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aa super power in making? by rented aircrafts? sh!tty pilots? sub-standard maintenance?


Just yesterday, we saw the "performace" of sh!tty iaf and even indians were frown upon the absolute sub-quality and sh!t state of their airforce :rofl:

poor iaf got hammered by superior PAF in all previous wars...things haven't change much..

Today, PAF operates BEST BVR missiles in the world, with complete network centric command and control environment...PAF pilots are VASTLY superior to poorly trained, weak iaf pilots...

While PAF pilots train hardest against the BEST in the business--namely Turks, Americans, Israelis, Brits etc---iaf train against "taiwan" or "Singapore" ...LOL...

Pakistan Air Force regularly participates in Antolian Eagle Exercises and "fight" against NATO airforces, what do indians do? lols...

BTW, Pakistani pilots are deployed in Turkey and they fly *against* and *with* Israeli pilots regularly...indians don't get this chance...

Pakistan Air Force has the capability to launch a nuclear-strike on enemy from 350km away!!!!

what do poor,sh!tty iaf has? nothing! lmao!

iaf knows that PAF is still the boss in the region...and hence when PAF started CAP operations over Pakistani skies, the mighty iaf chickened out and never entered Pakistani Air space again , surgical strike to door ki baat :smokin:
IAF would be world's 2nd best Air force in the world by 2025 after the USA and No. 1 Air force by 2035.

Right now IAF is the 3rd best after US and Russia.

You are wrong . Maybe in top 10 , but surely not in top 5 .
IAF would be world's 2nd best Air force in the world by 2025 after the USA and No. 1 Air force by 2035.

Right now IAF is the 3rd best after US and Russia.

And How many 5 or 4 genration projects india is working On right now fgfa lca pak fa and thats its Fgfa on only paper Only ' pak fa still in trials not will be oprtnl in indian airforce before 2025 And =)) dont have to talk about LCA every 1 knows about that And u guys already dreaming of becoming a Super power day dreaming is a bad habit dear the only Competition If their is it or will be China vs US their will be no India ever not now not ever CZ 70 2 80 % all the stuff india used Its Bought from other Countries And IF india goes on war with any strong country You guys will be bankrupt before you even know it
You are wrong . Maybe in top 10 , but surely not in top 5 .

By 2025 for sure.

And How many 5 or 4 genration projects india is working On right now fgfa lca pak fa and thats its Fgfa on only paper Only ' pak fa still in trials not will be oprtnl in indian airforce before 2025 And =)) dont have to talk about LCA every 1 knows about that And u guys already dreaming of becoming a Super power day dreaming is a bad habit dear the only Competition If their is it or will be China vs US their will be no India ever not now not ever CZ 70 2 80 % all the stuff india used Its Bought from other Countries And IF india goes on war with any strong country You guys will be bankrupt before you even know it

What?! I could not understand a word.
This thread is going to be a trollfest... :P
IAF would be world's 2nd best Air force in the world by 2025 after the USA and No. 1 Air force by 2035.

Right now IAF is the 3rd best after US and Russia.

PLAAF inventory is 3 times of IAF and more importantly they have inducted 100s of 4th and 4.5th generation Air Crafts in last 5 years. So in my view IAF is not the 3rd best may be in top 5.

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I just posted a video made by an Indian, and nothing wrong to be an aspiring super power :cheers:

India is a nation which is having in two fifth generation programs PAK-FA, AMCA.

India is also establishing production facilities for sukhoi_30MKI and MMRCA 4.5 genration aircrafts.

India is about to get LCA.

Going by the current number of programs, Nothing wrong to be an aspiring super power.

Now take your face palm and see.
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The Indian Airforce is pretty powerful, I doubt anyone will deny that. But a superpower in the making? It's to early to make that claim. Look at China, they are pretty influential in the World today and I don't see even them making giant claims like that. Indians and, to some extent, Pakistanis should stop with this obsession of being the best in the World and accept their countries and army for what they are. Pretty good but nowhere near a superpower
aa super power in making? by rented aircrafts? sh!tty pilots? sub-standard maintenance?


Just yesterday, we saw the "performace" of sh!tty iaf and even indians were frown upon the absolute sub-quality and sh!t state of their airforce :rofl:

poor iaf got hammered by superior PAF in all previous wars...things haven't change much..

Today, PAF operates BEST BVR missiles in the world, with complete network centric command and control environment...PAF pilots are VASTLY superior to poorly trained, weak iaf pilots...

While PAF pilots train hardest against the BEST in the business--namely Turks, Americans, Israelis, Brits etc---iaf train against "taiwan" or "Singapore" ...LOL...

Pakistan Air Force regularly participates in Antolian Eagle Exercises and "fight" against NATO airforces, what do indians do? lols...

BTW, Pakistani pilots are deployed in Turkey and they fly *against* and *with* Israeli pilots regularly...indians don't get this chance...

Pakistan Air Force has the capability to launch a nuclear-strike on enemy from 350km away!!!!

what do poor,sh!tty iaf has? nothing! lmao!

iaf knows that PAF is still the boss in the region...and hence when PAF started CAP operations over Pakistani skies, the mighty iaf chickened out and never entered Pakistani Air space again , surgical strike to door ki baat :smokin:

what an air force did they ever shot down a drone killing pakistani citizens ...well if not whats the use of its so called devine BVR's lolzzz in fact IAF did showed its mettle when the need arised and 5thats what airforces are :azn:
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