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First female Indian troops 'are prostitutes'

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Jul 28, 2009
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India has accused Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency of circulating claims that women troops dispatched to its border with Pakistan are in fact prostitutes sent to boost the morale of their frontier guards.

By Dean Nelson in New Delhi
Published: 2:44PM BST 28 Sep 2009

New Delhi's home minister P Chidambaram has ordered his officials to launch an official complaint with Pakistan's High Commission after a Pakistani newspaper reported an investigation alleging that 178 female members of its Border Security Force had been deployed to "meet the natural needs" of its male soldiers on the Line of Control between the two armies in disputed Jammu and Kashmir.

According to the report in the Pakistan Daily Mail earlier this month, New Delhi had "deployed 200 prostitutes" according to its "authoritative sources". It claimed the decision had been taken by senior Army officers who feared a number of troop suicides and incidents where soldiers had killed their own comrades was linked to loneliness and the absence of female company.

In their search for a response they had contacted a number of consultants and analysts who said the soldiers had acted in "acute frustration and depression". They had recommended increased home leave for married soldiers, but could compromise on security by allowing too many to take leave.

The newspaper claimed a major-general was sent to Moscow to research how the Russians had dealt with a similar problem in Afghanistan in the 1980s. "The Russian consultants told the Indian Army that the since the soldiers in the valley were [starved of women], they should be provided with women to meet their genuine and natural needs."

A high-level committee of senior army officers was formed to explore how they could recruit prostitutes and give them basic military training. The newspaper claimed India's intelligence agency, the Research and Analysis Wing was drafted in to screen the prostitutes because, it said, it already had a "network of prostitutes in different cities of India".

The report which was published on the day the female unit was deployed in Kashmir has been dismissed as a propaganda ploy by Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency, the ISI, to demoralise Indian troops.

"It is clearly a story written under a pseudonym, planted by the ISI to demoralise the new women-only contingent. Psychological warfare is not new for the Pakistanis," said a home ministry official.

Jagir Singh, deputy inspector general of the Border Security Force said the claims were an "insult to Indian women".

"These women are aged 19-25 and most of them are from small towns and villages of Punjab. You can imagine the demoralising effect it can have on them," he said.

Link : First female Indian troops 'are prostitutes' - Telegraph

India has accused Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency of circulating claims that women troops dispatched to its border with Pakistan are in fact prostitutes sent to boost the morale of their frontier guards.

By Dean Nelson in New Delhi
Published: 2:44PM BST 28 Sep 2009

New Delhi's home minister P Chidambaram has ordered his officials to launch an official complaint with Pakistan's High Commission after a Pakistani newspaper reported an investigation alleging that 178 female members of its Border Security Force had been deployed to "meet the natural needs" of its male soldiers on the Line of Control between the two armies in disputed Jammu and Kashmir.

According to the report in the Pakistan Daily Mail earlier this month, New Delhi had "deployed 200 prostitutes" according to its "authoritative sources". It claimed the decision had been taken by senior Army officers who feared a number of troop suicides and incidents where soldiers had killed their own comrades was linked to loneliness and the absence of female company.

In their search for a response they had contacted a number of consultants and analysts who said the soldiers had acted in "acute frustration and depression". They had recommended increased home leave for married soldiers, but could compromise on security by allowing too many to take leave.

The newspaper claimed a major-general was sent to Moscow to research how the Russians had dealt with a similar problem in Afghanistan in the 1980s. "The Russian consultants told the Indian Army that the since the soldiers in the valley were [starved of women], they should be provided with women to meet their genuine and natural needs."

A high-level committee of senior army officers was formed to explore how they could recruit prostitutes and give them basic military training. The newspaper claimed India's intelligence agency, the Research and Analysis Wing was drafted in to screen the prostitutes because, it said, it already had a "network of prostitutes in different cities of India".

The report which was published on the day the female unit was deployed in Kashmir has been dismissed as a propaganda ploy by Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency, the ISI, to demoralise Indian troops.

"It is clearly a story written under a pseudonym, planted by the ISI to demoralise the new women-only contingent. Psychological warfare is not new for the Pakistanis," said a home ministry official.

Jagir Singh, deputy inspector general of the Border Security Force said the claims were an "insult to Indian women".

"These women are aged 19-25 and most of them are from small towns and villages of Punjab. You can imagine the demoralising effect it can have on them," he said.

Link : First female Indian troops 'are prostitutes' - Telegraph

:partay: so New Dehli is feeling the heat .

It seems now that there is some truth in the allegation although i earlier did not support the claim of the newspaper but now the angry reaction of Indian government proves it that there is something fishy.

bravo Daily Mail :)

On another note lolzz this will be i think first time when a country asks another to take action against any paper lolzz. Indian Orange media is spitting lies and venom daily against Pakistan but we are not paranoid like you
:partay: so New Dehli is feeling the heat .

It seems now that there is some truth in the allegation although i earlier did not support the claim of the newspaper but now the angry reaction of Indian government proves it that there is something fishy.

bravo Daily Mail :)

On another note lolzz this will be i think first time when a country asks another to take action against any paper lolzz. Indian Orange media is spitting lies and venom daily against Pakistan but we are not paranoid like you

Gosh,ISI has no limits to the abhorable low it can stoop
,may be goes with the saying everything is fair in love & war.

