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Gandhi was Gay?

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Highly disrespectful.

Ḥashshāshīn;4883906 said:
And then Pa.kis go on riots when people insult the Prophet. Uncivilised nation.

Do not generalise. There are all kinds of people. This once act does not reflect the will and actions of 18 million other pakistani's. Try to be a bit more rational.
Totally unwarranted thread, enmity between two nation sis understood but to stoop to such level is moral bankruptcy
Do not generalise. There are all kinds of people. This once act does not reflect the will and actions of 18 million other pakistani's. Try to be a bit more rational.

Not just Pakistanis, South Asia in general, after Africa, is probably the most uncivilised place on Earth.

Or maybe we should call him mahaTMA (Turd, Madarchod, Asshole) Gandhi

Who is 'we'? You call him that if you want to, don't bring other Pakistanis down to your level.
Indian govt. is already buying the letters.
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