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French City Rocked by Unrest Blamed on Score-Settling Chechens

Well,actually France did deport countless times Chechens to Russia. Don't know about other EU countries though.

Why do you think EU nations can't deport people to Russia ?
I was thinking about that hollier than thou attitude, human rights, Russia doesn't allow free trials, etc.Glad to see it's not an obstacle though.
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Vortex Président ! Je voterai pour toi aux prochaines élections ! :victory:

Le seul qui puisse nettoyer le pays de toute cette pourriture. :victory:


According to several sources,most of the Chechens arrested and identified have refugee status. Many of them have heavy criminal records. The presidency has asked the home ministry to deport any of them who could be expelled.

retenez moi quand même un peu sinon je mets autre chose que de l’eau dans le karsher :devil:

France should modernise its pénal law. If not then situation will go out of control... then the situation will be same in Ken Le Survivant... Without Ken.
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As the controversy grows,the French president has asked for the foreigners involved in these troubles to be deported. (Chechens and others)

Those who called to disarm the Police are now witnessing how society would be without a strong justice system and strong police forces.... That is just a foretaste,but they still refuse to see.....
As the controversy grows,the French president has asked for the foreigners involved in these troubles to be deported. (Chechens and others)
Please keep us updated! If Macron wishes to do so, these losers could all be on the next flight back to their shitholes!
As the controversy grows,the French president has asked for the foreigners involved in these troubles to be deported. (Chechens and others)

Those who called to disarm the Police are now witnessing how society would be without a strong justice system and strong police forces.... That is just a foretaste,but they still refuse to see.....

Defund the police is madness!!!

People need to be careful for what they wish for.
. . .
EU countries are way too soft against gangs and violent criminals.
You don't want a situation like the US, where people are scared for their lives when facing the Latin drug cartels.
Deport those you can. Lock others for life. Such gangs don't belong, in a civilised nation.
The capital of Burgundy regained its usual peace.... The controversy grows on the strategy (laissez-faire) adopted by the authorities while the inhabitants say they felt abandoned on their own....



Defund the police is madness!!!

People need to be careful for what they wish for.

Leftists : We need to disarm the police,it's too violent,too racist,ACAB !
Leftists two days later after what happened in Dijon : We need more and better armed police officers,we need crackdown against gangs and drug dealers! @Constantin84
Maghrebis + Chechens + Albanians... That’s like an All Star selection of people you don’t want to have a beef with. :D
Though Chechens (plus Ingush and Dagestanis) are in a league of their own when it comes to vengefulness.
No one can stop us.

We work on our schedule and on our time.
I have lost interest in the games. I am past caring. Sometimes I get carried away by the victories. But the moment I remember the boring nature of geniuses I instantly lose interest again.

I don't understand why OP post threads, what does he want us to do for him? Every society has brawls/gangs/thugs, you let police deal with it or simply leave these areas dominated by unproductive people. In America, we have some neighborhoods where people are unproductive and most educated people move out of them. Only way you can change that is through strict societal upbringing and strict policing.

OP seems like bigoted guy though, who thinks Europe is perfect place with no trouble except due to some migrants or second generation immigrants. If he really thought this he would campaign in his own country to make Europe a strictly European/Christian place with total ban on migrants. We cannot help him with that here.

Very high chance this guy is mentally ill too and needs to feel purpose in his life so he has imaginary clash between migrants and what he consider to be pure French. Even if France deported all non-pure French he will not be satisfied and find other ways to manage his mental illness and start posting targeted content against people in other nations he decided to hate for no reasons.
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