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Gandhi On Jews And Hitler

video is interesting. Gandhi has some views some might consider taboo for a man of his personality.

Sir, things happened due to certain reasons :agree:. just to give you an internal information which is always circulated in India, Mr Gandhi was informed that Netaji S.C.Bose was visiting Hitler for a military help against Britain. His one of the main man, Mr Abul Kalam Azad was closer to Mr S.C.Bose who had built a bridge between Mr Gandhi and Mr S.C.Bose and it was required to make the type of comments about Hitler which may not undermine efforts of Netaji S.C.Bose. Mr Gandhi and Netaji S.C.Bose were trying for the same thing but in a different way. Even if Mr Gandhi had called for boycott of British goods, including British awards and British institutions with mass protests against the British rule, there was a hope there that Netaji S.C.Bose may succeed with his efforts also. Netaji S.C.Bose is ‘almost’ equally honored person in India as Mr Gandhi, or may be next to Mr Gandhi, I may say :pop:

The boycott of British goods by Mahatma Gandhi known as the swadeshi policy—the boycott of foreign-made goods, especially British goods. In addition to boycotting British products, Gandhi urged the people to boycott British educational institutions and law courts, to resign from government employment, and to forsake British titles and honours :meeting:

List of boycotts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Everbody loves Gandhi!

The best thing I liked in the life of Mr Gandhi is the way he died. Hindu-Muslim riots were on top at the time of partition and a Hindu extremist Nathuram Godse shot him down with a blame of supporting Muslims at the time of freedom, while Mr Gandhi himself named ‘Hey Ram’ few times during last breath? also, Mr Gandhi really deserved to be killed as anyhow he couldn’t avoid Hindu-Muslim riots at the time of freedom but as a Hindu religious background, being shot down by a Hindu extremist could be the best that could happen to end his life as he had already seen freedom of India. At the time when Hindu Sikh were killing Muslims and Muslims were killing Hindus, Mr Gandhi was shot down by a Hindu extremist for supporting Muslims, anything better than this? :cheers:

Nathuram Vinayak Godse (19 May 1910 – 15 November 1949), was the sole assassin of Mahatma Gandhi—the pre-eminent leader of Indian nationalism in British ruled India and apostle of non-violence—shooting Gandhi in the chest three times at point blank range on 30 January 1948 in New Delhi. Godse, a Hindu nationalist activist from Pune, Maharashtra who resented what he considered was Gandhi's partiality to India's Muslims, plotted the assassination with Narayan Apte and six others. After a trial that lasted over a year, Godse was sentenced to death on 8 November, 1949. Although pleas for commutation were made by India's prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru and by Gandhi's two sons on the grounds that a death sentence would dishonour the legacy of a man opposed to all forms of violence, Godse was hanged a week later.

Godse dropped out of high school and became an activist with Hindu nationalist organizations such as the Hindu Mahasabha, and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), although the RSS has claimed he left during the mid-1930s.[3][4] They were particularly opposed to the separatist politics of the All India Muslim League. Godse started a Marathi newspaper for Hindu Mahasabha called Agrani, which some years later was renamed Hindu Rashtra.

Godse later rejected Gandhi, after he saw Gandhi's repeated sabotage against the interests of Hindus by using the "fasting unto death" tactic on many issues. In Godse's view, Gandhi was giving into Muslim interests in ways that seemed unfair and anti-national. He blamed Gandhi for the Partition of India :mps:, which left hundreds of thousands of people dead in the wake of religious unrest.

Millions of Indians mourned Gandhi's assassination. The Hindu Mahasabha was vilified and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was temporarily banned. However, investigators could find no evidence that the RSS bureaucracy had formally sponsored or even knew of Godse's plot. The RSS ban was lifted by Prime Minister Nehru and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in 1949. The RSS, to this day, denies any connection with Godse, and disputes the claim that he was a member.[4]

The film Hey Ram, made in 2000, also briefly touches upon events related to the assassination.

Nathuram Godse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gandhi may have been great in his own way, but his understanding of Indic philosophy was deficient.

