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‘Flawed foreign policy’ isolated Pakistan


Mar 21, 2007
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‘Flawed foreign policy’ isolated Pakistan​

PTI Core Committee condemns police firing on peaceful citizens in Batkhela, Malakand

September 12, 2023

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has voiced its concern over the country's increasing isolation on the global stage, attributing it to a flawed foreign strategy over the past 17 months.

In addition to economic and political challenges, Pakistan's foreign relations have suffered due to ineffective policies, the PTI Core Committee said in a meeting on Monday.

Following an in-depth deliberation on the G20 Summit held in India and the general elections within the country, the PTI Core Committee underscored the importance of an elected government with a public mandate to safeguard Pakistan's interests on the international front.

The committee also assessed the government's efforts to bolster Pakistan's economy, particularly through direct foreign investment (FDI).

It emphasised that promoting FDI in a nation lacking justice, rule of law, and political stability was both futile and unwise.

“Internal stability and adherence to the rule of law are fundamental prerequisites to attract investment in any country.”

Further, the committee expressed concern that instead of witnessing improvements in the domestic environment, further deterioration is occurring through delays in adhering to the Constitution regarding elections.

In order to break Pakistan's isolation on the global stage and achieve lasting stability within the country, the committee asserted the urgent need to return to constitutional governance and democracy.

The committee also strongly condemned the police firing on peaceful citizens in the Batkhela area of Malakand. It viewed the arrests of peaceful protesters who were voicing concerns about inflation, unemployment, and lawlessness as a severe form of state authoritarianism.

It urged an immediate restoration of the people's right to vote instead of persisting in destructive efforts to delay elections contrary to the Constitution.

The committee also vehemently condemned the withholding of election results in the Gilgit-Baltistan Assembly Constituency 13 Astore 1. It called upon the G-B Election Commission to respect the people's choice and promptly announce the election results, refraining from hindering the victory declaration of PTI candidate Khursheed Khan.

On the occasion of Quaid-e-Azam's death anniversary, the committee emphasised that adhering to the principles of the Father of the Nation was key to extricating the country from its current crisis.

“Quaid-i-Azam's political philosophy is rooted in democratic values, unwavering adherence to the rule of law, and complete respect for constitutional requirements in state affairs.”

The committee concluded that the elements imposed on the state and government were steering the nation away from the leader's values through their flawed decision-making processes.

Pakistan's foreign policy has always been to blindly obey foreign powers at the expense of its own people and sovereignty to gain their respect, only for the same foreign powers to disrespect Pakistan even further.
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Who says?
All Pakistani politicians have Very good personal relationships with foreign powers.
Zardari is the chum bucket of UAE Arabs and Iran
Sharif's are loved by BJP India and British.
Army is the apple of the eyes of USA and KSA.
ANP are loved by India and Afghanistan.

That's all the neighbours sorted? And more?
What do you expect from patwaris? You have shoeshiners and prostitutes running the show. Low IQ results.
In addition to economic and political challenges, Pakistan's foreign relations have suffered due to ineffective policies, the PTI Core Committee said in a meeting on Monday.

Following an in-depth deliberation on the G20 Summit held in India and the general elections within the country, the PTI Core Committee underscored the importance of an elected government with a public mandate to safeguard Pakistan's interests on the international front.

Soon at the world forums a notice board is going to go up stating that " Dogs and Pakistani's are not allowed" .
No economy, no industry, no education and no money for the amenities and dreaming of G20.
We are nothing more then at a Sudan/Eritrea level at any measurable scale and keep on shouting Pakistan army is the best and saviours of the Pakistan who screwed the country from the back to the front and are still doing their business.
Fool denies the problem and wise man looks into the problem to be solved so what are we??
India went to the moon and Pakistani's are denying their journey and even if they accept it then they will claim that Indian craft had landed at the dark side of the moon. Regardless at least they have got the craft to fly and land what we have got to shout about?
Ayub captures the Islamabad for the liberation of the Kashmir, Yahya captures Islamabad for his womanising and wild parties. Zia conquers Islamabad to implement Islamic sharia and Musharf when beaten off at the Kargil conquers Islamabad for Pakistan economy and corruption. Now another idiot mosquito weight general thinks he will clear Pakistan of Mafia crocodiles and using it to prolong his kingship/
No one in Pakistan asks the question from al these liars generals who elected or hired you to do anything other then defend the mother land. Until these generals heads are not chopped off Jinnah dream and Pakistan can't rise from the ashes.
We are nothing more then at a Sudan/Eritrea level at any measurable scale
Sudan and Eritrea are worse.

. .
Sudan and Eritrea are worse.


What does the data you are pulling out entails and have you included the debt/liabilities country is carrying. Uncontrolled population we have got and where are we going to feed them from. If the remittances are not coming into the country what's the trade balance would have been. Thats the most silliest response from a shallow and disillusioned person one must expect, where are the other nations are heading and where are we standing at today? Sudan and Eritrea are not at the verge of the default we are.
What does the data you are pulling out entails and have you included the debt/liabilities country is carrying. Uncontrolled population we have got and where are we going to feed them from. If the remittances are not coming into the country what's the trade balance would have been. Thats the most silliest response from a shallow and disillusioned person one must expect, where are the other nations are heading and where are we standing at today? Sudan and Eritrea are not at the verge of the default we are.
Sudan has an external debt of $50B for a population of 41 million.
Eritrea has an external debt of $3.75 for a population of 3.6 million.
Pakistan has an external debt of $125B for a population of 240 million.

Sudan and Eritrea are worse off, comparatively, on a per capita basis.

Polity wise, Sudan and Eritrea are worse off (at least not better off) than Pakistan, if it can be believed.

Going by HDI, Pakistan is better than Sudan and Eritrea.

Sudan has an external debt of $50B for a population of 41 million.
Eritrea has an external debt of $3.75 for a population of 3.6 million.
Pakistan has an external debt of $125B for a population of 240 million.

Sudan and Eritrea are worse off, comparatively, on a per capita basis.

Polity wise, Sudan and Eritrea are worse off (at least not better off) than Pakistan, if it can be believed.

Going by HDI, Pakistan is better than Sudan and Eritrea.


On topic, what does it tell us about foreign policy when Pakistan despite these metrics is ranked worse in the passport index:

I cant think of a single foreign policy success post IK, can you?


Also the fact that we are slightly better than African North Korea and a country which has split and is now fighting a civil war is nothing to get excited about.
On topic, what does it tell us about foreign policy when Pakistan despite these metrics is ranked worse in the passport index:

I cant think of a single foreign policy success post IK, can you?

View attachment 953174

Also the fact that we are slightly better than African North Korea and a country which has split and is now fighting a civil war is nothing to get excited about.

Blame your open border with Afghanistan and corrupt NADRA officials selling Pakistani citizenship for this.
what does it tell us about foreign policy when Pakistan despite these metrics is ranked worse in the passport index:
Passport index is a function of the probability of return of a visitor. Also, the desirability of the visitor to the host country. On these factors, Pakistan fares worse than Sudan and Eritrea. Despite the problems, there is no flood of Sudanese or Eritreans to foreign countries. Secondly, foreigners are not as fearful of Sudanese or Eritrean visitors.
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