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For 2 yrs, India knocked on Khaleda door but returned disappointed


Jan 4, 2009
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United States
So much for delusional Indians hope that Khaleda Zia is in their pocket. Indian Express expresses Indian frustration about Khaleda Zia:

For 2 yrs, India knocked on Khaleda door but returned disappointed
PranabDhalSamanta : Newdelhi, Wed Jan 08 2014, 02:35 hrs


Manmohan Singh hosted an exclusive lunch for Khaleda Zia when she visted in 2012. IE

Failure and frustration have marked the conversation between India and the Bangladesh National Party, particularly its chief Khaleda Zia, who is possibly one opposition politician of a neighbouring country every important Indian leader met in the past two years but with no results to show.

So as New Delhi threw its weight behind Zia's opponent Sheikh Hasina in the just-concluded elections — which BNP boycotted — South Block is filled with disappointment that its attempts to appear even-handed counted for little.

The conversations began with the Vice-President meeting her in 2011. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh hosted an exclusive lunch for Zia when she visited India a year later. External Affairs ministers S M Krishna and Salman Khurshid too held talks with her. And then there was the failed attempt to get her to meet President Pranab Mukherjee when he visited Bangladesh in March.

But each attempt was followed by a setback.

In November 2012, when Zia met the PM, she told him she had come with an "open mind" and with the "hope of a new era" that would include overcoming "past wounds" and "past bitterness".

The visit was seen as a success by New Delhi until she returned and it was back to acerbic statements about Hasina being an Indian stooge.

What, however, got New Delhi agitated was Zia supporting the Jamaat-e-Islami's line that Hasina was like Lhendup Dorjee, the first chief minister of Sikkim. This formulation was often used in Jamaat publications, but last month Zia became the first mainstream leader to say so publicly: "Do you want to be a slave? Will you be a lackey? This slavery will not save you. Read the story of Lhendup Dorjee.":yahoo:

This was just weeks after she had met Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh and India had urged her to start negotiations with Hasina. At one point during the discussions, sources said Zia even mentioned that Jamaat was a "temporary ally" but still went on to take the Jamaat line on Dorjee.

This gave the opportunity to hardliners on the Indian side to make the point that the BNP leadership was insensitive to India's concerns on its northern borders.

In March, Zia refused to meet Mukherjee at the eleventh hour during his first visit as President, citing protests and disruptions as a reason for not being able to make it. Incidentally, the protest had been organised by the Jamaat, further agitating Indian interlocutors.

According to reliable sources, the two demands that Zia always made in her conversations was that Hasina should form a caretaker government and herself resign from the PM's post.

India's response was that it could do little since the constitution had been amended to do away with the provision of caretaker governments, an issue also settled in Bangladeshi courts. And as for resignation, it was simply beyond New Delhi's remit.

As a result, the conversation failed to find any common ground despite such high-level approaches by India.

Even now, as India calls for a dialogue among all parties, the fact is that there is no room Hasina is willing to give, having won Sunday's lopsided elections. And reports of minorities being allegedly targeted in the latest violence in Bangladesh have made matters more intractable.
KZ did not accept any of these indian conditions that undermines Bangladesh sovereignty. Jamaat has little to do with principal decision. india is propagating that BNP is run by Jamaat, it does not have any leadership or capability. That is insulting and who would listen to india with such interfering bully? It is indian and Awami League game to separate Jamaat from BNP, so destruction of BNP is much easier. If ongoing movement is any indication then Jamaat is the main power why movement got steam.

One other reason, indians are writing such pure imaginary propaganda article because US does not accept indian propaganda about Jamaat. So if they can put pressure on BNP to distance itself from Jamaat that will be easier route than convincing US.

That is why all these post election false flag attacks were orchestrated to blamed Jamaat and intensify pressure on BNP to distance itself from Jamaat.

These trademark false flag indian sabotage (like in Dinajpur) and deception tricks are not new and easy to detect. Next thing you would see indo-awami media and so called sushil joining in a echo chamber for media attack against BNP and Jamaat. All the while it is India and Awami League committed crime against Bangladesh.

At the end of the day principal facts are:

  • Who BNP allies with is BNP's decision, NOT india's or Awami League.
  • Bangladesh sovereignty and policy are its own prerogative, NOT india to say anything about it.
  • Who people elect is decision of Bangladeshis, NOT india to dictate.
But india proved and proves again and again, it does not recognize Bangladesh sovereignty.

P.S. I would not pay too much attention to these type of dime a dozen indian propaganda piece.
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KZ did not accept any of these indian condition that undermines Bangladesh sovereignty. Jamaat has little to do with principal decision. What india is propagating that BNP is run by Jamaat, it does not have any leadership or capability. That is insulting and who would listen to india such interfering manner. It is indian and Awami League game to separate Jamaat from BNP so destruction of BNP is much easier. If ongoing movement is any indication then Jamaat is the main power why movement got steam.

One other reason, indians are writing such pure imaginary propaganda article because US does not accept indian propaganda about Jamaat. So if they can put pressure on BNP to distance from Jamaat that will be easier route than convincing US.

At the end of the day principal facts are:

  • Who BNP allies with is BNP's decision, NOT india's or Awami League.
  • Bangladesh sovereignty and policy are its own prerogative, NOT india to say anything about it.
  • Who people elect is decision of Bangladeshis, NOT india to dictate.
But india proved and proves again and again, it does not recognize Bangladesh sovereignty.

P.S. I would not pay too much attention to these type of dime a dozen indian propaganda piece.

Yes, of course, but I just feel good that Indian's failed with KZ and are freely admitting as such. Indian's getting upset about anything = something good for Muslims of the world.
Yes, of course, but I just feel good that Indian's failed with KZ and are freely admitting as such. Indian's getting upset about anything = something good for Muslims of the world.

That is true.
what knock? India wanted BNP to let indo-awami league have another term. Now India the victim!
Soon with help of India, new BD government will get recognition from all around the world and Khadia zia will cry for next 5 years.

If she stop supporting anti India groups/terrorists like Jamat and ULFA then she can get support from India.
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Don't let Indian fool you, India government voice in the world carry no weight, India demand China and US recognized Bangladesh uncontest newly form government just a joke in itself.
Soon with help of India, new BD government will get recognition from all around the world and Khadia zia will cry for next 5 years.

If she stop supporting anti India groups/terrorists like Jamat and ULFA then she can get support from India.

Better concentrate on providing some human level toilet and protein based food to your people. Country that standing on raggedy foot talking about controlling word. :cheesy:
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Better concentrate on providing some human level toilet and protein based food to your people. Country that sanding on raggedy foot talking about controlling word. :cheesy:
The same country's RAW controls your country. Mr Slave kid. :)
@MBI Munshi ... Your thoughts please... These people think that KZ rejected our offers.. :D
I think this lady is good for Bangladesh & cares for her country. She is not power hungry & that's why boycott the elections.

BTW even US rejected the elections & had call for re-election.
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Yes, of course, but I just feel good that Indian's failed with KZ and are freely admitting as such. Indian's getting upset about anything = something good for Muslims of the world.
What about Indians who are Muslim?

P.S If I were you, I'd watch what I write on internet forums.NSA is watching and Guatanamo -like camps are still running for fascist islamic nutjobs like you.
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