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Fighter, ahead of time MiG-31


May 5, 2010
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Fighter, ahead of time

Unique MiG-31 interceptor capable of solving a variety of tasks EKR is an urgent need to return to the system
Alexander Tarnaev

For Russia has become more urgent issue of strategic security of our state on the northern direction and protect the country's interests in the Arctic region. The struggle for the Arctic is geopolitical in nature as to protect that there really is: according to the UN oil reserves in the Arctic is 90-100 billion tons. This figure exceeds the resources of Russia and Saudi Arabia together and explains why, in the face of climate change is becoming the Arctic zone of conflict of interests of world powers.

The Arctic is not only rich deposits of energy resources: the region produces almost half the world's fish production.Also huge economic prospects as melting ice creates the development of merchant shipping along the Northern Sea Route between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. In the arctic zone are located the most important enterprises of the Russian defense industry, the Northern Fleet bases and military infrastructure. In addition, the Arctic Ocean over 20,000 kilometers of the state border of our country.

" Today the world is not in the next 10-15 years there will be aviation system comparable to the MiG-31 in speed, climb, ceiling and other practical flight characteristics "

In 2008, Russian President approved "Principles of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic up to 2020 and beyond." Given the country's course taken for permanent naval presence in the Arctic and the protection of its status as a leading Arctic Power, President Vladimir Putin urged to pay special attention to the deployment of military units and infrastructure in the Arctic area.

At the same time, a serious concern is the state of aerospace defense of Russia. Conducted by the State Duma's defense together with the Communist Party faction in April and November 2013 parliamentary hearings on the status and problems of improving the combat capabilities of troops ASD, as well as on the use of aircraft systems MiG-31 in EKO country showed the existence of serious problems in the direction of national security Russia.

The most important of them - the collapse of the air component of aerospace defense system, the foundation of which - supersonic interceptors long-range MiG-31. Under various pretexts, these planes quickly destroyed.

Best of all characteristics
Analysis of open military programs leading countries suggests that in the world today is not in the next 10-15 years there will be aviation system comparable to that plane at speed, climbing, practical ceiling and other flight characteristics, as well as efficiency in a given interval of their combat employment.


MiG-31 is designed to intercept and destroy cruise missiles throughout the accessible range of aerodynamic aircraft flight altitudes and speeds (including cruise missiles, commit low-altitude flight in terrain following mode), low-flying satellites, stealth aircraft and other aerial targets any type at extremely small, small, medium and high altitudes, day and night, and adverse weather conditions, the application of active and passive enemy radar jammers, as well as false heat targets.

It represents vysokoplan tapered wing, empennage and two-keel tselnopovorotnym stabilizer. To increase stability, it has two additional ventral keel. Due to the high heat of the aircraft skin when flying at supersonic speeds airframe is made mainly of heat-resistant steels and titanium alloys (50 percent - stainless steel, 16 - titanium, 33 - aluminum and one percent - other construction materials).

The aircraft has a tricycle landing gear, the nose strut has two pneumatics, basic racks are constructed of two-wheeled carts. Niches of the main landing flaps are used as brake flaps. To reduce the path of aircraft landing in the rear fuselage delivered braking parachute container.

Installed on the aircraft radar "Barrier" provides the ability to detect air targets at a range of 200 kilometers, target tracking class bomber - 200 kilometers, class fighter - 120 kilometers.

It is also possible the detection of small targets on a background of the earth, it can be used to fight a fighter with cruise missiles. At the same time provides simultaneous support for up to ten simultaneous guidance purposes and guided missiles on four goals.

Search for hidden and tracking can be used teplopelengator sensors which are located in semi-flush position under the forward fuselage and flight pops up.

The aircraft is equipped with modern complex navigation equipment, digital secure communication system and display system data on the windshield of the cockpit. To intercept small targets armed built six-barrel cannon GS-23-23 millimeter caliber 6 (ammunition - 260 rounds, rate - 8000 rounds / min). Gun mounted under the fuselage and non-combat situation covered sash-fairing.

The main armament consists of a controlled long-range missiles "air-to-air." Usually four missiles hung in semi-flush position under the fuselage and two - on pylons under the wing panels. This may be the R-27, R-30, R-33, R-40T, P-40D, P-60M.

