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For First Time Ever, America Thinks Afghan War Was a 'Mistake'

It was legit till the day Laden died.........

I dont think afgan war was wrong.. Iraq war might be...
its just americans frustrated because they cant see any tangible achievement
Cant wait for the cyber Jihadists to come and proclaim victory....
The fact is that the US came and occupied a country after a successful conventional war, wreaked havoc and is now going to leave like nothing happened, and there is nothing any nation on earth can do....

oo khan sb

see what amount of money they lost

how many soldiers they lost

thousands of soldiers suffering permanent damage by war syndrome

there reputation on what pretext they came and what they achieved

against rag tag freedom fighters they proved worthless

animosity with muslims and making many extremists in the process

spreading Al CIAda further into other countries

letting proxies and Northern alliance destabilize nuclear Pakistan through shadow war or being an aiding factor to that

In the end they further destroyed Afghanistan and destabilizing Pakistan

God knows what happens when they leave
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It was legit till the day Laden died.........
there was two parts, first the war(invasion phase) which was easy bit..and I think legit, second installing a new self sufficient regime (occupation phase) was difficult.
If they did not occupy and had hit and run it would have been really irresponsible (like they did after soviet withdrawl). For afgan point of view occupation is bad, but a non afgan would want a stable govt there even if it means temporary occupation.
Knowling when to pull out is important. :)
I hope not!!!

It is normal for anyone to see war is wrong...harming, killing other people in their homeland over extended periods of time is insane!
Just wait for it, most of the Jihadists are sleeping right now, by this time tomorrow they will declare victory over the ''infidels''....:coffee:

I dont think afgan war was wrong.. Iraq war might be...
its just americans frustrated because they cant see any tangible achievement
Yes, although I dont advocate the amount of force used, the reasons for going to war in Afghanistan were justified, in the aftermath of 911 America wanted blood and it got it, perhaps more than it had bargained for, the Americans have probably by now realized that there can be no ''tangible achievements'' in a guerrilla war, they should have learnt it in Vietnam but they didnt, I hope they have learnt now and wont go off waging wars on random ME countries....:coffee:
How much money? A rich man never looks at his wallet!

How many soldiers? Way way way way....... less than our people.........

Them having PTSD? What about 200,000,000 of our people living under absolute fear, every waking moment?

For what they came? Do you think they care about PR? They are a hyper-power!

.......................... I can continue.....................

The loss was all ours...... for them it was a small foot note in their history.......... we shall be paying for losses, for decades to come........

oo kocha sb

see what amount of money they lost

how much soldiers they lost

thousands of soldiers suffering permanent damage by war syndrome

there reputation on what pretext they came and what they achieved

against rag tag freedom fighters they proved worthless

animosity with muslims and making many extremists in the process

spreading Al CIAda further into other countries

letting proxies and Northern alliance destabilize nuclear Pakistan through shadow war or being an aiding factor to that

etc etc etc
oo kocha sb

see what amount of money they lost

how many soldiers they lost

thousands of soldiers suffering permanent damage by war syndrome

there reputation on what pretext they came and what they achieved

against rag tag freedom fighters they proved worthless

animosity with muslims and making many extremists in the process

spreading Al CIAda further into other countries

letting proxies and Northern alliance destabilize nuclear Pakistan through shadow war or being an aiding factor to that

In the end they further destroyed Afghanistan and destabilizing Pakistan

God knows what happens when they leave

Tameez sa bat karo....
see what amount of money they lost
Still they are the biggest economic and military giants
how many soldiers they lost
Casualties are bound to happen, they also annihilated a nation...
thousands of soldiers suffering permanent damage by war syndrome
are you refering to PTSD...???
there reputation on what pretext they came and what they achieved
against rag tag freedom fighters they proved worthless
They cam to kill OBL, the did, they came to win conventionally, they did, they came to bring democracy, they did
animosity with muslims and making many extremists in the process
spreading Al CIAda further into other countries
letting proxies and Northern alliance destabilize nuclear Pakistan through shadow war or being an aiding factor to that
In the end they further destroyed Afghanistan and destabilizing Pakistan
God knows what happens when they leave

Conspiracies, on any other day I may have agreed with you but not today, today I am in a mood for realism

did i misquoted some word? i thought it meant something else

i apologize i edited it
No problem, mate, for a second I was about to lose my marbles, its actually the equivalent of calling an African a nigger or negro....
How much money? A rich man never looks at his wallet!

How many soldiers? Way way way way....... less than our people.........

Them having PTSD? What about 200,000,000 of our people living under absolute fear, every waking moment?

For what they came? Do you think they care about PR? They are a hyper-power!

.......................... I can continue.....................

The loss was all ours...... for them it was a small foot note in their history.......... we shall be paying for losses, for decades to come........

They are not rich anymore but are on loan disease and are getting worse

you compare them at there level and not with some third world country

anyways they wrecked the whole region

No problem, mate, for a second I was about to lose my marbles, its actually the equivalent of calling an African a nigger or negro....

again i apologize
looks like a case of restlessness for a complete victory,which never came
It was legit till the day Laden died.........

It was, and still is legit:

"Gallup's telephone interviews were conducted from Feb. 6-9 among a random sample of 1,023 adults. The poll's margin of error was plus or minus 4 percentage points."

Barely a thousand adults surveyed by phone with a 4 percent margin of error is not what "America thinks" as a "mistake", but wow, what an exaggerated thread title. :D
It's their history; after every mis-adventure they confess their mistake, make speeches, write op-eds, author novels and make movies about the people they have screwed; but, all of that happens after the Empire has achieved it's main (strategic, economic, diplomatic) objective. Usually, the farther in the past the event, more damning is the condemnation - starting from 'The conquest of the so called New World'.

Plus, it also makes the future generations feel good as if they have redeemed some of the sins of past & hence, the myth of American exceptionalism is kept in circulation for perpetuity.

Another tomorrow - another humanitarian intervention.
If the JEWS banks can have 5000 billions of dollars, then everybody should be happy

It was legit till the day Laden died.........
They brought Afghanistan to the middle age with Al Qaeda to ease their invasion, they use muslims as toys in their playground and they are legit?

Afghanistan was secular and developped before they send in Ben Laden Sheitan
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