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Focus of Afghan war is shifting eastward


Oct 8, 2009
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KHOST, Afghanistan — The Afghan war is returning to the place it began: the violent eastern borderlands with Pakistan, where the Taliban and al-Qaeda slipped out of American reach a decade ago and have organized their insurgency ever since.

In southern Afghanistan, the United States has succeeded over the past year in prying the Taliban’s grip from parts of Kandahar and Helmand provinces. But U.S. military commanders recognize they have far to go in the country’s east, where insurgents fight from the cover of craggy mountains, drive truckloads of weapons through illegal dirt-road border crossings, and flee across the frontier into Pakistan to elude capture.

The intense U.S. focus on the south has meant that there are about 38,500 troops in that region, compared with 31,000 in eastern Afghanistan. But those in the east have borne a disproportionately high share of casualties in recent months, and some territory held by the Afghan government has fallen back into Taliban hands after U.S. troops pulled out of their small outposts.

In eastern Afghanistan, “we really haven’t focused our energy and efforts,” said U.S. Army Lt. Gen. David Rodriguez, NATO’s second-ranking commander in Afghanistan. “Because you can’t do it everywhere at the same time.”

By concentrating more on the east, U.S. military officials hope to confront the cross-border flow of Taliban and Haqqani network fighters who operate from Pakistan’s poorly governed tribal districts. The higher priority would mean more intelligence capabilities, such as surveillance drones, as well as more Afghan soldiers for the region. But commanders are faced with the problem of trying to intensify a fight with fewer American troops, as President Obama begins withdrawing forces next month.

With less combat power, commanders must balance between keeping troop-strength high in the south to hold their gains and shifting more to the problems in the east. In the past six months, 64 U.S. troops have died in the east, compared with 67 in the south, despite the fact that there are 7,500 more troops in the south. Some U.S. planners have made the case for making the east the war’s top priority as soon as this summer, but Rodriguez said that is unlikely to happen.

“It’s the last place we will be fighting,” a senior U.S. military official said, speaking on the condition that he not be identified by name. “And the Afghans will be fighting there in perpetuity. It’s a bad neighborhood.”

The problems in the east start with Pakistan, whose tribal border districts have long provided refuge for Afghan insurgents. Fighters for the Taliban, as well as al-Qaeda and the Pakistani group Lashkar-i-Taiba, can move from Pakistan into places such as Konar province, which has cultivated a toxic mix of fighters in remote mountain valleys. U.S. military commanders recognized last year that they were likely never going to have enough troops to pursue a strategy built around protecting the Afghan population.

Starting in 2006, the United States kept an 800-member battalion in the Pech Valley — enough to secure the ground to pave over a dirt trail into the valley, but not enough to extend the reach of the Afghan government, oversee large construction projects or defeat the Taliban in one of the most violent parts of the country. So a new strategy emerged: The troops withdrew from the valley this spring and began to use mobile units based in Konar and outside Jalalabad, a 45-minute helicopter ride away, to conduct large sweeps against insurgent strongholds every few months. So far, these raids have taken place in the Pech and Konar river valleys, the two major arteries in the province.

Focus of Afghan war is shifting eastward - The Washington Post
Trash article - just basically ill-informed or propaganda -

In southern Afghanistan, the United States has succeeded over the past year in prying the Taliban’s grip from parts of Kandahar and Helmand provinces.

With the news that more than 90 percent of those arrested for being Talib, in reality innocent civilians, these sorts of statements challeneg readers intelligence.

On the other hand, is the East a problem - sure -- greater attention? sure
The problems in the east start with Pakistan,
Lets see if Kiyani's army will bend over just as it did in Abbotabad and karachi
USA actually wanted the war to go in Pakistan, but don't make a mistake usa, we love our country more than anything,

USA actually wanted the war to go in Pakistan, but don't make a mistake usa, we love our country more than anything,


sleeping Lion, is not a dead Lion !!

there is famous quote of General Hamid Gul that "911 bahana hai, afghanistan thikana hai, pakistan nishana hai".
it seems US has miserably failed, and now all their attention and enegies are to make a scapegoat out of a lost war, in east, US is trying to 'bring' its core of operations and soldiers, but in reality, they are all packing their bags to leave

but they are thinking they will be granted a safe passage, they are dreaming
“It’s the last place we will be fighting,” a senior U.S. military official said, speaking on the condition that he not be identified by name. “And the Afghans will be fighting there in perpetuity. It’s a bad neighborhood.”

This is a strange statement, saying that the afghans will be ‘fighting in perpetuity' even after NATO/US have done the fighting in a place is acknowledgement from the NATO/US high command that they will fail to solve the puzzle.
With all due respect to the forum readers who, without fail, continue to blame others and refuse to take responsibility, neither we nor our adversaries can fight or win alone. Ineffective cooperation leaves open our borders and allows our adversaries to attack and escape across them. Effective cooperation closes borders, sealing them from cross-border penetration, attack and retreat.

With effective cooperation, based not on blame, but earnest and mutually beneficial responsibility, Pakistanis, Afghans and International Forces are more than a match for the insurgents who intentionally target and indiscriminately kill the innocents and righteous on both sides of the common border. Without effective cooperation only the Taliban know the next target, only the Taliban know which side of the border their deadly missions will occur, and only the Taliban can be everywhere at once while we flail about searching for those who conduct war among and war upon the people.

Should not the common goal of eliminating terrorism through effective cooperation encourage cooperation between Pakistan, Afghanistan and international forces? Should not the common goal of eliminating terrorism override and make relatively inconsequential any disagreements and differences between us? If effective cooperation cannot be achieved in full we will be effectively divided and conquered by our adversaries, and those that we love and the countries we are sworn to protect will fall prey to rule by human rights abuses and war crimes.

In the following link effective cooperation is evident in the formation of a joint anti-terror squad:

US-Pakistan form an anti-terror squad: report | World | DAWN.COM

CDR Bill Speaks,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
So US will try to invade Pakistan now just like in Vietnam war they invaded Cambodia, Obama wants to be the next Nixon. Pack and leave already, and Pakistan should clean its act cause once the US leaves chances of another Afghan civil war are high.
I think, Pakistan doesn't have a choice here.

It has to stop funding terrorist groups and treating them as strategic assets.
So US will try to invade Pakistan now just like in Vietnam war they invaded Cambodia, Obama wants to be the next Nixon. Pack and leave already, and Pakistan should clean its act cause once the US leaves chances of another Afghan civil war are high.

keep producing terrorists ( freedom fighters ). what will happen when India does the same to you ?
So US will try to invade Pakistan now just like in Vietnam war they invaded Cambodia, Obama wants to be the next Nixon. Pack and leave already, and Pakistan should clean its act cause once the US leaves chances of another Afghan civil war are high.

Don't worry about that, the terrorists will shift their attention on your country. You guys will be in for the long war for many decades to come.

What you guys just tasted by the terrorists for the last decade is just the start.
Don't worry about that, the terrorists will shift their attention on your country. You guys will be in for the long war for many decades to come.

What you guys just tasted by the terrorists for the last decade is just the start.

Dont worry once stupid rednecks are out of this neighbour hood we will find a way. You worry about your country.
Dont worry once stupid rednecks are out of this neighbour hood we will find a way. You worry about your country.

Stupid rednecks? Many American military personnel are African, Caucasian, Asian, etc. Many are also Muslims as well. But thanks for revealing your stereotype. I'm sure you will find a way but it will be hard. I know you guys can defeat the terrorists when you find the hard way.
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