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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

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Brate. Ja znam ove ljude. U Britain 80% njih prima drzavnu pomoc I izigravaju stratege etc to je duga prica. Vjeruj mi kad ti kazem da na neki bizarre nacin im je zao da nismo neststali. Da nas koriste kao argument I da mogu ozenit bjele zene. A ako je tip sa strane " kisre" onda je to ko biva da su ko oni nakve vodje etc.
Nevjerujem "kisrinim" topovima sekunde.
Ali sta je tu je. Pa mi smo pobil vise kafira nego monogi od njih zajedno a da negovorimo o turks.
Allahu Alim

Shvaćate li da ovo svako može pročitati? Mislim da nije fer reći da su neki muslimani htjeli da bosanski muškarci umru da bi se oženili Bosankama. Sjećam se da su muslimani bili jednako nesretni kada su ubijani Bosanci kao i sada kada se ubijaju Palestinci.
If y
If you think that I am scared then I don't know how to arrange to trash your stupid nut, can you think of something? Seemingly you are friends with that Serb fag , maybe you share something more than the temporary interest?
I think so as I have said, you don't talk nor you express yourself like us.
Let me think, oh yes you might be a gypo from Sothern Serbia, which explains why you have some familiarity with us.
Milorad and Zivojin go and bang each other
I am not a gypsy from Serbia. I am a Bosnian patriot. And you are a sicko. get help.
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Definitely did

Never have mercy on people that deserve the JDAMs
Moses asked the Jews,

For I know how rebellious and stiff-necked you are. If you have been rebellious against the LORD while I am still alive and with you, how much more will you rebel after I die?
[Deuteronomy 31:27]

Can you answer?
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JDAM alert
Hey, you didn't come back to me. We all know about JDAM , but me and you had a pretty interesting conversations about soaps uipsss sorry your family.
We already talked all day about JDAMS and we are tired. So let's talk about more relaxing subject like for example, history of your family.
What do you think?
Hey, you didn't come back to me. We all know about JDAM , but me and you had a pretty interesting conversations about soaps uipsss sorry your family.
We already talked all day about JDAMS and we are tired. So let's talk about more relaxing subject like for example, history of your family.
What do you think?
Dude idgaf about anything other than the act of JDAMing terrorists in Gaza until there's nothing left

I really love the fact that there's literally no one to stop us, and you can do nothing but watch and whine about genocide
🤦🏻‍♂️ All this waffling just because you are too egotistical to admit you were wrong
By just showing the tweets and logically countering the narrative you become attacking on personality, implying you have nothing to say but this is all you've got to say. Those who were shown tweets were asked to show action behind the wording and to send words that stop Israel's atrocities against Gazans. I dont agree with lal Topi but for Palestinians, I agree with him
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Dude idgaf about anything other than the act of JDAMing terrorists in Gaza until there's nothing left

I really love the fact that there's literally no one to stop us, and you can do nothing but watch and whine about genocide
Josef Mengele says hello
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Τι είναι τόσο δύσκολο για τα ελληνικά; Αν είσαι αξιοπρεπής άνθρωπος, όπως ισχυρίζεσαι, θα πρέπει να στηρίξεις την Παλαιστίνη.
Μα αυτό κάνω. Γιατί είναι τόσο δύσκολο να το καταλάβετε όλοι εσείς εδώ μέσα;
Shvaćate li da ovo svako može pročitati? Mislim da nije fer reći da su neki muslimani htjeli da bosanski muškarci umru da bi se oženili Bosankama. Sjećam se da su muslimani bili jednako nesretni kada su ubijani Bosanci kao i sada kada se ubijaju Palestinci.
Prijtelju, ja Sam dugo mislio o tome I onda Sam skontao da I drugi tako misle.
Covjece, tu Sam imprsiju dobio kad Sam pricao sa director Muslim Parliament of Britain. Buraz ima nekih neprijatnih stvari , one su neprijatne Ali su tacne. Ja neznam gdje ti zivis Ali vjeruj mi bio Sam pitan barem 100x da I'm nadjem kakvu " siromasnu" bosanku. Pa nisam djete . Prijtelju ima toliko toga neprijatnog da zalim samog sebe da nisam idiot. Bilo bi mi puno lakse. Selam brate
A ovaj thet or something, Srbenda ba , I necudi me hinhaluk ovih gadova.

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