But what about u Jana as an individual even more so as an woman urself,how can u endorse such low grade absolute *****??

what would be ur reaction if someone play same cheap tricks to tarnish ur character??
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If true, it is insulting to female soldiers everywhere.
Ha!This is coming from a country which has a news paper like Times of India which publishes new crap daily not to mention AJJ TAK and other crap indians love to watch and wet their pants when watching them...Anyway well served.This is the only way we can treat them.The media is unpatriotic.Our media is too lenient and pro India unlike Indian Media which is rabidly anti Pakistani.
Gosh,ISI has no limits to the abhorable low it can stoop
,may be goes with the saying everything is fair in love & war.

But what about u Jana as an individual even more so as an woman urself,how can u endorse such low grade absolute *****??

what would ur reaction if someone play same cheap tricks to tarnish ur character??

This thread is fast being hijacked by Trollish behaviour !! :sick:

Lets just stick to the facts, shall we!!

check the back dates, even if Manmohan Ji gets Nazla Zukam, the Indian News Agencies say, it is the work of the ISI!!!

Prove it!!! Prove ISI did it :disagree:
:partay: so New Dehli is feeling the heat .

It seems now that there is some truth in the allegation although i earlier did not support the claim of the newspaper but now the angry reaction of Indian government proves it that there is something fishy.

bravo Daily Mail :)

On another note lolzz this will be i think first time when a country asks another to take action against any paper lolzz. Indian Orange media is spitting lies and venom daily against Pakistan but we are not paranoid like you

Jana ji .... So it means You are fully confident and having a faith in a ISI monoric , cheap attitude? What's the moral they got now they are alleging Women troop and dont forget you are also a women Jana ji ok?

sorry for my poor english ...
Jana ji .... So it means You are fully confident and having a faith in a ISI monoric , cheap attitude? What's the moral they got now they are alleging Women troop and dont forget you are also a women Jana ji ok?

sorry for my poor english ...
So you are too naive to believe this BS.How in the hell do you know Daily Mail is run by ISI..its just a news paper.GEO publishes extremely anti army stuff regularly so we should assume GEO is run by RAW?Don't be such a moron.You know i find it hard to believe that indians believe all this bs.I mean its not like Indians have low iq or anything but sometimes they just think being ignorant is good thing.
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Jana ji .... So it means You are fully confident and having a faith in a ISI monoric , cheap attitude? What's the moral they got now they are alleging Women troop and dont forget you are also a women Jana ji ok?

sorry for my poor english ...

read my posts when some members posted a thread calling these soldiers as prostitutes i did not believe it. But now after this reaction from India over a news item that has nothing to do with Pakistan's official stance, i am feeling that there is something fishy.

There is nothing moronic about it. The use of women in armed forces of different countries for such purposes is not new.

And you should also ask yourself why only this time any newspaper came up with such information why not in the past?

Indian army had women before too but never the allegation came.

And before jumping to conclusion, you should read the philosophy of your great diplomate Chunkaya :) He advocates use of women against the enemy.

The best thing this news item had done is that now Pakistani forces should be alerted both at international borders as well as LoC not to fell in trape of women.
Goood india good deploy more womans to bost up your armies moral......LOL:lol:

This thread is fast being hijacked by Trollish behaviour !! :sick:

Lets just stick to the facts, shall we!!

check the back dates, even if Manmohan Ji gets Nazla Zukam, the Indian News Agencies say, it is the work of the ISI!!!

Prove it!!! Prove ISI did it :disagree:

It doesnt matter whether ISI fed that news piece not ,ofcourse third rate tabloid publish such BS to raise ciruclation and since its pakistani paper, its for pakistani Govt to quiz that tabloid to unearth the truth behind the story.

Beside that my point is,how can one believe even endorse such filty stories in the first place,then come and behave like the champion of the cause of human rights in kashmir and sympathier of all socalled minorities, weaker sections people presecuated by devilish indian establishment??
Jana ji .... So it means You are fully confident and having a faith in a ISI monoric , cheap attitude? What's the moral they got now they are alleging Women troop and dont forget you are also a women Jana ji ok?

sorry for my poor english ...

And Oh BTW if Indians have so much respect for their female soldiers then why your top brass of Indian Army blamed those women officers for being cheap when they complaint about sexual harassment at the hands of male officers. Besides there are many cases of sexual harassment of women officers in Indian Airforce.

Unfortunate those who spoke against such harrassment were forced to resign and they were pressurised. Their charachter assisnation was carried out in a bid to save male Indian officers.
It doesnt matter whether ISI fed that news piece not ,ofcourse third rate tabloid publish such BS to raise ciruclation and since its pakistani paper, its for pakistani Govt to quiz that tabloid to unearth the truth behind the story.

Beside that my point is,how can one believe even endorse such filty stories in the first place,then come and behave like the champion of the cause of human rights in kashmir and sympathier of all socalled minorities, weaker sections people presecuated by devilish indian establishment??

:lol: had your Indian government ever quized your newspapers for cheap propaganda ???
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