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France deploys UAVs to stop IAF flights


Aug 23, 2006
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In an effort to put a stop to Israeli overflights in Lebanon, the French Armed Forces has deployed an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) squadron in southern Lebanon to conduct intelligence-gathering missions in place of the IDF.

France, a member of UNIFIL, has expressed adamant opposition to IAF overflights in Lebanon. Last month, OC Planning Division Maj.-Gen. Ido Nehushtan traveled to Paris for meetings with senior military officials during which he tried to explain Israel's operational needs. The flights, the IDF claims, are necessary for gathering intelligence and keeping an eye on the Lebanese-Syrian border through which weapons are smuggled to the Hizbullah.

Angered however from an incident in October during which French soldiers almost opened fire at an IAF fighter jet, military sources in Paris told The Jerusalem Post following Nehushtan's visit that they were still opposed to the overflights and that French soldiers stationed in Lebanon were given the authority to open fire at Israeli jets if they felt threatened by the flights.

According to Israeli defense sources, the French initiative is also meant to prove the operational capabilities of its UAVs so they can compete against Israeli defense industries on the global UAV market.

While welcoming the use of UAVs as part of UNIFIL operations in Lebanon, a high-ranking officer said Sunday that the IDF would not stop flying over Lebanon.

"We need to allow UNIFIL all of the means it finds essential to perform its missions," the officer said. "But at the same time, until Hizbullah fulfills its part of UN resolution 1701 and returns the kidnapped soldiers [Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser Y.K.] there is no reason for us to completely fulfill our part of the agreement and stop the overflights."
In an effort to put a stop to Israeli overflights in Lebanon, the French Armed Forces has deployed an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) squadron in southern Lebanon to conduct intelligence-gathering missions in place of the IDF.

France, a member of UNIFIL, has expressed adamant opposition to IAF overflights in Lebanon. Last month, OC Planning Division Maj.-Gen. Ido Nehushtan traveled to Paris for meetings with senior military officials during which he tried to explain Israel's operational needs. The flights, the IDF claims, are necessary for gathering intelligence and keeping an eye on the Lebanese-Syrian border through which weapons are smuggled to the Hizbullah.

Angered however from an incident in October during which French soldiers almost opened fire at an IAF fighter jet, military sources in Paris told The Jerusalem Post following Nehushtan's visit that they were still opposed to the overflights and that French soldiers stationed in Lebanon were given the authority to open fire at Israeli jets if they felt threatened by the flights.

According to Israeli defense sources, the French initiative is also meant to prove the operational capabilities of its UAVs so they can compete against Israeli defense industries on the global UAV market.

While welcoming the use of UAVs as part of UNIFIL operations in Lebanon, a high-ranking officer said Sunday that the IDF would not stop flying over Lebanon.

"We need to allow UNIFIL all of the means it finds essential to perform its missions," the officer said. "But at the same time, until Hizbullah fulfills its part of UN resolution 1701 and returns the kidnapped soldiers [Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser Y.K.] there is no reason for us to completely fulfill our part of the agreement and stop the overflights."

what kind of SAMS does the french have in Lebanon
Well the French army operates Hawk, Roland and Mistral SAMs so probably a mixture of the above.
You think they'd ever press the trigger?

If they do they will face massive retaliation from the Israeli AF.

This isn't Sierra Leone they are defending. If they strike the Israelis the UAVs aren't going to protect them. If I was ever taking an army there, I'd at least want to follow up by quickly taking out forward airbases and and keeping my own air force on standby.

It might seem like an escalation but you know that doing nothing would mean they'd attack instead. The idea of a UN force should be that its the most strongest force in a region.

My crude game plan would be:

1. SAM takes out an Israeli combat fighter.
2. Fire away a series of cruise missiles onto forward bases.
3. Deploy a few squadrons, patrolling the skies.
You think they'd ever press the trigger?

If they do they will face massive retaliation from the Israeli AF.

This isn't Sierra Leone they are defending. If they strike the Israelis the UAVs aren't going to protect them. If I was ever taking an army there, I'd at least want to follow up by quickly taking out forward airbases and and keeping my own air force on standby.

It might seem like an escalation but you know that doing nothing would mean they'd attack instead. The idea of a UN force should be that its the most strongest force in a region.

My crude game plan would be:

1. SAM takes out an Israeli combat fighter.
2. Fire away a series of cruise missiles onto forward bases.
3. Deploy a few squadrons, patrolling the skies.

