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French "Navy SEALS" - Commandos Marine


Aug 13, 2013
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Thanks @Abingdonboy & @Rajput_Pakistani but I may be better placed to answer the lad.

@Khalid Newazi
A- That folklore is from the American right wing when France threatened to veto its call for war on Iraq 2003.
I then surmise that you are a fan of the US invading other countries without valid reasons?
Or did you mean to express that we should have murdered innocents to prove our valor?
B- I served for my country; did you?

I won't make jokes about poverty in Bengladesh, please be as courteous to France.
Neither would help PDF be the good forum that it is or get to be better in any case!
Good day nonetheless, Tay.
Thanks @Abingdonboy & @Rajput_Pakistani but I may be better placed to answer the lad.

@Khalid Newazi
A- That folklore is from the American right wing when France threatened to veto its call for war on Iraq 2003.
I then surmise that you are a fan of the US invading other countries without valid reasons?
Or did you mean to express that we should have murdered innocents to prove our valor?
B- I served for my country; did you?

I won't make jokes about poverty in Bengladesh, please be as courteous to France.
Neither would help PDF be the good forum that it is or get to be better in any case!
Good day nonetheless, Tay.
I know that very well but the reaction you get from the Frenchies for making such jokes is priceless.
I know that very well but the reaction you get from the Frenchies for making such jokes is priceless.
Oh! Really, that's it? Well, OK then, just keep at it.
I just hope you don't mind if I choose not to follow you on that slippery slope and remain polite.
To each their own way, huh?


Everybody wants to be a SEAL.

It's disappointing that rather than using a native designation for a force people and find their own way, MoDs want to name them after foreign units.


If i'm not wrong I think we saw all 6 teams.
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I'll answer for all French units then Thəorətic Muslim

Army =
1er RPIMA - Régiment de parachutistes d'infanterie de marine
13e RDP - Régiment de dragons parachutistes
4e RHFS - Régiment d'hélicoptères des forces spéciales
CCT FS - Compagnie de Commandement et de Transmissions des FS

Navy =
FORFUSCO - Force maritime des fusiliers marins et commandos
Commandos Marine - Penfentenyo, Montfort, Trépel, Jaubert et Kieffer
ECTLO - Escouade de Contre-Terrorisme et de Libération d'Otages
Commandos Marine - Commando Hubert

Air Force =
CPA - Commando Parachutiste de l'Air
RESCo - Recherche et Sauvetage au Combat AKA Escadrille spéciale d'hélicoptères 1/67
Escadron de transport 3/61 Poitou

There are then other units in "regular" regiments that are certified commandos but whose designation is not 'SF"
but this is tricky and admittedly very French. For instance, I was in such a unit when I served. In peacetime, my
job was linked to my régiment ( read battalion in US terminology ). But I could have been transferred to a SF unit if the need ever arose. In operations / combat however, my job was exactly that of SF, operating deep in enemy territory.
To proof, our coming back home would have depended on CSAR.
It doesn't even stop there however : as an example, all such paratroopers units are linked together as the GCP but found in individual régiments of Marine Infantry ( RPIMA +- = US Marines paratroopers ) or Mountain, Cavalry, Logistics, Construction ( say Seabees ),
Transmissions, Artillery and Foreign Legion.
All such units are not designated SF but qualified to do the job? And they are the pool of men from which are drawn the candidates for SF by reassignment ( with or without prior training ).

To summarize :
The three lists on top correspond to USSOCOM but operate as the JSOC upon demand.
The rest of our SF are integrated, in a manner very similar to the CRDs in the SFGs.
Designation changes from Commandos to Special Forces by reassignment from the latter to the former.

I hope that helps. And yes, you are right on using the US terminology but that stems in part from popularization of the American way and use of English as the Internet lingua franca.

ED. All 6 teams but also one more from outside Marine Nationale!
Read you later, Tay.
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@Armstrong :
Voici la vidéo sur les Commandos Marine !
Je compte sur vous pour quelle soit partagée sans aucune limite !
J'ai tenu, à titre personnel, d'y mettre les photos des quatre Commandos qui sont tombés en Afghanistan. Merci à certains anciens Commandos Marine pour les photos !
"Here is the video on Commandos Marine!
I'm counting on you to spread it around without restrictions.
I wanted, for personal reasons, to include the pictures of the 4 Commandos that fell in A-stan.Thanks to given ex-members for these photographs."

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