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Nov 13, 2009
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I'm not going to post the whole article which is quite long. Basically People's Daily posted a piece about Diaoyu Island dispute with Japan. In particular, Japan's recent move to "nationalize" the island. The ending of the article is particularly strong worded, similar to what was said to India in 1962 and Vietnam in 1979 prior to military action.



Next step, if Japan continues with its plans, would be 勿谓言之不预. Once that is said, it would be the declaration of war. Looks like things are escalating quite a bit.
I hope this will hit home the message and let there be no doubt at all what we will do if Japan intends to develop the islands militarily or economically. Put the burden of war right on her face!

"If war breaks out between China and Japan, it will be a war that washes away the humiliation that China has suffered the past century". Comments Global Times
Chinese diplomatic language and what they really mean.

坦率交谈 (Frank discussion) ——分歧很大,无法沟通 (Lots of disagreement and could not communicate);

交换了意见 (Exchanged opinions) ——各说各话,没有达成协议 (Each side has own opinion, no agreement established);

充分交换了意见 (Through exchange of opinions)——双方无法达成协议,吵得厉害 (Cannot reach an agreement with heated discussion);

增进了双方的了解 (Increased understanding of each other) ——双方分歧依然很大 (Still lots of disagreement);

会谈是有益的 (The meeting is productive)——双方目标暂时相距甚远,但能坐下来谈就很好 (While conditions could not be met, at least we're talking);

我们持保留态度 (We have reservation)——我们拒绝同意 (We refuse to agree);

尊重 (We respect)——不完全同意 (We cannnot completely agree);

赞赏 (We praise) ——不尽同意 (We partly disagree);

遗憾 (We regret) ——不满 (We're dissatisfied);

不愉快 (Unpleasant) ——激烈的冲突 (Lots of yelling during discussion);

表示极大的愤慨 (We expressed our great anger) ——现在我拿你没办法 (We can't do anything against you at the moment);

严重关切 (Paying grave concern) ——可能要干预 (Possible intervention);

不能置之不理 (Cannot ignore) ——即将干涉 (Intervention is imminent);

保留做出进一步反应的权利 (We reserve the right to further react)——我们将报复 (We will implement counteraction);

我们将重新考虑这一问题的立场 (We are reconsidering our stance) ——我们已经改变了原来的(友好)政策 (We will no longer continue with a friendly policy);

拭目以待 (We're waiting and observing) ——最后警告 (Last warning);

请于*月*日前予以答复 (Please respond by X month and X day) ——*月*日后我们两国可能处于非和平状态 (After X month and X day, we might not be in a talking mood);

由此引起的后果将由*负责 (The aftermath is the responsibility of X) ——可能的话我国将诉诸武力(这也可能是虚张声势的俗语)(War is possible [Note: This could be an empty threat]);

这是我们万万不能容忍的 (This is something we cannot tolerate) ——战争在即 (War is imminent);

这是不友好的行动 (This is an unfriendly move) ——这是敌视我们的行动;可能引起战争的行动 (That was hostile action, which could lead to war);

悬崖勒马 (Stop before its too late)——想被XX么?(Want war?)

是可忍孰不可忍 (We reached the end of our tolerance) ——不打算忍了,要动手了。(We're moving towards military option)

勿谓言之不预也 (Don't say we didn't warn you) ——准备棺材吧!(We are at a state of armed conflict)
time is on our site.
we have to wait at least ten years.
then we will get everything back, inkl Okinawa.
we have to prepare ourselves. I do not think that we are ready now.
I think we will be matching their every move in escalation from now on. In the end you do not go to war with the army you want, but the army you have.
I'm not going to post the whole article which is quite long. Basically People's Daily posted a piece about Diaoyu Island dispute with Japan. In particular, Japan's recent move to "nationalize" the island. The ending of the article is particularly strong worded, similar to what was said to India in 1962 and Vietnam in 1979 prior to military action.


