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Apr 27, 2016
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07 May 2022

I can’t recall the reference but remember having read one’s suffering in the press where he explained how he took from the website of our one agricultural university and used the information for his Ph.D paper. The Foreign University did not clear his thesis on the ground that the said information was obsolete. It is our general experience finding incorrect obsolete information in our Government Departments website.

2. Once I took the postal tariff from the Pakistan Post Office official website. I posted a few dozen invitation cards. Large number of cards came back undelivered because the addressees refused to accept those “with fine” being having deficient postage affixed. Some who received those showed their anger that we insulted them by sending “bay rang” cards.

3. Unfortunately, I forgot that the, then, the Federal Ombudsman was no more a “Friend of Citizens” that is why he had removed Logo to the effect from his office franking machine. I filed a complaint that displaying obsolete information causing financial loss to the public tantamount misguiding people and was an act of mal administration. The Federal Ombudsman turned down my complaint thus officially patting the shoulders of concerned errant officials for their not doing proper duty and misguiding public.

4. So often in talk shows one hears touching the subject of judicial reforms, from one participant or the other, that years back World Bank donated a huge money for reformation of our judicial system. These participants tell us that most of that went on renovations, tours, seminars, conferences, lap tops etc san practical reforms till today remaining a cry. A similar big donation was given in 2011 by World Bank for reformation of ombudsman system in Pakistan. What reformation was “practically” done? As a first step a Forum of Pakistan Ombudsman was formed, the Federal Tax Ombudsman of which stood as President and Punjab Ombudsman as Secretary.

5. This Forum achieved marvelously so much. For example, dictionaries meanings got changed – a wonderful step. For one; Federal Ombudsman is never tired of claiming delivering “free justice at door steps”. My 60 plus wife was summoned from abroad for Hearings in Karachi on 3rd, 10th & 17 March 2020 for collection of her share of “free justice at her door steps”. It was a prescription of minimum Rs. 3 lac per visit. It was a time when there were no international commercial flights almost world over due to Covid-19 and airports including that of Karachi were closed. World over Governments restricted to their four-walls to the bare minimum movement of their citizens specially those of senior citizens but our ombudsman showing any san regard and humanity for an old lady advised her to travel abroad. This was the reformed ombudsman system. Her complaint was very simple viz that SBP was no responding her query. My complaint I typed and printed on a high cost computer and lazer printer (which brand printer at that time had not even entered Pakistan) was rejected from the formal processing with an objection that a complaint to the ombudsman should be “In Wring”. I enquired from the President of Pakistan what was the new definition in Pakistan today of “in writing” but it appeared he was busy in some poetry night or alike hence could not respond.

6. The official website of the Forum of Pakistan Ombudsman established to reform the ombudsman, show casing how much reforms with the donation took place shows, today Wednesday the April 27, 2022 Mr. Najam Saeed as the Ombudsman Punjab and the Secretary of the Forum whereas the official website of the Punjab Ombudsman shows Maj® Azam Suleman Khan as the current Ombudsman. Whom should, like the above Ph.D student, a student or a layman like me believe!!! Mr. Waqar Ayub and Mr. Mumtaz Hussain Naqvi are today shown by the Forum as Provincial Ombudsmen Khyber Pakhtunkhawa and Ombudsman Azad Jammum Kashmir respectively whereas the official websites of these ombudsmen officed themselves quote Ms. Rukhshanda Naz and Chaudhary Muhammad Naseer as the current ombudsmen.

7. The reformatory Forum names today Mr. Raseesuddin Paracha as the Federal Insurance Ombudsman whereas the Federal Insurance Ombudsman Office guides the public that Dr. Muhammad was its ombudsman. Post of the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh against protection from Harassment against Women at Workplace is since long shown as vacant whereas the Sindh Government website names Justice ® Shahnazwaz as the concerned ombudsman.

8. Forum, Mashallah, names Mr. Asad Ashrif Malik as the Sindh Ombudsman. Yes, the same very Asad Ashrf who is very famous whom the Sindh Parliament unanimously within minutes granted a new tenure in violation the Ordinance whereas on the other hand Sindh Ombudsman’s own website photographs Ajaz Ali Khan as the sitting Sindh Ombudsman.

09. Years back, the Federal Tax Ombudsman website while named its current Tax Ombudsman (President of the Forum), the website of the Forum situate in the same premises named as the Tax Ombudsman one who had long gone back home after completion of his tenure. An old friend of mine opined it should not be taken note of as it was a step of “recognition” of good job done by the gone ombudsman that that is why his name was still kept. I can, of course with some difficulty may perhaps find from my old junk papers that I drew the attention to this more than once when the name was changed (if not corrected).

10. As said above talk shows participants often mention judicial reforms donation gave birth of meetings. These critics and uneducated don’t know the participants of a meeting table their wisdom, debate arguments and adopt a strategic planning for future betterment. Forum had regular meetings, as we learn from now long demised Forum Quarterly Newsletters and discussed vital important issues. Despite these regular meeting the bank mohtasib believed that since 2010 after relinquishing charge of Federal Ombudsman by Mr. Javed Sadiq, the post remained continuously till approximately mid 2021 remained vacant.

11. The Forum of Pakistan Ombudsman appreciably reformed the ombudsman system. This old man has a great wish that now the Forum now concentrate on how best the fine offset paper printed annual reports of ombudsman system show casing how many munds justice was produced in the best and easy way can be made available to the common man.

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