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France to provide combat copters

hahahah I just saw one indian...asking for a link....which was given,.... I am so Happy to see such muted response from our indian memebers....i know the indians are watching the thread but none has commented....I am assuming they cant belive it..hahah,,,...and ya the price tag is high....but 10-20 helicopters wont empty us..we can learn so much from this new tech
hahahah I just saw one indian...asking for a link....which was given,.... I am so Happy to see such muted response from our indian memebers....i know the indians are watching the thread but none has commented....I am assuming they cant belive it..hahah,,,...and ya the price tag is high....but 10-20 helicopters wont empty us..we can learn so much from this new tech

The only assessment from their side would be that we dont have the money for it and would acquire it on soft loan :enjoy:

At more than 50 million a piece; i think it is far too expensive; mabye buy the choppers from turkey??? :)
50 million a piece thats expensive by any mean but if miltary thinks that it will be batter from others and have no cheap altarnative we should go for it or we can get on lease for some years
hahahah I just saw one indian...asking for a link....which was given,.... I am so Happy to see such muted response from our indian memebers....i know the indians are watching the thread but none has commented....I am assuming they cant belive it..hahah,,,...

There is no need for this attitude and flaming.
hahahah I just saw one indian...asking for a link....which was given,.... I am so Happy to see such muted response from our indian memebers....i know the indians are watching the thread but none has commented....I am assuming they cant belive it..hahah,,,...and ya the price tag is high....but 10-20 helicopters wont empty us..we can learn so much from this new tech

My friend they will be happy for us spending money on miltary equipments they will not be happy if we spend on education health etc
We must buy attack helicopters to provide better escort to our soldiers.French will easily give credit line however i am afraid zardari might be doing this for kickbacks.Regardless of our economic condition we should acquire these copters..what is more important soldier life or money.
My friend they will be happy for us spending money on miltary equipments they will not be happy if we spend on education health etc

very true!

i still beleive that we are all going on a wrong track and discussing just a wrong concept!

for me the story is like that:
the french have only assured us that we can get the tiger if we want, perhaps it was to attrach us to so many other potential deals covering Air to air misiles, aircrafts, submarines, SAM and all that stuff! so it was just an offer that we can buy them if we ant and this by no means say that we ARE BUYING THEM NOW! i dont think the military top brass will be going on with such a deciesion with cheap options of WZ10 and equally leathal yet cheaper T129!

i wish we go for wz 10 or T 129 with tot
i hope that is what is going to happen ultimately and the frnch tiger news will surface only as an option that Pakistan didnt opted for! i am still of the view that the statement was just a good will gesture and my no means say that we WILL GET THE TIGER!!

i wish we go for wz 10 or T 129 with tot
WZ10 has serious issues with engine and may not be available fr3-5 yrs still. TA129 is also not going to be available in the short term. Please read fatman,s post about these being refurbished and upgraded copies.
I think Wz and T-129 is far more better option with TOT and we can get some other things or tech from french like a2a misilies and radars for JF 17s.........
Did it occur to you guys that French FMS of such sensitive and advanced technology might put US under pressure to offer the Apache?

We've asked them before and might be playing with the French offer to get the deal done. :coffee:
Tiger is by far the best choice for PAK army! let me tell you one thing... pak army is in no mood of being money spending shy like PAF or PN... PA has not spend any thing big ammount of $$ on any of their modernization program. AK is under a billion dollars program which is suppose to PA biggest project... so here is the opportunity for PA to modernize its air wing. 12 to 18 tigers are more then enough to be used on our north eastern front.. while 20-30 T-129 should be more then enough to terrify entire indian armor in south eastern border of pakistan.

i dough Z-10 is as modern as tiger or T-129.... maybe if China can come up with a down scaled (not down graded) version of Z-10 for pak which can be produced in large quantities like thunder at 15-20 million dollars tag.
Only attack helos touch the battle ground yet is Cobra,Mi24 and Apache. As far as WZ or T129 are not mature, still work is going on both helo.They are not even in production yet, How can PA considered to induct, when its matter of urgency. T129 in testing phase, WZ10 is facing engine embargo and still testing phase. Only option left for Pakistan is , Tiger. So, here we go. Some how Apache is too top of the line for US and not willing to share this hardware. Reason is China. Chinese has been trying to develop attack helo for the last many years and no final success yet. So, Tiger is kinda opportunity to expose themselves to modern western technology. And some willingness from France and Germany to, who been under pressure from US for imposing arm embargo on China. So, the technology might travel from Pak to China and French would be able to sell some A Helo avionics to China. Every arm deal has behind the curtain characters, It can be assume from China to Zaradari commission .....its perception, can be anything..
But it fire all American A2A and A2G ...Hellfire and Tow.
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