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French of Moroccan origins caught in Khyber Agency

International Jihadhis will now try to find a new destination and ruin new country in the name of Jihad like they have ruined Afghanistan and Pakistan's NWFP.

It is KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA not NWFP any more :sick:
International Jihadhis will now try to find a new destination and ruin new country in the name of Jihad like they have ruined Afghanistan and Pakistan's NWFP.

They've runied Chechenya too....

Man, i wish these arabs would keep their culture to themsleves and leave the Non-arab Muslim world in peace.
Yes, but Al-Qaeda in the Land of the Islamic Maghreb is a distinctly seperate entity, concentrated in that part of the world.

Up until now, we haven't been able to establish their presence within our borders, so if this individual proves to be associated with them, then it's a significant development.

I guess we'll have to wait and see what transpires with this guy.

Last time we check Al-Quaida was going pretty strong in Morocoo, Yemen and even Algeria with some claims to fame. During Afghan-Soviet war many moroccons joined the ranks of taliban / alquaida.

Morocco 'dismantles al-Qaeda cell' - Africa - Al Jazeera English

'Al-Qaeda' claims Algeria attacks - Africa - Al Jazeera English

It'd easy to jump to conclusions, but Moroccans are big on hashish so there could be a strong drug trafficking link here.

Although Arabs have been caught in these areas before, Moroccans haven't as far as I'm aware.

People from the Maghreb (Tunisia, Morrocco, Algeria etc), are rarely linked to Pakistan. It's more Gulf Arabs that are often killed or caught in these areas.

If proven to be a terrorism link, then we really are branching out in attracting scum from far afield as Morocco.

There is plenty of hasish grown in Maghreb and infact that is what fuels their tourism industry. No one claim the remarkable fame moroccons and yemanis have in expertise of mass producing and exporting hasish. Appologies to already envious puktoon brothers.

They've runied Chechenya too....

Man, i wish these arabs would keep their culture to themsleves and leave the Non-arab Muslim world in peace.
Not as long as we keep inviting them visa-free as brotherly nations, let them operate anoynomus bank accounts and siphon of millions of riyals / dirhams with no questions asked. The fuel of islamic terrorism is the shine of crisp riyals / dirhams bank notes.
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All are not same , our own people are fighting against us so what do you say about that?
Anyone who fights the state is no longer our people.Any such person has to be killed immediately to reduce security threat.These people are inviting international arbi jihadis from all over the world for so called Paktunwali well they need to get a taste of Americanwali (which they're already getting by drone attacks).Hope US increase attacks in NW.
When theh americans was unable to break Japanese resistance in WW-2 they resorted to massive show of musclar strength. I think that is what needs to be done with these millitants. But not with bombs or nukes. Instead we need a door to door search, round up 1500-2000 millitants..the behead them in public squares using a sword tainted in pig blood or bullet wrapped in pig fat. This example will serve enough to deter any mullahs from future adventurism.

On the flip side i think PDF veterns can run the gov better than PK administration because other than education we all have the trait of consulting and respecting each other POV
When theh americans was unable to break Japanese resistance in WW-2 they resorted to massive show of musclar strength. I think that is what needs to be done with these millitants. But not with bombs or nukes. Instead we need a door to door search, round up 1500-2000 millitants..the behead them in public squares using a sword tainted in pig blood or bullet wrapped in pig fat. This example will serve enough to deter any mullahs from future adventurism.

On the flip side i think PDF veterns can run the gov better than PK administration because other than education we all have the trait of consulting and respecting each other POV

Anyone who fights the state is no longer our people.Any such person has to be killed immediately to reduce security threat.These people are inviting international arbi jihadis from all over the world for so called Paktunwali well they need to get a taste of Americanwali (which they're already getting by drone attacks).Hope US increase attacks in NW.

Oh please don't encourage them. They'll end up nuking the entire country and make up some dirty lie about Pakistan being a terrorist safe heaven. Havent you forgot at one point they wanted to break pakistan up, sided with india, never bothered about invasion of east Pakistan all of this yet the Pakistani were part of the cold war against USSR and your lads in afganistan doing a great job in stopping those terrorist ? They will not make the distingtion between genuin person who is not a terrorist and a terrorist. To them: muslim, brown face, beard face, nikab, hijab its all the same. And they couldn't care less as long as they can control you. :frown:

PS the drone did kill a lot of civillain Pakistanis


and the Atomic attack on Japan On ww2 didn't really went around and only selected miltary personels as you can see in this clip children also died.

and tell me:

do your children deserve to be bombed? And if they don't... why should other children deserve to be bombed?

But okay... go on... sit down and talk about who deserves to be killed.
just remember war kills everyone even civilains, so becarful what you say about drone attacks.


Least i foget check this cartoon out you'll like it :D

Oh I found this on the PDF forum
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When theh americans was unable to break Japanese resistance in WW-2 they resorted to massive show of musclar strength. I think that is what needs to be done with these millitants. But not with bombs or nukes. Instead we need a door to door search, round up 1500-2000 millitants..the behead them in public squares using a sword tainted in pig blood or bullet wrapped in pig fat. This example will serve enough to deter any mullahs from future adventurism.
I wholeheartedly agree!In fact i think body so called suicide bombers who go for 72 should be filled with pig blood and the inflated body hanged at the light polls.I think we should cut each part of militant put them in pig body and ship them back to their HQ.We need to do what the Soviets did to traitors.
I wholeheartedly agree!In fact i think body so called suicide bombers who go for 72 should be filled with pig blood and the inflated body hanged at the light polls.I think we should cut each part of militant put them in pig body and ship them back to their HQ.We need to do what the Soviets did to traitors.