That plan of yours got nothing of defence, you are attacking a country. Which wont be carried out SAMS can be and will be employed, French and Germans will FIRE at the Israeli's. They have a history of Friendly Fire; the French rather shoot down an Israeli plane rather than loose their own Men.
Lets not take conspiracy theories too far
West will take palestinian or an Arab casuality, you are mistaken if you think they would stand down on when it affects their own people. Israeli jets wont strafe french positions. Israel is also aware that French are a World power capable of projecting their power.

israeli's wont do that, they would come up with a diplomatic measure, and i am sure Israeli's will have thier way. They have more friends than the Lebonanese
The French would definitely Fire upon a Israeli plane if they felt threatened. (If they didn't there would be an uproar in France as to why they were not allowed to fire.)Plus the evidence form the past shows that they take crap whilst on peacekeeping missions

Plus the Israeli's may be able to bully the local armed forces. But they would think twice before attacking a force with the capability to cause real harm to them.
West will take palestinian or an Arab casuality, you are mistaken if you think they would stand down on when it affects their own people. Israeli jets wont strafe french positions. Israel is also aware that French are a World power capable of projecting their power.

israeli's wont do that, they would come up with a diplomatic measure, and i am sure Israeli's will have thier way. They have more friends than the Lebonanese

Israel is on record for attacking even Americans. Read about how USS Liberty was savagely attacked by Israeli aircraft and surface vessels. The Americans suffered 34 fatalities and 173 were wounded. To this day, not a single Israeli has been court marshaled or punished for deliberately slaughtering Americans.

And NEVER underestimate the Jewish lobby. Israelis can attack anyone at the time of their choosing and get away without a scratch.
when did the israelis attack americans..how come the americans didnt retaliate??and as for israelis attacking and getting away with it, they may get away with it in israel but the rest of the world will certainly not let them go scot free.
today if israel attacks america, american and pakistani forces will retaliate with such force that israel is razed to the ground.israel will never do anything against the combined might of america and pakistan.
when did the israelis attack americans..how come the americans didnt retaliate??and as for israelis attacking and getting away with it, they may get away with it in israel but the rest of the world will certainly not let them go scot free.
today if israel attacks america, american and pakistani forces will retaliate with such force that israel is razed to the ground.israel will never do anything against the combined might of america and pakistan.

Pakistan dont need to interfere at all. Americans alone are enough. :lol:
US has a very strong Israeli Lobby, France doesnt it...
French are very independent, they will hit back just to stick gum on US and Israeli faces.
Israeli will not attack French troops, USS Liberty was the first ever incident, after that Israel has gained the reputation for friendly fire on purpose,

U must be so high on conspiracy theories, if u feel otherwise.
US has a very strong Israeli Lobby, France doesnt it...

Wonder why French enabled Israelis to manufacture nukes? Guess, they were merely feeling generous.

Ever heard of the term, ‘Western-guilt’?

Israeli will not attack French troops, USS Liberty was the first ever incident, after that Israel has gained the reputation for friendly fire on purpose,

U must be so high on conspiracy theories, if u feel otherwise.

Let’s hear your take as to why Israelis kept on attacking the USS Liberty for several hours till Americans launched rescue aircrafts?

Here is some helpful right out of horse’s mouth. War Crimes Committed Against U.S. Military Personnel, June 8, 1967:coffee:
I know about USS Liberty, and I believe Israeli's do it on purpose and they have done it with a lot of other UN forces thereafter, Precisely why the French wont allow them.

Thank you

French Might have let the Israeli's build bomb, but i am sure u believe they they would let them shoot at their people. Just cuz Pakistani Soldiers are being fired upon by Americans....lol
Western Guilt, or Arab barbarism .... you can decide why they chose to side with the Jews.

Every Muslim country's leaders are in US palms, Yet they keep on yappin about US-Israeli Nexus,: Baharin, Oman, Saudi, Iraq, Jordan Kuwait Egypt Israel etc etc
I know about USS Liberty, and I believe Israeli's do it on purpose and they have done it with a lot of other UN forces thereafter, Precisely why the French wont allow them.

What will or who will stop Israelis this time? Bunch of French pansies who handed France to Hitler on platter?

French Might have let the Israeli's build bomb, but i am sure u believe they they would let them shoot at their people. Just cuz Pakistani Soldiers are being fired upon by Americans....lol

1. You rant doesn’t even make sense.
2. French didn’t let the Israeli's build the bomb, they gave them the technology. Wonder why?

Western Guilt, or Arab barbarism .... you can decide why they chose to side with the Jews.

You have no clue about the ‘Western Guilt’, don’t you?

Every Muslim country's leaders are in US palms, Yet they keep on yappin about US-Israeli Nexus,: Baharin, Oman, Saudi, Iraq, Jordan Kuwait Egypt Israel etc etc

FYI, irrelevant ranting doesn’t make any sense.:disagree:
What is the Western Guilt are you talking about
Holocaust or illegal annrxation of Arab lands for Israel. I am sure people are pretty much over about all those stuff. Its seems only the Iranian President keeps ranting about it.
Israeli Nuclear Technology is said to be from the Americans, please provide a link which states otherwise; I will be happy to correct myself. Please enlighten me how giving technology for building Nuclear Bombs will make their soldiers target,
Why do you think Israeli Chief Staff went to Paris 3 weeks back, He knew the French were serious. Unlike you who think every thing happenin around in the world is jewish conspiracy.
The only conspiracy is the conspiracy played by arab leaders on arab population.
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