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Fury at India Mars mission

I loved this comment:

'Aid' was never meant to help poor countries and destitute people.

It has always been merely an instrument to further he interests of the donor country and help influence and strengthen institutions in the target country that will pay off in the long run for the donor country.

India is a work in progress for western interests and could be cultivated into a very valuable ally/asset by influencing the next generation.

If you understand that, you will understand why 'aid 'needs to continue.

So sooner the aid stops better for us.
I couldn't agree more! All AIDS to China.....:enjoy: (India will make do with aid, thank you very much)

verbal correction made with a blink of the eye but facts on india wont go away anytime soon!

you are the largest hiv/ aids carriers in the world be proud about that!
British govt. needs to do a press release ... explaining to British people that this aid to given to predominately christian NGOs who support british and as well as vaticans agenda in india in shield of humanitarian work ... no penny goes to indian govt. ... and indian govt. has already told to stop this so called aid ...

Bulls EYE mate
verbal correction made with a blink of the eye but facts on india wont go away anytime soon!

you are the largest hiv/ aids carriers in the world be proud about that!

Why are you concerned? It is not china who is giving the aid. Britain can decide for themselves to continue funding their programs orcall it full stop.
Indians getting rebellious over their former colonial masters for a change?


Indians should come out on the streets en mass and with placards in hands saying:

We don't need ur pathetic aid。Shove it back where it belongs。:azn:
The world should cut off all aid to india. they dont need them. even their government is so openly scornful of the aid.

Give it to China! .

We dont regard foreign aid as pittance!

We still have about 0.15 billion of our folks living under poverty line.

Yes take that AID and SHUT down your CNSA :lol:
India needs 8 million dollars to make a dysfunctional Arjun tank。 Now it is sending a Mars orbiter for a mere 57 million dollars。

Dollars in India come a long way。

India is a wonderland。

India needs 8 million dollars to make a dysfunctional Arjun tank。 Now it is sending a Mars orbiter for a mere 57 million dollars。

Dollars in India come a long way。

India is a wonderland。


Because we don't do CTRL+C and CTRL+V and rename Nokia as Nokla. :lol::lol:
India needs 8 million dollars to make a dysfunctional Arjun tank。 Now it is sending a Mars orbiter for a mere 57 million dollars。

Dollars in India come a long way。

India is a wonderland。


Dollar would buy four times more goods and services than it would have buy you in US

If the same mission is planned in US. The budget would have been $225 million
Gotta love the comments from brits.
What they say is so true.

Indian population is starving to death, no clean drinking water, power outages, massive corruption, one of the lowest literacy rates, high child mortality rates, etc and the Indian regime is launching nuclear weapons, missiles, moon mission and mars mission and importing billions worth of weapons while running up the deficit and debt, all the while inflation is sky high and the currency is collapsing.

Good to see Indian regime has their priorities sorted out.

Just shows the Indian regime couldn't care less about its people, and just wants global fame.

Blah blah....guess what we would love to do so but our ppl know if they don;t pay attention to these other areas, China and toehr nations will use militatry force to f-k us over.....so thanks for the sincere worrying about OUR PEOPLE....we;ll survive and make it happen nonetheless

India needs 8 million dollars to make a dysfunctional Arjun tank。 Now it is sending a Mars orbiter for a mere 57 million dollars。

Dollars in India come a long way。

India is a wonderland。


Dont worry we will eat dirt and sand, **** in outside, bath in rivers just to MAKE IT.....we have learned a lot from the CHINESE :azn:
Why India needs a Mars mission? Has India resolved all its social and economic issues that it needs such a fantastic venture? What will it get from it?
Why India needs a Mars mission? Has India resolved all its social and economic issues that it needs such a fantastic venture? What will it get from it?

it is included in the space technology budget, not meant for resolving social issues......
Indians getting rebellious over their former colonial masters for a change?


Indians should come out on the streets en mass and with placards in hands saying:

We don't need ur pathetic aid。Shove it back where it belongs。:azn:[/QUOTE

Maybe your news dont report all the fact, our Foriegn MInister already told the Brits we don;t want or need it. Think why they insist on giving us their aid? Think ....I know its hard but think

Why India needs a Mars mission? Has India resolved all its social and economic issues that it needs such a fantastic venture? What will it get from it?

For us to get it and for you to dream about it
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