As the power plant on the MiG-31 uses powerful high-efficiency bypass turbojet engines D-30F6 of thrust in afterburner 15 500 kilograms. Supply of fuel in internal fuel tanks is 16,350 liters, can be suspended fuel tanks with a total capacity of 4000 liters. Plane of the MiG-31B is equipped with in-flight refueling.

MiG-31 is able to pass the sound barrier in level flight and climb mode, while the majority of supersonic aircraft pass Mach 1 in a shallow dive. Moreover, the MiG-31 can be at medium and high altitudes to go supersonic without afterburners inclusion. But this property is considered to have a fifth-generation fighter.

Low-altitude supersonic flight for the pilot of the MiG-31 is comfortable. Plane in this mode is quite stable and not prone to bumpiness usual for vehicles whose wing optimized for subsonic air combat. For example, the same Su-27 (as well as the MiG-29, F-15, F/A-18, «Rafale", etc.) near the ground even at high transonic speeds can fly just a few minutes.

Su-35s in terms of aerodynamics differs little from the Su-27 and, hence, by climb at high speeds and the ability to pass the sound barrier inferior MiG-31. Can be put on a plane perfect management system, equipped with the new SD "air-" long-range interceptor but for the present it is not enough - the interceptor must be able to reach the milestone of attack as soon as possible. T-50 as well as SU-35C, more focused on the aerial combat than interception.

All modern fighters (except for fifth generation fighter aircraft) are not fully supersonic, since they supersonic flight time 5-15 minutes limited due to different kinds of restrictions on the airframe. Duration same flight MiG-31 supersonic only limited supply of fuel.

History and use machines
In 1977, test pilot Alexander Fedotov installed on the MiG-31, an absolute world record altitude - 37,650 feet. Total Aircraft of this type set 29 world records.


Production of the MiG-31 began in 1981 at the "Falcon" in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod). By the end of 1994, has built more than 500 of these machines, after which their production was curtailed.

The appearance of the MiG-31 in parts led to a significant change in behavior to adopt foreign aviation and air situation in general in those areas where combat aircraft had repeatedly violated Soviet airspace, allowed herself to "play on the nerves" like defense and civilian ships have crews and military courts.

During numerous exercises was worked out tactics of group actions of four MiG-31, interconnected channels encrypted communication, share information, Aiming individual aircraft in the group. This tactic allows a group of four MiG-31 to control the air space over the front length of up to thousands of kilometers.It is also possible to use the MiG-31 as a leader to coordinate interceptors with less powerful avionics.

Target aircraft equipment and armament provide detection and defeat of air targets at ranges of up to about 200 kilometers, depending on the angle under which the attack, and effective reflectivity of the target surface. MiG-31 is equipped with data communication equipment (DCE) to allow exchange of information between the interceptor inside detachment between the leading aircraft units and between leading and ground KP in real time automatically (without the intervention of the navigator) mode.

In practice, this means a partial stealth combat use. Quite often the enemy detects attacking aircraft not by turning to irradiation own radar and radar signal fixing the attacking aircraft. In the case of performing an attack squad or a pair of MiG-31 search target using radar can perform one interceptor and missile tests - other (or others). Thus, the enemy some time left in the dark, where and when to fly a rocket, and may not be able to deliver or perform interference missile maneuver.

Thanks ADF easy to neutralize missile maneuvers that performs opponent. The presence of the ADF in combination with a perfect radar "Barrier" allows the MiG-31 with a high probability destroy aircraft - jammers. In most cases, the interference put directions - working radar. Put four running interference in unison radar even harder because of the need to quadruple power transmission interference. In practice, does not increase the transmission power of interference and decreases the effective range of jammers and radar work MiG-31 at different frequencies makes more power to reduce interference signal due to the need to extend the frequency range of transmission. Working harder to keep track of the transition of radar from one frequency to another in the case of four interceptors - the crews have time during which the noise is not valid. Time - seconds, but enough for a successful start-up R-33.Finally, the coordinates of the jammer can be determined by a simple direction finding with four MiG-31, and then - options hitting the target can be different.

