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First woman to lead Friday prayers in UK

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First woman to lead Friday prayers in UK

By Jerome Taylor, Religious Affairs Correspondent

Thursday, 10 June 2010

A Canadian author will become the first Muslim-born woman to lead a mixed-gender British congregation through Friday prayers tomorrow in a highly controversial move that will attempt to spark a debate about the role of female leadership within Islam.

Raheel Raza, a rights activist and Toronto-based author, has been asked to lead prayers and deliver the khutbah at a small prayer session in Oxford.

She has been invited by Dr Taj Hargey, a self-described imam who preaches an ultra-liberal interpretation of Islam which includes, among other things, that men and women should be allowed to pray together and that female imams should lead mixed congregations in prayer.

Three of the four mainstream schools of Sunni Islam allow women to lead exclusively female congregations for prayer, but the overwhelming majority of Muslim jurists are opposed to the notion of their presiding over mixed congregations outside the home.

Raza, 60, is part of a small but growing group of Muslim feminists who have tried to challenge the mindset that has traditionally excluded women from leadership roles within the mosque. They argue that nowhere in the Koran are female imams expressly forbidden. Instead scholars rely on the hadiths (the words and sayings of the Prophet Mohamed) to exclude women – although Muslim feminists and some progressive scholars argue that even these are not clear enough to say with confidence that women are altogether banned.

Ms Raza received death threats after leading a mixed-gender prayer congregation in Toronto five years ago.

"It was a very profound experience," Ms Raza said yesterday in a telephone conversation from her home in Toronto. "It's not about taking the job of an imam. It's about reminding the Muslim community that 50 per cent of its adherents are women who are equal to men. Women are equally observant, practising Muslims who deserve to be heard."

Ms Raza's appearance in Oxford is a repeat of a similar prayer session in 2008 which was led by Amina Wadud, an American-born convert and Muslim feminist. But this is the first time a Muslim-born woman will lead a mixed prayer service in Britain.

Ms Wadud's prayers were attended by a small congregation of less than 40 who were heckled on their way in to prayers by protesters, largely by fully veiled Muslim women. Once inside the prayer hall, meanwhile, they were comprehensively outnumbered by journalists.

But Dr Hargey, a divisive figure within British Islam who runs the Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford, said his congregation had since grown and attracted new followers.

"For Friday prayers we now receive about 100 people, twice that for Eid prayers and important occasions," he said. "I am expecting about 200 people to attend this Friday's prayers."

In recent years there has been a growing demand from Muslim women to be included and represented at their mosques. Earlier this week Faith Matters, a conflict resolution think-tank funded by the Government and private benefactors, released a list of 100 women-friendly mosques. The number of female Muslim scholars, meanwhile, often referred to as imamahs, are also on the rise.

Ms Raza, who is due to fly into Britain this morning, said she was aware that she would be preaching to the converted tomorrow. "But it's about opening one heart, one mind at a time," she added.
No way..! their is no space for womens to Lead any prayer in Islam

Was it forbidden by the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) or is it just a cultural thing ? Asking out of curiousity
People who think Men and Women should be treated equally will go the Mosque being led by the Women. Its a free country.

Other people who have a problem with that dont have to attend that mosque.

There are plenty of mosques in the UK.

People who think Men and Women should be treated equally will go the Mosque being led by the Women. Its a free country.

Other people who have a problem with that dont have to attend that mosque.

There are plenty of mosques in the UK.


I never really wanted to jump into this discussion but now i am forced to,

Its not about the country being free or slave, when it comes to religion, its about beliefs and principals. Others may not follow it( don't wanna go into that debate) But in Islam, whatever rules and principals have been laid in the Holy Quraan and by The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), has to be followed as in that manner. No new versions are acceptable, no addition no subtraction can be made, If you are a Muslim and believe in your religion you have to follow it as it is. If you don't, then you are stepping outside and that's where the problem starts , In theological terms we call it "Bidaat" which are strictly forbidden in Islam. If you are trying to Induce something new in Islam(i.e not according to the teachings of Islamic principals) that's even worse, because this decision may not affect you only but other fellow Muslims also, hence as the action is more severe, so is the punishment for it, and that's why in most of the cases these people are declared as Non Muslims by religious scholars i.e Muftis. And that's the reason,we have witnessed many of those cases in the past.

As I said earlier religion is about beliefs and that's why not only dependent on pure logic. If logic alone is followed then all the religions in the world would loose there place and importance. If logic alone made sense, Then the Prophet Ibrahim(A.S) would have never jumped into the ball of fire, Nor would he had tried to slaughter his own beloved son Prophet Ismael(A.S). A hell lot of more examples but the point is, you are supposed to do as you are commanded to, only if you are a true believer.

Lastly Islam is Universal, its not that Islam for an Arab country is different from that of Asian, which is all together different from a European or an African country. Noopes, its all the same and the reason behind that lies in the un-temper-able Holy Qurran , and therefore has to be followed according to its teachings every where.

So this Female Imam concept makes no sense, and hence this Jammat isn't acceptable in the first place. Those who are following it, are not only wasting their time in the name of prayers but also committing a Sin unknowingly. In country like Britain, which is a christian country although officially it may be termed as secular, religion holds very less importance, and that's not the case only with Britain but in all the Industrially Revolutionized countries. Hence people aren't much aware of their true religion and its teachings and are therefore prone more to such distractions, and that's why would blindly believe in it but as i said before they are not only wasting there time but also committing a sin which they are not aware off.