Next step, if Japan continues with its plans, would be 勿谓言之不预. Once that is said, it would be the declaration of war. Looks like things are escalating quite a bit.

Can you pls post what China said before starting a war against Vietnam in 1979? I am just curious.
Is China really going to war against Japan over this dispute? What is again the red line?

I hope this will hit home the message and let there be no doubt at all what we will do if Japan intends to develop the islands militarily or economically. Put the burden of war right on her face!

"If war breaks out between China and Japan, it will be a war that washes away the humiliation that China has suffered the past century". Comments Global Times

Think again, evaluate other options!
Why always Japan and a little island.Why no reactions always in our public and medias about that India occupies massive land which clearly shown on our own maps.
Think again, evaluate other options!

As far as China is concern, the way I see it. there are two groups of islands where she has no choices but to fight to the bitter ends if they are being challenged. All the others are negotiable.

1) Diaoyu Islands. The sea lanes around these islands are too vital for her merchant fleets and blue water navy on the way to Pacific and if her enemies build military installations here that will choke off a major route. The dispute has blown up too much for her to back down.

2) Paracel Islands. The fact she owned them for a duration and set up administrative prefecture headquartered here it's almost impossible to let them go without being viewed as giving away integral part of China away.

In the first case China doesn't mind to hold the status quo until she's ready to kick both Japan and the US out of this are. Both of them know it and that's why the US openly supports Japan and the ball is in the Japanese court.
As far as China is concern, the way I see it. there are two groups of islands where she has no choices but to fight to the bitter ends if they are being challenged. All the others are negotiable.

1) Diaoyu Islands. The sea lanes around these islands are too vital for her merchant fleets and blue water navy on the way to Pacific and if her enemies build military installations here that will choke off a major route. The dispute has blown up too much for her to back down.

2) Paracel Islands. The fact she owned them for a duration and set up administrative prefecture headquartered here it's almost impossible to let them go without being viewed as giving away integral part of China away.

In the first case China doesn't mind to hold the status quo until she's ready to kick both Japan and the US out of this are. Both of them know it and that's why the US openly supports Japan and the ball is in the Japanese court.

Paracel islands owned by the Japanese? do you mean the vietcongs? I think we have made the best counter move at present by sending our patrol ships there in our territory!

I'm not going to post the whole article which is quite long. Basically People's Daily posted a piece about Diaoyu Island dispute with Japan. In particular, Japan's recent move to "nationalize" the island. The ending of the article is particularly strong worded, similar to what was said to India in 1962 and Vietnam in 1979 prior to military action.


Next step, if Japan continues with its plans, would be 勿谓言之不预. Once that is said, it would be the declaration of war. Looks like things are escalating quite a bit.

the words have fallen on deaf ears. Noda gave his instructions to his soldiers to be alert for any encroachment into "their territory"!
Paracel islands owned by the Japanese? do you mean the vietcongs? I think we have made the best counter move at present by sending our patrol ships there in our territory!

The Paracel Islands are our property and I avoided naming an adversary as not to embarrass the gentleman I was talking to. It's a very sensitive issue for them, you know. :azn:
The Paracel Islands are our property and I avoided naming an adversary as not to embarrass the gentleman I was talking to. It's a very sensitive issue for them, you know. :azn:
Hehe, you stil can't drill oil and open a tour there :coffee:
The Paracel Islands are our property and I avoided naming an adversary as not to embarrass the gentleman I was talking to. It's a very sensitive issue for them, you know. :azn:

Island belong to Vietnam, not china. China is illegally occupied Paracel of Vietnam.
Hehe, you stil can't drill oil and open a tour there :coffee:

Why do you always hehe giggling like a little girl? Anyway who's going to stop us from drilling and open tourism here, you buddies in the CIA? You know those hooligans are no good in overt operations and their drones are perfect target practices for our Olympian sharpshooters.

Island belong to Vietnam, not china. China is illegally occupied Paracel of Vietnam.

Huh? :no:......
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