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Flatten Gaza: Gilad Sharon


May 3, 2009
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Ariel Sharon's son Gilad calls on Israel to 'flatten Gaza'

Gilad Sharon, the son of Ariel Sharon the former Israeli prime minister who was felled by a stoke in 2005, called on the country's armed forced to crush terrorism in Gaza by laying siege to the Palestinian territory.


By Damien McElroy

3:16PM GMT 19 Nov 2012

Mr Sharon, an activist for the opposition Kadima party said that Israel's south would only be calm when Israel would be able to declare total victory over Hamas and other radical groups in the city.

Otherwise the alternative would be to reoccupy the territory that his father ordered a withdrawal from in 2005. To do so the army should unleash an all-out assault. "Flatten all of Gaza. The Americans didn't stop with Hiroshima – the Japanese weren't surrendering fast enough, so they hit Nagasaki, too," he wrote in the Jerusalem Post.

Mr Sharon, who is also a major in Israel's reserve forces, said the government should force the leadership of Gaza to capitulate by cutting off all supplies."There should be no electricity in Gaza, no gasoline or moving vehicles, nothing. Then they'd really call for a ceasefire," he wrote.

"Were this to happen, the images from Gaza might be unpleasant – but victory would be swift, and the lives of our soldiers and civilians spared. "If the government isn't prepared to go all the way on this, it will mean reoccupying the entire Gaza Strip. Not a few neighborhoods in the suburbs, as with Cast Lead, but the entire Strip, like in Defensive Shield, so that rockets can no longer be fired.

While the elder Mr Sharon, one of the most distinguished soldiers in Israel's history, remains incapacitated, Gilad claimed recently he can communicate with his father by gestures and eye movements.The youngest son of the family, Gilad was the gatekeeper to his father during his time in office. He now manages the family farm in the Negev desert.

A storm of hostile comments was triggered on Twitter by the remarks.

"Why did JPost publish Gilad Sharon's horrible, racist call to kill innocent Arabs to protect "truly innocent" Jews?" asked Tim Jacob Wise.

Ariel Sharon's son Gilad calls on Israel to 'flatten Gaza' - Telegraph

More apologists needed.
Now some counter propaganda..

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No, lets bring flowers and chocolates over to people who fire rockets indiscriminately into our country. Lets have a play date with people who have vowed to not rest till thet destroy our country.

Palestine never was a country. Look it up and get educated rather than regurgitate what your arab masters fed you.
No, lets bring flowers and chocolates over to people who fire rockets indiscriminately into our country. Lets have a play date with people who have vowed to not rest till thet destroy our country.

Palestine never was a country. Look it up and get educated rather than regurgitate what your arab masters fed you.

Our country? Your flags need to change my friend. :)

Well he is not alone.

Israel interior minister vows to send Gaza back to Middle Ages

Israel's interior minister has publicly vowed to "send Gaza back to the Middle Ages" as the aerial and naval bombardment of the besieged enclave, as well as the Palestinian rocket barrage against Israel, continued into Sunday.
"The goal of the operation is to send Gaza back to the Middle Ages," Israeli Interior Minister Eli Yishai, a member of the ultra-orthodox Shas party, said, according to the leading Israeli daily Haaretz. "Only then will Israel be calm for 40 years."
The Orthodox Jewish news site Yeshiva World News also quoted Yishai as saying, "We must blow Gaza back to the Middle Ages, destroying all the infrastructure including roads and water."

There was no calm in Gaza as 'Operation Pillar of Defense,' Israel's air and sea bombardment of the densely populated enclave, entered its fifth straight day on Sunday. Israel has carried out 950 air strikes targeting Palestinian militants who have launched more than 500 rockets into Israel during the course of hostilities.

Israel interior minister vows to send Gaza back to Middle Ages
Apparently you are not good at comprehension.

Anyway, back to topic, Israel is not like Pakistan. They dont sit back and watch terrorists shoot 15 year old girls in the face. Their army is actually NOT a show piece like ours.

Yeah there army kills 11 months kids. No I don't want my army doing this sh!t.

You seem to be coward and eunuch of the same kind. Volunteer yourself for the IDF.
No, lets bring flowers and chocolates over to people who fire rockets indiscriminately into our country. Lets have a play date with people who have vowed to not rest till thet destroy our country.

Palestine never was a country. Look it up and get educated rather than regurgitate what your arab masters fed you.

The land belonged to the people of Palestine, which included all religions. Contrary to your "beliefs" Palestine always existed since ancient times and remained an "entity" under ottomans [Since 1516], Egyptians and Mamulks and others.

It wasn't until Ottomans lost the first world war and as a result of Balfour Declaration of 1917 brokered by the Zionist movement heads the Rothschilds,the British empire started to "migrate" Jews from all over the world to Palestine.


His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country

Then, after the WW-II - They pushed through creation of the "Jewish state" plan in 1947.