I never really wanted to jump into this discussion but now i am forced to,

Its not about the country being free or slave, when it comes to religion, its about beliefs and principals. Others may not follow it( don't wanna go into that debate) But in Islam, whatever rules and principals have been laid in the Holy Quraan and by The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), has to be followed as in that manner. No new versions are acceptable, no addition no subtraction can be made, If you are a Muslim and believe in your religion you have to follow it as it is. If you don't, then you are stepping outside and that's where the problem starts , In theological terms we call it "Bidaat" which are strictly forbidden in Islam. If you are trying to Induce something new in Islam(i.e not according to the teachings of Islamic principals) that's even worse, because this decision may not affect you only but other fellow Muslims also, hence as the action is more severe, so is the punishment for it, and that's why in most of the cases these people are declared as Non Muslims by religious scholars i.e Muftis. And that's the reason,we have witnessed many of those cases in the past.

As I said earlier religion is about beliefs and that's why not only dependent on pure logic. If logic alone is followed then all the religions in the world would loose there place and importance. If logic alone made sense, Then the Prophet Ibrahim(A.S) would have never jumped into the ball of fire, Nor would he had tried to slaughter his own beloved son Prophet Ismael(A.S). A hell lot of more examples but the point is, you are supposed to do as you are commanded to, only if you are a true believer.

Lastly Islam is Universal, its not that Islam for an Arab country is different from that of Asian, which is all together different from a European or an African country. Noopes, its all the same and the reason behind that lies in the un-temper-able Holy Qurran , and therefore has to be followed according to its teachings every where.

So this Female Imam concept makes no sense, and hence this Jammat isn't acceptable in the first place. Those who are following it, are not only wasting their time in the name of prayers but also committing a Sin unknowingly. In country like Britain, which is a christian country although officially it may be termed as secular, religion holds very less importance, and that's not the case only with Britain but in all the Industrially Revolutionized countries. Hence people aren't much aware of their true religion and its teachings and are therefore prone more to such distractions, and that's why would blindly believe in it but as i said before they are not only wasting there time but also committing a sin which they are not aware off.


you spoke my mind, i couldn't have said it any better!!

And BTW, why do indians always comment on our religious morals, values and teachings when they don't have an atoms size knowledge of Islam, especially this Dr.Evil!
I never really wanted to jump into this discussion but now i am forced to,

Its not about the country being free or slave, when it comes to religion, its about beliefs and principals. Others may not follow it( don't wanna go into that debate) But in Islam, whatever rules and principals have been laid in the Holy Quraan and by The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), has to be followed as in that manner. No new versions are acceptable, no addition no subtraction can be made, If you are a Muslim and believe in your religion you have to follow it as it is. If you don't, then you are stepping outside and that's where the problem starts , In theological terms we call it "Bidaat" which are strictly forbidden in Islam. If you are trying to Induce something new in Islam(i.e not according to the teachings of Islamic principals) that's even worse, because this decision may not affect you only but other fellow Muslims also, hence as the action is more severe, so is the punishment for it, and that's why in most of the cases these people are declared as Non Muslims by religious scholars i.e Muftis. And that's the reason,we have witnessed many of those cases in the past.

As I said earlier religion is about beliefs and that's why not only dependent on pure logic. If logic alone is followed then all the religions in the world would loose there place and importance. If logic alone made sense, Then the Prophet Ibrahim(A.S) would have never jumped into the ball of fire, Nor would he had tried to slaughter his own beloved son Prophet Ismael(A.S). A hell lot of more examples but the point is, you are supposed to do as you are commanded to, only if you are a true believer.

Lastly Islam is Universal, its not that Islam for an Arab country is different from that of Asian, which is all together different from a European or an African country. Noopes, its all the same and the reason behind that lies in the un-temper-able Holy Qurran , and therefore has to be followed according to its teachings every where.

So this Female Imam concept makes no sense, and hence this Jammat isn't acceptable in the first place. Those who are following it, are not only wasting their time in the name of prayers but also committing a Sin unknowingly. In country like Britain, which is a christian country although officially it may be termed as secular, religion holds very less importance, and that's not the case only with Britain but in all the Industrially Revolutionized countries. Hence people aren't much aware of their true religion and its teachings and are therefore prone more to such distractions, and that's why would blindly believe in it but as i said before they are not only wasting there time but also committing a sin which they are not aware off.


British Monarchy always in conflict with Islam , during their 200 years rule of sub continent two new sects emerged Qadayani and Baralwi .

Also they disintegrated Usmania Muslim empire into small nations and laid foundation of Israel.It was greatest lose of Muslim Ummah , now they are suporting anti Islamic principles ( ie Lady Imam) to further creat division in muslim ummah.
Time and Change are the only constants, everything must change or it will perish. Simple as that.
Why the hell do Indians poke their nose everywhere why?

They don't have even the slightest clue about out Islam and they keep on babbling.

After witnessing the attitude of the majority of highly educated Indians and generally more tolerant than a common man on this forum interfering in our religion i can't even imagine how Muslims in India carry on with their faith with common illiterate Hindus.

Quaid-e-Azam ap ka Pakistan bananay par bhat bhat shukriya.
Time and Change are the only constants, everything must change or it will perish. Simple as that.

There is no change in Quran after 1400 years , Islamic principles shall remain same and unchanged , they are for all human beings to follow for eternal success .
I wouldn't be fussed by this simply because this is a publicity stunt by an attention seeking extremist liberal who calls himself an imam but has no credentials. most of his congregation will be made up of gays, trans-sexuals and feminists.

This is what happens when want to be a "one-upper" to westerners, you'll mock your own religion to please others losing all your values and credibility in the process. I wouldn't be worried. No one actually takes this fool serious. The media will broadcast it to try and get muslims to stir up emotion and controversy like they always do.

We'll just wait for him to pack up his travelling circus.
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