Jammer is the goal of the highest priority, since such aircraft can not only thwart attacks, but most importantly - to conceal the order of battle strike aircraft. Destruction jammer - the first step towards the destruction of the entire group of enemy aircraft. In our Air Force such a task can only be done effectively MiG-31.

During the design work was created by a series of modifications of production aircraft, significantly enhancing its characteristics:

  • MiG-31B - interceptor with refueling in the air;
  • MiG-31D - single-seat fighter with anti-satellite missile;
  • MiG-31F (E) - a multipurpose tactical fighter;
  • MiG-31E - long range fighter-interceptor.

Work on deep modernization of MiG-31, launched in 1984, led to the creation of the MiG-31M - modernized interceptor with new avionics, engines and weapons can reliably intercept stealth aircraft and cruise missiles flying at low and ultra altitudes. He became the top of the development of military aviation in the Soviet Union, some information about it so far is confidential. About indicators combat effectiveness of the MiG-31M today in combat units, and do not dream.

MiG-31M Advantages over other fighter aircraft of the world:

  • MiG-31M at the maximum speed is faster than any similar aircraft world, no less than 500 kilometers per hour;
  • maximum combat load of six tons more than the MiG-31;
  • suspension of R-37 MiG-Z1M poluutoplena and practically does not degrade the aerodynamics of the aircraft, which allows to reach the maximum design speed of 3,000 kilometers per hour and a height of 20-22 kilometers, and also increases the range at supersonic speed;
  • for other fighters with these or similar missiles maximum speed - no more than 2000 kilometers per hour and height of three - five kilometers less, resulting in the energy imparted by the rocket at the start with such a carrier is less than that of the MiG-Z1M in three times, which significantly reduces the missile range;
  • in a duel situation makes it the ability to destroy enemy aircraft without the risk of self-destruction due to longer range missiles launched from a greater height and with greater speed.

Was not needed
On aircraft plant "Sokol" in the second half of the 80s was built MiG-party installation 31M in quantities of six prototypes. In March 1992, at the airbase "Machulishchy" near Minsk MiG-31M showed military-political leadership of Russia and some CIS countries. In April 1994, the Mikoyan design bureau received from the President of Russia telegram of congratulations both the company and its subcontractors involved in a program to create the MiG-31M, with the successful completion of the test. Was meant to start this aircraft missile that hit the target flawlessly at a distance of over 300 kilometers, which is still available to any eavesdropper in the world. In August 1995, the machine briefly appeared at the air show "MAKS-95" in Zhukovsky and caused excellent responses.

But Russia 90s this plane was not needed. MiG-31M did not go to series. Production was halted and the other cars of this type. In addition, shares of Perm Motor Plant (PMZ), to produce engines for him, found themselves in possession of the Americans - the factory ceased production of such power plants.


Of the 500 cars produced to date in the ranks left about a hundred. Thus one of the reasons for the cessation of production and modernization of MiG-31 is the lack of unique oversized motor D-30F6, designed specifically for the aircraft design bureau "Aviadvigatel" and the previously Perm Engine Company.

Our audit has shown that the absence of data on the engines does not correspond to reality. It turned out that PMZ and storage bases are over 600 of these engines, technical condition after reconditioning will ensure the modernization and production of at least 300 aircraft of this type with the software provided by the technical parameters of the service life for a period of 15-20 years. On aircraft plant "Sokol" in Nizhny Novgorod region and aircraft repair plants preserved capacities, technological infrastructure, staffing and documentation necessary for the resumption of work. According to specialists, it's all more than a third time and reduce overall production costs of restoring much-needed protection for aerospace borders interceptors further action.

In 1997, work began on the modernization of the fighter-interceptor MiG-31 multirole aircraft MiG-31BM, which has significantly increased combat capabilities and carrying precision-guided weapons to attack both air and ground targets. Due to the modernization of avionics and armament MiG-31BM efficiency compared to the MiG-31 has increased by 2.6 times.