Contrary to what you would have us believe, in fact no such thing as Israel existed in 1948.
Yeah there army kills 11 months kids. No I don't want my army doing this sh!t.

You seem to be coward and eunuch of the same kind. Volunteer yourself for the IDF.

Name calling, typical sign of not having a logical argument.

Tell me, how many arabs have taken up the cause of kashmir in the UN? How many arabs even know about the Kashmir issue? And here you are worrying about a land far away that has nothing to do with you.

Stop worrying about Palestine and protect your own children first. You cant even provide schools to your girls lol.
Apparently you are not good at comprehension.

Anyway, back to topic, Israel is not like Pakistan. They dont sit back and watch terrorists shoot 15 year old girls in the face. Their army is actually NOT a show piece like ours.

Thank God Pakistan is not Israel. And as for Malala, i don't think Pakistan is in a position to carry out offensive in N.Waziristan. Contrary to Israel having access to uninterrupted US aid.
Name calling, typical sign of not having a logical argument.

Tell me, how many arabs have taken up the cause of kashmir in the UN? How many arabs even know about the Kashmir issue? And here you are worrying about a land far away that has nothing to do with you.

Stop worrying about Palestine and protect your own children first. You cant even provide schools to your girls lol.

You have gone from, Palestine, offering apologies for Israeli crimes, to Pakistan. They are two different topics, i do however think that Pakistan should NOT be involved in anything until we are a nation state regarding Palestine.

You? - I guess you don't relate yourself to Pakistan.
Name calling, typical sign of not having a logical argument.

Tell me, how many arabs have taken up the cause of kashmir in the UN? How many arabs even know about the Kashmir issue? And here you are worrying about a land far away that has nothing to do with you.

Stop worrying about Palestine and protect your own children first. You cant even provide schools to your girls lol.

Whether they have taken up the cause of Kashmir or not. Palestine is the issue of everyone who believes in humanity. Not everyone is a materialistic, delusional fool like you.

Looks like Malala issue has taken a toll on you. Grow up.
The land belonged to the people of Palestine, which included all religions. Contrary to your "beliefs" Palestine always existed since ancient times and remained an "entity" under ottomans [Since 1516], Egyptians and Mamulks and others.

It wasn't until Ottomans lost the first world war and as a result of Balfour Declaration of 1917 brokered by the Zionist movement heads the Rothschilds,the British empire started to "migrate" Jews from all over the world to Palestine.


Then, after the WW-II - They pushed through creation of the "Jewish state" plan in 1947.


Contrary to what you would have us believe, in fact no such thing as Israel existed in 1948.

So where is the promised land of Bani Israel located? On Mars!

In early April 637, Umar arrived in Palestine and went first to Jabiya,[14] where he was received by Abu Ubaidah, Khalid, and Yazid, who had traveled with an escort to receive him. Amr was left as commander of the besieging Muslim army.[15]
Upon Umar's arrival in Jerusalem, a pact known as The Umariyya Covenant was composed. It surrendered the city and gave guarantees of civil and religious liberty to Christians in exchange for jizya. It was signed by caliph Umar on behalf of the Muslims, and witnessed by Khalid, Amr, Abdur Rahman bin Awf, and Muawiyah. In late April 637, Jerusalem was officially surrendered to the caliph.[16] For the first time, after almost 500 years of oppressive Roman rule, Jews were once again allowed to live and worship inside Jerusalem.
It has been recorded in the annals of Muslim chronicles, that at the time of the Zuhr prayers, Sophronius invited Umar to pray in the rebuilt Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Umar declined, fearing that accepting the invitation might endanger the church's status as a Christian temple, and that Muslims might break the treaty and turn the temple into a mosque.[9] After staying for ten days in Jerusalem, the caliph returned to Medina.[17]

So according to you, Caliph Umar (RA) was also part of Rothschild? Right?
If there was no land called Israel before 1948,

Bani Israel
There is an ethnic-religious group in Pakistan and Afghanistan which refers to itself as the Bani Israel , House of Israel', or [Beit Israel . In English, the group is called the Pashtuns. Some Pashtuns claim to be the patriarchal historical descendants of the "ten lost tribes" of the northern Kingdom of Israel which were taken into captivity by Assyria. Additionally, certain groups of Jews in other Which parts of South Asia are sometimes referred to as Benai Israel.
Whether they have taken up the cause of Kashmir or not. Palestine is the issue of everyone who believes in humanity. Not everyone is a materialistic, delusional fool like you.

Looks like Malala issue has taken a toll on you. Grow up.

Palestine should be humanitarian issue. Unfortunately its a religious and political issue mostly.
So where is the promised land of Bani Israel located? On Mars!

So according to you, Caliph Umar (RA) was also part of Rothschild? Right?
If there was no land called Israel before 1948,

I, meant the Israel as we know of today. They are all migrants, not indigenous.

* I would request you to stop bringing religious figures in the debate.

Palestine should be humanitarian issue. Unfortunately its a religious and political issue mostly.

Sad reality...
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