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Five dams being built in occupied Kashmir

I think india should aggressively proceed with interlinking of rivers....

this will solve atleast our problems....our population is huge and we must think abt india......

India first.....:smitten:

Though off topic, India should definitely start working on interlinking.

Gujrat is doing another smart thing. Building a dam (65 km long) across the gulf of Cambay - name Kalpasar project to store the water from the 4 or 5 rivers those are going to the sea.

Great understanding :cheers:

India cannot - and will never be able to - deprive Pakistan its agreed amount of River Waters as per IWT.

So stop Dreaming.

Sorry the plan does not include the cross country rivers or the stakes of other countries.

As of now the plan is only for the rivers in the south of India.


India cannot - and will never be able to - deprive Pakistan its agreed amount of River Waters as per IWT.

So stop Dreaming.

I never meant blocking Pakistan's share of water...

But now that u said ..it looks like a good plan.....:devil:

Jus kidding......:smitten:
Very perceptive of Pakistan's Indus Waters Commissioner Mr Jamaat Ali Shah to make such a Statement say over Eight Months in Advance.

This statement was made in May-June 2009. Has the position changed so drastically in Eght Months? I doubt it.

Time will tell.

oops.. didnt see the date.. thx..
Dont blame us if we stopped playing by the book....

BTW, you still need to prove alot. And you already screwed up your dossiers when you offered us the 'friendship' hand. ;)

Not at all blaming you for that.. Its just that we are now throwing out the book as well

Didnt quite get the dossiers part..
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