open Air Prison environment and I think Israelis would be more than willing to let them have a tiny, independent, even a prosperous life as long as they would not be a threat.
Per an Urdu language saying: Gazans have become the proverbial (2+ million!) hedgehog in the Israeli snake's throat: Can't neither spit it out nor can ingest.
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They are targeting US forces that Turkey shamefully hosts at that base, not the Turkish Air Force.
They can target US forces somewhere else, not in turkey. Unlike Arabs, Turkey does not enter wars it is not prepared for.
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