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FSA to join regime (SAA) troops to fight against ISIL & Al Qaeda factions


May 30, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
The spectre is looming of a second Syrian civil war with the head of the opposition’s official forces declaring that he is prepared to join regime troops in the future to drive out al-Qa’ida-linked extremists who have taken over swathes of rebel-held territories.

General Salim Idris, the commander of the Free Syrian Army warned that in particular Isis (Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham), with thousands of foreign fighters in its ranks, was “very dangerous for the future of Syria” and needs to be confronted before it becomes even more powerful.

More: Syrian rebels consider joining forces with regime troops to fight al-Qa’ida - Middle East - World - The Independent

This laughable post by @Yzd Khalifa, FSA must be desperate so they will get help from SAA. :cheers:
Turkish forces 'strike ISIL convoy in Syria' | Page 2
The so called "Free Syrian Army" only begun their war because they thought that America and Europe would give them air support, as in Libya. But they made a big miscalculation.

I think many among the FSA just want to go back to the good old days, only the extremists want to continue the "jihad".
This laughable post by @Yzd Khalifa, FSA must be desperate so they will get help from SAA. :cheers:

That wasn't what your mother said Persian:

Based on governmental intl gatherings, the Assad regime is supposed to be the one working with the ISIS for secret oil deal:

Syria's Assad accused of boosting al-Qaeda with secret oil deals - Telegraph

The article you attached in this thread was written by a columnist, someone who lacks concrete grounds, unlike the accusations that came from several countries.

There is no such thing as desperation in all of this. You must have gotten a little fear in you to think even for a second that such a consideration will take place ever.

Up to this moment, we saw nothing except the FSA driving the ISIS out.

And you know what is the irony in this? It's here:


Nothing more laudable than seeing a wishfully-thinking supremacists Safavids gawking on the web, trying to save a face at a time when they were humiliate by the Intl. Community.

I just feel sorry for the Iranians, while they're people are dying out of the lack of medications, food supplies, they still dream about securing their interests, most of which now are being at stake :lol: :rofl: :omghaha: :D :laugh:
ISIL is a friend of Assad and the Shias? :woot:

My god, Yzd is Hasani 2.0. Whether if this is true or not, there is a word called "exchange".

The same ISIL who destabilize Iraq overtime when Assad is a strong ally of Iraq and Iran who is providing him military needs against all the gulf salafi funded takfiris who is stronger than FSA. Look at Salem Idriss words :lol:

Fail post.
@Yzd Khalifa

That article is no evidence, accusing happens daily.
"Western intelligence suggests"

The same western intelligence which lied before to start wars.

Who spoke about western intl in particular? The Turks said the same thing, and other non-western states said that too. If it weren't for the West to you then I wonder, what that might be :lol:

But nothing of any sort correlates to what you're saying. If you care to fallow the talks in Geneva, you must have heard what's been said. Otherwise, ignorance can be a real bless.
Nothing of any sort correlates to what you're saying. If you care to fallow the talks in Geneva, you must have heard what's been said. Otherwise, ignorance can be a real bless.

This is a reply only to your posted article which starts with ""Western intelligence suggests"".
Nothing of any sort correlates to what you're saying. If you care to fallow the talks in Geneva, you must have heard what's been said. Otherwise, ignorance can be a real bless.
Wow seriously, someone believes Geneva exists.
ISIL is a friend of Assad and the Shias? :woot:

My god, Yzd is Hasani 2.0. Whether if this is true or not, there is a word called "exchange".

The same ISIL who destabilize Iraq overtime when Assad is a strong ally of Iraq and Iran who is providing him military needs against all the gulf salafi funded takfiris who is stronger than FSA. Look at Salem Idriss words :lol:

Fail post.

ISIL is a friend of Assad and the Shias? :woot:

Who said a thing about the Shias? And who said sectarianism is to be put before geo-political goals?

You Iranians have a very interesting mindsets, whenever you intend to do something, you always try to assert religion into it. This is of course due to the identity confusion. Funnily enough, you this couldn't do you any better while confronting the Shias of Iraq over the entire course of the 8-year-war of Iran and Iraq.

Iran did support Al-Qaida once upon time by providing weapons to them in Iraq during the US-led invasion, and did provide assistances to them while operating overseas. This became crystal clear when the Royal Police of Canada stated that the terrorists, plotting to bomb the HQ of Toranto train station, did receive help from Iran.

Not to mention OBL's sons and Yemeni wife.
My god, Yzd is Hasani 2.0. Whether if this is true or not, there is a word called "exchange".

With that mentality of yours this comes at no surprise at all. Whenever you go in defense, you go broke, unleash personal attack. Some of the topics we discuss in these boards are really beyond your own comprehension.

The same ISIL who destabilize Iraq overtime when Assad is a strong ally of Iraq and Iran who is providing him military needs against all the gulf salafi funded takfiris who is stronger than FSA. Look at Salem Idriss words :lol:

Clearly, you know nothing about politics :lol: Assad has never been an ally of Iraq, not until the Syrian conflict started wherein Iraq agreed to make some concession to Iran to assist Assad.

Another thing which demonstrates your illiteracy in politics is the " destabilization of Iraq by the ISIS overtime "

Just so you know, there is a big hack of a difference between Al-Qaida and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant or Al-Sham as they call it.

The ISIS was created a few months ago bro, there is no such thing as overtime :lol:

As for Gen. Idris, he managed to drive out the scums for now.

Fail post.

Firstly, learn how to apply critical thinking, problem-solving strategies, and political analysis. After that, we can determine what post should be an epic failure post and what isn't.

Don't argue with me much, I have been schooling your brothers here for a while, you'd better not fallow their path, we can always make fun of you.

ISIL is a friend of Assad and the Shias? :woot:

My god, Yzd is Hasani 2.0. Whether if this is true or not, there is a word called "exchange".

The same ISIL who destabilize Iraq overtime when Assad is a strong ally of Iraq and Iran who is providing him military needs against all the gulf salafi funded takfiris who is stronger than FSA. Look at Salem Idriss words :lol:

Fail post.

Provide real evidence for Assad - ISIL alliance

Hadn't you seen the Intl. gathering given by great powers all across the globe? :lol:

I told you, go watch the first secession, it's a 3-hour-long conference, but it looks very constructive.

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We never see the FSA, they're all zionist Al Qaeda screamers
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