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Fury at India Mars mission

:rofl: It's quite hilarious to see the @ss burn on display from our neighbors it's not as if they are from a developed country, remember China was a sh!t poor country not too long ago and Pakistan ...oh well :rolleyes:
Fun to see chinese taking shots at Indian space program...China has been through exact same situation(extreme poverty) when they where funding their space program....

We fund these space programs because our 5 year plan looks after everyone..poor people as well as scientists...
British govt. needs to do a press release ... explaining to British people that this aid to given to predominately christian NGOs who support british and as well as vaticans agenda in india in shield of humanitarian work ... no penny goes to indian govt. ... and indian govt. has already told to stop this so called aid ...
Britian is an anglican/protestant country not related to vatican
Gotta love the comments from brits.
What they say is so true.

Indian population is starving to death, no clean drinking water, power outages, massive corruption, one of the lowest literacy rates, high child mortality rates, etc and the Indian regime is launching nuclear weapons, missiles, moon mission and mars mission and importing billions worth of weapons while running up the deficit and debt, all the while inflation is sky high and the currency is collapsing.

Good to see Indian regime has their priorities sorted out.

Just shows the Indian regime couldn't care less about its people, and just wants global fame.
Comment comes from a country where people have to get government approval for having kids...:rofl:
the British should stop giving India aide. India is wasting too much money in corruption and pet projects instead of helping the poor.
A single government welfare programe called NREGA spending is over $10 billion an year.
$200 million aid????
Why India needs a Mars mission? Has India resolved all its social and economic issues that it needs such a fantastic venture? What will it get from it?

Mars Mission itself to resolve its social and economic issues
Let them spend on a Mars mission just to be laughed at when it fails just like Commonwealth Games.
ever heard of Chandrayaan and discovery of water on Moon mr.Sino(mentally)Challanged?

British have never seen new India........
Let them spend on a Mars mission just to be laughed at when it fails just like Commonwealth Games.

I have said it before and I will say it again...Factbook you chinese people use is worthy of being used as toilet paper..

Chandrayan-1 = success
Commonwealth Games= success

Long march 3B disaster on February 15th, 1996 = HUGE FAILURE aka DISASTER.
Indians getting rebellious over their former colonial masters for a change?


Indians should come out on the streets en mass and with placards in hands saying:

We don't need ur pathetic aid。Shove it back where it belongs。:azn:[/QUOTE

Maybe your news dont report all the fact, our Foriegn MInister already told the Brits we don;t want or need it. Think why they insist on giving us their aid? Think ....I know its hard but think

For us to get it and for you to dream about it

We are not even dreaming about it. there re too many issues to resolve on earth, in our country.

As always, an arrogant response from an Indian.
Why India needs a Mars mission? Has India resolved all its social and economic issues that it needs such a fantastic venture? What will it get from it?
Just to experience the azz burning of posters like you in pdf.

On topic. Yes. We don't need the aid from any country. We have sufficient resources to feed all our people. If any country is willing to help with the management of these resources so that these reach to each and every Indian then you are welcome.
Sometimes I wonder if the countries give aid only to boost their false ego. Look we have provided aid to this country so it should not go for any sort of scientific development because such pursuits are reserved to only us.
Why are you concerned? It is not china who is giving the aid. Britain can decide for themselves to continue funding their programs orcall it full stop.

We are telling you smoking people this is in complete defiance of logic. Just like your cell phone program. When the poor are on the verge of dying out of starvation, and someone gives them loaves of bread they reject them and ask for cell phones!

Yes take that AID and SHUT down your CNSA :lol:

We want both for our People!

So he wants AIDS for China.Funny guys these Chinese.

haha I have made a mistake and corrected it. I said it in my post #17. Are you too overwhelmed with sorrows that you cant pull out a joke?

We are not even dreaming about it. there re too many issues to resolve on earth, in our country.

As always, an arrogant response from an Indian.

arrogance is already a compliment to the indians!

Fun to see chinese taking shots at Indian space program...China has been through exact same situation(extreme poverty) when they where funding their space program....

We fund these space programs because our 5 year plan looks after everyone..poor people as well as scientists...

we never said "peanuts"! We had our missile and space program developed at times of immense difficulties because the yanks and ruskies were on our back. The yanks and ruskies are you accidental allies now. we are just a fraction of the combined forces of these two military superpower.
We are telling you smoking people this is in complete defiance of logic. Just like your cell phone program. When the poor are on the verge of dying out of starvation, and someone gives them loaves of bread they reject them and ask for cell phones!

When China did her first nuclear test, millions were dying due to effect and after effects of Great Leap forward.
Let them spend on a Mars mission just to be laughed at when it fails just like Commonwealth Games.
What a retard response. Should we Indians put your mission to space and beneath the ocean with the slums of Beijing and poors who sell their kidneys for iphone side by side? These missions are pride of a nation dude,hope you know that well. We do have socio economic problems and our government is working on it but that that does not stop our space missions. We started way long back in the fifties and achieved significant growth in space technology.
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