For example, the concept of Ahimsa is there in Indic philosophy but its meaning is quite different from Gandhi's (mis)understanding of the term.
Gandhi is considered a saint in many parts of India maybe even a prophet sent by God directly. Otherwise how could he have humbled a huge force with non violent struggle.
Seriously, what do people get out of doing propaganda against Gandhi. Millions of people around the world think of him as a great man and idol, this bs cut and copy, and taking statements out of context propaganda is going achieve exactly what?

And as always its the Pakistanis who fall for such propoganda:). I mean what do you guys do? Oh hmm am having a slow day today, lets go google conspiracy theories(Preferably anti Indian). Seriously :what:

In the weeks leading up to Operation Iraqi Freedom, American college campuses were plastered with posters asking “What Would Gandhi Do?” The implication, of course, was that the U.S. should emulate the tactics of the celebrated Hindu pacifist who successfully led the movement for Indian independence from Britain.

It is interesting, in this regard, to recall how Gandhi himself responded to the evil perpetrated by one of Saddam’s role models, Adolf Hitler. In November, 1938, responding to Jewish pleas that he endorse the Zionist cause so as to persuade the British government to open Palestine to immigrants fleeing Hitler’s persecution, Gandhi published an open letter flatly rejecting the request. While expressing the utmost “sympathy” with the Jews and lamenting “their age-old persecution,” Gandhi explained that “the cry for the national home for the Jews does not make much appeal to me,” since “Palestine belongs to the Arabs.” Instead, he urged the Jews to “make that country their home where they are born.” To demand just treatment in the lands of their current residence while also demanding that Palestine be made their home, he argued, smacked of hypocrisy. Gandhi even went so far as to remark that “this cry for the national home affords a colorable justification for the German expulsion of the Jews.”

Of course, Gandhi added, “the German persecution of the Jews seems to have no parallel in history,” and “if there ever could be a justifiable war in the name of and for humanity, a war against Germany, to prevent the wanton persecution of a whole race, would be completely justified.” Hitler’s regime was showing the world “how efficiently violence can be worked when it is not hampered by any hypocrisy or weakness masquerading as humanitarianism.” Nonetheless, the Hindu leader rejected that notion, since “I do not believe in any war.” And for Britain, France, and America to declare war on Hitler’s regime would bring them “no inner joy, no inner strength.”

Having rejected both the plea that Palestine should be offered as a place of refuge for the Jews and the idea that the Western democracies should launch a war to overthrow Hitler, Gandhi offered only one avenue for the Jews to resist their persecution while preserving their “self-respect.” Were he a German Jew, Gandhi pronounced, he would challenge the Germans to shoot or imprison him rather than “submit to discriminating treatment.” Such “voluntary” suffering, practiced by all the Jews of Germany, would bring them, he promised, immeasurable “inner strength and joy.” Indeed, “if the Jewish mind could be prepared” for such suffering, even a massacre of all German Jews “could be turned into a day of thanksgiving and joy,” since “to the God-fearing, death has no terror.”

According to Gandhi, it would (for unexplained reasons) be “easier for the Jews than for the Czechs” (then facing German occupation) to follow his prescription. As inspiration, he offered “an exact parallel” in the campaign for Indian civil rights in South Africa that he had led decades earlier. Through their strength of suffering, he promised, “the German Jews will score a lasting victory over the German Gentiles in the sense that they will have converted [them] to an appreciation of human dignity.” And the same policy ought to be followed by Jews already in Palestine enduring Arab pogroms launched against them: if only they would “discard the help of the British bayonet” for their defense, and instead “offer themselves [to the Arabs] to be shot or thrown into the Dead Sea without raising a little finger,” the Jews would win a favorable “world opinion” regarding their “religious aspiration.”

Those who profess to concern themselves with the advancement of justice in the world have far less to learn from Gandhi’s inconsistent and one-sided pacifism than from Buber’s observation that while war is in principle abhorrent, it is better to resist evil by force than to allow it to triumph over the good.
Gandhi is considered a saint in many parts of India maybe even a prophet sent by God directly. Otherwise how could he have humbled a huge force with non violent struggle.

It is because of Gandhi's support to the corrupt Nehru that so many Indians are starving, malnourished, and living in slums.
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