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Forget NSA, India's Centre for Development of Telematics is one of top 3 worst online spies

Those are figures from USA where after 9/11 there was no terrorist attack for more than a decade till the Boston Bombings.

I need not remind you of number and frequency of terror attacks that we face.

After the Parliament attack NDA govt passed the POTA and what did the terrorist sympathisers do? Repeal it soon after they came to power.

I don't mind govt checking which **** website I visit if in the process it makes me safer from the terrorist. The very fact that even with this surveillance we are not safe points that it is not effective and we want greater power to nip the terrorists in the bud

It doesn't matter , its probably better in India considering the 1.2 billion people ... I am a million times more likely to die by diseases,accident, falling of the stairs etc... etc..

Its not about **** dumbA$$, the government decides what is wrong and what is right , not the public, If such a law is combined with a patriot act(which am sure will come to India soon considering the trend) , then it will give the right to arrest any citizen of India with any ridicules claims ... These rights will be easily be misused ..

Why don't you go see how many people were arrested for simply making statements on face-book ??

Every dictator in history have used a fear psychosis to clamp down on their subjects freedom, this is no different and people are quiet easily being mislead to accept it...

This whole safety for freedom is extremely stupid , Would you sacrifice your freedom for safety ? if "yes" is your answer , then its better to spend time in prison as its quiet safe in there from terrorists ....
It doesn't matter , its probably better in India considering the 1.2 billion people ... I am a million times more likely to die by diseases,accident, falling of the stairs etc... etc..

Its not about **** dumbA$$, the government decides what is wrong and what is right , not the public, If such a law is combined with a patriot act(which am sure will come to India soon considering the trend) , then it will give the right to arrest any citizen of India with any ridicules claims ... These rights will be easily be misused ..

Why don't you go see how many people were arrested for simply making statements on face-book ??

Every dictator in history have used a fear psychosis to clamp down on their subjects freedom, this is no different and people are quiet easily being mislead to accept it...

This whole safety for freedom is extremely stupid , Would you sacrifice your freedom for safety ? if "yes" is your answer , then its better to spend time in prison as its quiet safe in there from terrorists ....
why subject yourself to security checks while entering a mall, metro station or airport? you should have the "freedom" to go anywhere unhindered
why subject yourself to security checks while entering a mall, metro station or airport? you should have the "freedom" to go anywhere unhindered

Bizarre reply...Do you understand the difference between personal information , personal security and public security ?

If i have not done something wrong , the government has absolutely no business in interfering and looking into my private life or my personal information . Am not loosing any of my personal freedoms when am being given security checks when entering sensitive areas as long as i am allowed to enter there.. :hitwall:
Bizarre reply...Do you understand the difference between personal information , personal security and public security ?

If i have not done something wrong , the government has absolutely no business in interfering and looking into my private life or my personal information . Am not loosing any of my personal freedoms when am being given security checks when entering sensitive areas as long as i am allowed to enter there.. :hitwall:

If you really think that the Indian Govt. or for that matter any govt in the world has the resources to mount surveillance on 1.2 Billion people then you are living in a cloud cuckoo land.

If you say it is only for the internet users there are 243 million internet users and still the govt can't keep an eye on all of them.

The govt will track and keep and eye on only people who do unsavory activities. These may not all be terrorists but this will be a way to reach out and tap into the terrorist network.

If you have done nothing wrong the govt will not keep you under surveillance but if you did something wrong or you were in contact with someone suspected to be a troublemaker then definitely it is the govt's duty to keep an eye out on you.
If you really think that the Indian Govt. or for that matter any govt in the world has the resources to mount surveillance on 1.2 Billion people then you are living in a cloud cuckoo land.

If you say it is only for the internet users there are 243 million internet users and still the govt can't keep an eye on all of them.

They aren't keeping an eye on all of them , what did you think they will employ couple million people to do so ? They will just have a database of information of an individual person stored . When required they can get all the information they want and use or misuse it as per their desires

The govt will track and keep and eye on only people who do unsavory activities. These may not all be terrorists but this will be a way to reach out and tap into the terrorist network.

thats what they are doing right now , no need to expand that to everyone..

If you have done nothing wrong the govt will not keep you under surveillance but if you did something wrong or you were in contact with someone suspected to be a troublemaker then definitely it is the govt's duty to keep an eye out on you.

I don't think you understand
USATODAY.com - NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls

The point is its would be quiet convenient for them to keep an eye out on people speaking against them and their policies.. especially on the internet ...

There was a report earlier on local news paper few years back of EVM machine being easily misused, this was before Subramaniam Swamy opened a case on it . That person disappeared into thin air never to be seen again..


Are you guys serious ? you never heard about this org. ? :o::o::o::o:

There are many security organizations in India under stupid names so that it does not attract any attention
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They aren't keeping an eye on all of them , what did you think they will employ couple million people to do so ? They will just have a database of information of an individual person stored . When required they can get all the information they want and use or misuse it as per their desires

thats what they are doing right now , no need to expand that to everyone..

I don't think you understand
USATODAY.com - NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls

The point is its would be quiet convenient for them to keep an eye out on people speaking against them and their policies.. especially on the internet ...

There was a report earlier on local news paper few years back of EVM machine being easily misused, this was before Subramaniam Swamy opened a case on it . That person disappeared into thin air never to be seen again..
Lets agree to disagree. I dont think that keeping track on potential troublemakers is a bad thing.