Well for one killing yourself is a Major sin in Islam
two killing innocent people is another Major sin in Islam
three Killing youself with innocent people in the name of Islam is another Major sin.
Four Being a Mullah when you are not, and the killing yourself with inocent people under name of ISlam is another major sin
and if there are other who pueseude others thats another

So with those Major sin in ISLAM and please do take note
how does one go to heaven with all those major sins ?

Seriously go and read up what Islam says about Suicide bombings on innocent people and people who distort ISlam on their way of thinking.
Its an interesting read.
I think whats the real issue is that we all need to study Islam thorough so that non of these extremist could ever propogate their perverted version.
Allah(swt) knows best and believe me it has stated in the Quran people who do misheive on this land WILL BE DEALT WITH SEREVELY.
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I wholeheartedly agree!In fact i think body so called suicide bombers who go for 72 should be filled with pig blood and the inflated body hanged at the light polls.I think we should cut each part of militant put them in pig body and ship them back to their HQ.We need to do what the Soviets did to traitors.

Chilled friend , I can understand your anger..but why you want to damage light poll. In our countries it takes years to get one light poll in place in working condition.
The officials said that houses of Hazrat Mohammad, who was killed earlier during clashes with the security forces, Nek Mohammad and Azim Afridi, were demolished.
French national held in Khyber Agency

Is this a legally sanctioned punishment? Blowing up the houses of the "miscreants"? Isn't that what the Israelis do to the Palestinians?
Is this a legally sanctioned punishment? Blowing up the houses of the "miscreants"? Isn't that what the Israelis do to the Palestinians?

Its part of the Frontier Crimes Regulations (FCR). So yeah it may be wrong, but its "legal" under Pakistani law.
Is this a legally sanctioned punishment? Blowing up the houses of the "miscreants"? Isn't that what the Israelis do to the Palestinians?

Most of these houses are built on nomadic land without permission on lands inherited generations after generations howeveer under the new law no reconstruction can take place without government approval. Hence blowing up someone house could mean rendering him homeless for life. Its a very effective punishment but too soft in my opinion. We should be looking forward to bomb the house with the miscreants inside. Let them be burined in a tomb of rubble of their own possesion.

I cannot verify my information. This is only what i have heard / assumed out of curiousity of why do they demolish home?
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Pakistan discovers 'village' of white German al-Qaeda insurgents - Telegraph

Investigators have discovered a "Jihadi village" of white German al-Qaeda insurgents, including Muslim converts, in Pakistan's tribal areas close to the Afghan border.

The village, in Taliban-controlled Waziristan, is run by the notorious al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, which plots raids on Nato forces in Afghanistan.

A recruitment video presents life in the village as a desirable lifestyle choice with schools, hospitals, pharmacies and day care centres, all at a safe distance from the front.

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In the video, the presenter, "Abu Adam", the public face of the group in Germany, points his finger and asks: "Doesn't it appeal to you? We warmly invite you to join us!"

According to German foreign ministry officials a growing number of German families, many of North African descent, have taken up the offer and travelled to Waziristan where supporters say converts make up some of the insurgents' most dedicated fighters.

The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, which has a foothold in several German cities, has capitalised on growing concern over the rising profile of German forces in Afghanistan. Their role has become increasingly controversial in Germany in recent weeks after dozens of civilians were killed in an air strike ordered by German officers.

Last night a foreign ministry spokesman told The Daily Telegraph they were now negotiating with Pakistani authorities for the release of six Germans, including "Adrian M", a white Muslim convert, his Eritrean wife and their four year old daughter, who were arrested as they were making their way to the "German village". They are particularly concerned about the welfare of the child.

They are being held in custody in Peshawar after their arrest in May shortly when they crossed the border from Iran. They are understood to have left Germany in March this year.

The spokesman said negotiations were "under way" with Pakistani authorities "concerning a group of German citizens" and that it had been aware that the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan had been recruiting in Germany "since the beginning of the year".

Their recruitment drive has been led by "Abu Adam", a 24-year-old German believed to be of Turkish or North African descent who was raised with fellow Jihadi, Abu Ibrahim, in the smart Bonn suburb of Kessenich.

Adam, whose real name is Mounir Chouka, received weapons training from the German army as part of his national service, and later spent three years training at the Federal Office of Statistics where colleagues described him as a "nice boy".

He left in 2007, telling colleagues he was joining a trading firm in Saudi Arabia, but is believed to have joined a terrorist training camp in Yemen.

In another recruitment video released earlier this year he urged supporters to: "Die the death of honour."

Khalid Khawaja, a former Pakistan intelligence officer, who describes himself as a friend of Osama bin Laden, said he was aware of a German contingent and that there were a number of Swedish converts too who had arrived in Pakistan "for Jihad".

"The Europeans are there [in Waziristan]. The most dedicated people there are from Europe. They will do anything for Islam. They are not there because their fathers are Muslim, but by choice," he said.

wow now we got bloody NAZI TALIBAN!!
Its part of the Frontier Crimes Regulations (FCR). So yeah it may be wrong, but its "legal" under Pakistani law.

It has british origins.Not that i like it that much. More than a hundred years ago the british destroyed the homes of our ancestors and moved them some kilometers away because of their struggle against the british.

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