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Four Greek generals discharged over display of PKK publication


Jun 11, 2011
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Four Greek generals discharged over display of PKK publication

The head of the Greek Defense Ministry's War Museum in Athens and three other generals have been removed from their posts by Defence Minister Panos Panayotopulos after a publication from senior Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) figure Murat Karayılan was displayed at the museum on Nov. 28, daily Hürriyet reported today.

The Greek Foreign Affairs Ministry previously released a statement Nov. 29 condemning the presentation of the book.

“Greece condemns all forms of terrorism unequivocally. This is also the position of the European Union as a whole, as a matter of principle and as concerns the PKK organization,” the statement said.

The statement went on to claim the book had been included in the event “without the knowledge of the authorities responsible.”

In a statement released by the Turkish Foreign Ministry on Nov. 30, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu personally conveyed his unease over the incident during a telephone conversation with his Greek counterpart, Dimitris Avramopoulos, on Nov. 29.

EUROPE - Four Greek generals discharged over display of PKK publication
These guys are lowering themselves every that goes by.
I thought they may have been discharged for connections with the Golden Dawn at first...
They fired three Generals and removed the material, sounds fair enough to me.

Yes, it is more than fair actually. But they would NEVER do that like 5 years ago. We know how stubborn and arrogant they could be. This shows us how vulnerable and weak they are against Turkiye because of their economic situation.
Yes, it is more than fair actually. But they would NEVER do that like 5 years ago. We know how stubborn and arrogant they could be. This shows us how vulnerable and weak they are against Turkiye because of their economic situation.

Don't be so negative: How about they acknowledged that it was wrong and those who have been responsible have been fired, as simple as that. No need for rhetoric.
Don't be so negative: How about they acknowledged that it was wrong and those who have been responsible have been fired, as simple as that. No need for rhetoric.

I strongly disagree with you.
I think Turkey should spend this time period on winning Greece's trust

This is a time when they feeel the most vulnerable.

Their generals are hoping to win something over pkk how miserable they can get?

This is a chance to finish off many political struggles.
I think Turkey should spend this time period on winning Greece's trust

This is a time when they feeel the most vulnerable.

Their generals are hoping to win something over pkk how miserable they can get?

This is a chance to finish off many political struggles.

Agreed..Alas, there are 2 main struggles ahead..Cyprus issue and Aegean dispute..Unless one side steps back, reaching a compromise is almost impossible imho
Agreed..Alas, there are 2 main struggles ahead..Cyprus issue and Aegean dispute..Unless one side steps back, reaching a compromise is almost impossible imho

on Agean dispute Turkey will never back down as Greece's demands are insane. They've already took over 12 islands after WWII enough is enough

As for Cyprus as much as I'd like to sort things out by the good old fashioned military means, we have to reach a political compromise, either successfully dividing the island or uniting it with equal rights for both Turks and Greeks on the island.

I have an even better idea, we could establish a federal system with Turkish and Greek provinces having laws of their own. United in external matters and divided in internal stuff. It would be a dangerous mix but I think it's worth a shot. After all, any solution will be problematic for Cyprus but still better than no solution.

On a serious note, I fail to see how the Cyprus will be united after so much bloodshed in between two ethnicities. I think nationality is the strongest unifier even much stronger than religion. And people may eventually come to admit that Turkish and Greek cpyritos have to be recognized as seperate nations.
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