I agree that a govt may theoretically keep a track on those who are critical of them. But if they try to curb the freedom they will face a massive backlash. We are not North Korea or China where the govt can censure the opinions and the people will not revolt.

If the govt wanted to do that the present UPA govt would have clamped down hard. No NaMo facebook pages, no posting pro BJP views on PDF, no mass mobilization of youth in case of Anna Agitation or the Nirbhaya kand.

Please keep this in mind

Well ELINT can only get u there. We need is a very solid HUMINT. For people who say that these 3,4 or 5 letter acronymed organization are violating ur privacy, they donn need to know what is ur grandma's secret ingredient in Palak Paneer !!! They do have heavy load rated filters that can filter out "Traffic Of Interest" from the clutter. Think of it like this way, U have 300 people shouting at 300 other people in a closed room, and u are in the middle trying to hear that 1 conversation u are interested. U are not there to hear 299 conversations, they are just white noise to that 1 Conversation u want to hear.

First knowing our manpower in such organisations it is impossible to hear each and every person's privacy. Yes, there is a filter, which gives out codes, and words of interest from talks and conversation.
All unwanted information stored are automatically deleted within a week to save space. So "how" exactly and "who" is going to hear us?
Perhaps you should be afraid only if your parents or close friends working out there :D

I do.

The topic is about surveillance and privacy, not censorship. Censorship is a separate issue.

Then of course sir, you should not compare China with India, in this particular thread of survellaince.
@Developereo : The discussion of whether an all seeing eye is necessary or not is a never ending discussion which currently has no resolution with an exception that, if this double ended sword is used wisely can protect a lot of people. Not only their privacy but also their lives.

Also do take notice that these kind of systems generate a lot of traffic. A human cannot sort through these, hence they are electronically sorted through. Hence a lot of these concerns about personal privacy is uncalled for. Those electronic devices
just donn gossip with each other ur personal life.

First knowing our manpower in such organisations it is impossible to hear each and every person's privacy. Yes, there is a filter, which gives out codes, and words of interest from talks and conversation.
All unwanted information stored are automatically deleted within a week to save space. So "how" exactly and "who" is going to hear us?
Perhaps you should be afraid only if your parents or close friends working out there :D
That's what I am talking about. I have a very decent idea how difficult it can be. I am working on a project where we sort out few packets of data from a live corporate traffic which are generated during error response. We know the packets we are looking for few specific targets. Searching for known data among a huge traffic is hard, finding unknown packets of interest is insane.
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To all who think that these measures are intruding your privacy, you can always be a step ahead pro-actively reducing ur online footprint. There are multiple onion servers which when configured correctly can very well hide you from prying eyes. Use end to end encryption for all your personal intimate chats, whos stopping you ?? There are plethora of encryption algorithms out there. Get down, get dirty. Churn few of them around. If nothing encapsulate ur data under multiple ciphers with variable length/strength pass-codes. Your privacy is your responsibility. You have to protect it.
@Developereo : The discussion of whether an all seeing eye is necessary or not is a never ending discussion which currently has no resolution with an exception that, if this double ended sword is used wisely can protect a lot of people. Not only their privacy but also their lives.

Also do take notice that these kind of systems generate a lot of traffic. A human cannot sort through these, hence they are electronically sorted through. Hence a lot of these concerns about personal privacy is uncalled for. Those electronic devices
just donn gossip with each other ur personal life.

That's what I am talking about. I have a very decent idea how difficult it can be. I am working on a project where we sort out few packets of data from a live corporate traffic which are generated during error response. We know the packets we are looking for few specific targets. Searching for known data among a huge traffic is hard, finding unknown packets of interest is insane.

Perhaps you should keep this is as a secret. :)
I do.

The topic is about surveillance and privacy, not censorship. Censorship is a separate issue.

This is nothing new. I had also mentioned in another thread, ever mobile switching centre has multiple machines dedicated to intelligence agencies in India. Except for NTRO and RAW, rest require approvals to be tapped. The lead time to tap into any conversation in cellular communication = time required to get approval from bureaucrats.

In the current context, I may be wrong, C-Dot is the developmental organisation. The actual job of surveillance falls under the gambit of the NTRO, RAW, IB, MI, so on and so forth.

The toughest part of surveillance is not the actual job of interception. It is to figure of where and what to intercept. The second stage is decryption of the intercept.

To all who think that these measures are intruding your privacy, you can always be a step ahead pro-actively reducing ur online footprint. There are multiple onion servers which when configured correctly can very well hide you from prying eyes. Use end to end encryption for all your personal intimate chats, whos stopping you ?? There are plethora of encryption algorithms out there. Get down, get dirty. Churn few of them around. If nothing encapsulate ur data under multiple ciphers with variable length/strength pass-codes. Your privacy is your responsibility. You have to protect it.

Actually the first tick is to catch data that is being encrytped :) and then monitor that :)
Actually the first tick is to catch data that is being encrytped :) and then monitor that :)
Well the thing is, internet is swarming with proprietary encrypted data. There is no sure fire way to distinguish ur bank transaction packets from a well masked personal file which has been encrypted !!
Well the thing is, internet is swarming with proprietary encrypted data. There is no sure fire way to distinguish ur bank transaction packets from a well masked personal file which has been encrypted !!

There are, believe me.
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