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Free Koran project sparks outcry in Germany


Apr 28, 2011
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An initiative to hand out 25 million copies of the Koran has raised the concern of politicians and even Muslims in Germany.
German officials are calling the free distribution of copies of the Islamic scripture by ultra-conservative Salafists an abuse of the holy text, AFP reports.
"I strongly condemn this initiative," Volker Kauder, parliamentary group leader of Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives, told news agency DPA.
Kauder reportedly believes the project is a cover for jihadist recruiting.
"The Koran is being abused here for subversive extremist activities. Muslim groups in Germany are right in distancing themselves from this abuse of religious liberty," he told the news station.
The Central Council of Muslims is also criticizing the project, inferring the project is treating the holy text like a "PR brochure," AFP reports.
The publishing house working with the Salafists has halted the project to review its cooperation with the group, AFP reports.

Read more: Free Koran project sparks outcry in Germany | Fox News
Well isn't somewhere in Quran its written that jews are our enemies and its OK to kill them?
Well isn't somewhere in Quran its written that jews are our enemies and its OK to kill them?
Yes it say Jews are our enemies and history have always proved it but we can't kill them and util and unless they attack Muslims or Islam or they plan and we know it 100 % that they are planning to attack than we can attack them first but not other wise
So don't you think the jews would be angry if you distribute quran to them?

the jews think that the whole world is their enemy and when their True Messiah comes...they will not even care about their allies, and they believe the promised land consists of whole Middle east and those are Muslim lands, so their beliefs are anti-Muslims too
"The Koran is being abused here for subversive extremist activities."
How so? Is the Koran a Jihadist text book for making bombs and procedures for conducting suicide attacks? If not, how is the Koran being used for 'subversive' activities? Jeeez!
It will be funny if some nutter decides to do something "funny" with the Book, and then we will have "rage guys" going around issuing fatwas.

25 Million copies seem a bit less though? How about 100 Million?
It will be funny if some nutter decides to do something "funny" with the Book, and then we will have "rage guys" going around issuing fatwas.

25 Million copies seem a bit less though? How about 100 Million?

I was thinking the same. What if some nutter burns the quran? That would would embarrassing for those who distributed the text and will also incite violence in the country cause of the action. Not to mention the guy who would lose his life. :lol:
I was in Toronto last weekend. They were distributing free Korans from a mini-shopping cart. What if a homeless guy gets hold of a copy and decides to use it to warm himself in the night? Imagine the volatile situation it can create. Anything sensitive should be treated with caution.
will Saudi Arabia or any muslim country allow free 'bible' or free 'Bhagavad gita' projects in their country?

How long will it take for those books to be burnt and those distributing the books to be beheaded?

Funny thing..Muslims can proselytize non-muslims but other religion's people cant proseltyze muslims.
will Saudi Arabia or any muslim country allow free 'bible' or free 'Bhagavad gita' projects in their country?

How long will it take for those books to be burnt and those distributing the books to be beheaded?

Funny thing..Muslims can proselytize non-muslims but other religion's people cant proseltyze muslims.

Thats not the point though, Saudi Arabia is an Islamic Kingdom, whereas Germany a secular democratic country. We can't have the "Secular" tag and then go compare ourselves with "Islamic" kingdoms/countries. Same goes for when people compare India and Pakistan.

Having said that distributing 25 Million copies of Koran is just a recipe for disaster. They shouldn't be stopped though, but if someone decides to desecrate one of the copies they shouldn't have a sulk about it either.
will Saudi Arabia or any muslim country allow free 'bible' or free 'Bhagavad gita' projects in their country?

How long will it take for those books to be burnt and those distributing the books to be beheaded?

Funny thing..Muslims can proselytize non-muslims but other religion's people cant proseltyze muslims.

So true dude!
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