The airborne radar MiG-31BM is capable of detecting typical air targets at almost twice the distance. Range detection of air targets brought to 320 kilometers. During the tests demonstrated the possibility of destroying enemy aircraft in the far distance fighting rocket about 280 kilometers, which is not currently available to any foreign fighters. Onboard radar system? MiG-31BM is capable of tracking up to ten air targets, six of which can be simultaneously fired missiles R-33C or P-37. Reached the interception targets flying at a speed of six times the speed of sound, other characteristics of the complex are improved. State test modifications MiG-31BM complex completed in 2012.

Appropriate to recall and modify the MiG-31D variant carrier in anti-satellite missile. After the collapse of the USSR, work on this subject ceased. The resumption of the program on a new technological and scientific level can turn into an important element plane missile and space defense.

Should bear in mind the fact that aviation complex MiG-31 refueling system in the air and his unique ability to "collect" radar information on the air situation, share it with other boards, control the weapon like no other modern fighter for solutions maintenance tasks strategic missile range aviation and overcoming enemy air defenses. For the most complete implementation of the combat capabilities of the MiG-31 long-range bombers accompanying should also think about the mutual exchange of data between strategic bombers, refueling aircraft and fighters. It will be the aviation complex, consisting of carrying nuclear weapons, forces its cover and ensure the air.

Expert evidence
Based on the above and other available data, it can be stated that the approval of many aviation experts about the uniqueness of the MiG-31 is based on a real basis. Some of the key performance characteristics of the aircraft and its modifications have already been created either today or in the next decade is likely to not be surpassed in the complex, either in Russia or abroad on the following parameters:

1. Supersonic cruise flight - V = 2500 km / h (2.32 M), the maximum speed - V = 3000 km / h (2.82 M). For information: the T-50 supersonic cruising speed is expected no more than 1,800 km / h, the Su-35 can perform only a short time (about 15 minutes) supersonic flight at a speed of 2500 km / h

2. Load capacity - nine or ten tons (Su-35, T-50 - about eight).

3. Breaking the sound barrier with a climb (Su-35, T-50 can not).

4. Hovering ceiling - 20.6 kilometers (Su-35 - 18 km, the T-50 - 20 km), service ceiling - 25 kilometers.

It should be noted that the maximum speed of the ceiling and the MiG-31 is superior not only to the Russian Su-35S and T-50, but also by foreign aircraft F-22, F-35, "Typhoon" and "Rafale".

According to experts, the aircraft MiG-31 will be out of competition for at least the next 15 years, with the following tasks:

  • intercept (achievement abroad attack as soon as possible) and the destruction of the air, ground and sea carriers of cruise missiles;
  • locate and destroy low-flying targets (UAVs, cruise missiles, etc.);
  • rapid deployment of air defense on undisguised directions;
  • effective antenna complexes ultramodern equipment without breaking aerodynamics thanks to the "square" the fuselage;
  • support and cover the air component of the nuclear triad (SSBNs);
  • destruction of enemy satellites, operational satellites and satellite output groups of up to 200 kilograms per orbit 200-800 kilometers (MiG-31D, MiG-31C, MiG-31 And, the project "Ishim");
  • only one plane in the world - the MiG-31 has the potential to accelerate to the minimum necessary to run GZLA speed (no special vehicle of rocket). According to experts, can be transported two or three combat GZLA weighing 1.2-1.5 tonnes. In this case, the booster is not required, whereby such a range combat GZLA can grow in two or three times depending on the size and weight of the warhead.

According to estimates of aviation professionals, scientists and military experts, the MiG-31, having a huge upgrade potential, is the most promising to consider it as a base for solving EKR, strategic reconnaissance, attack aircraft long-range operational output means into orbit small satellites various purposes, etc. This is confirmed by numerous works of the 2nd Central Scientific Research Institute of the Russian Federation, the Russian Defense Ministry and the Higher NII civilian agencies.

Considering the above, for increasing the effectiveness of the EBA seems appropriate to take the decision to start R & D on a new model of aircraft based on the MiG-31 and included in the state armament program for 2016-2025 years section "OCD on advanced aircraft - complex on the basis of long-range interception of aircraft MiG-31 to meet the challenges of EKR. " With new materials technology, development engine, avionics combat effectiveness of this machine can be very high.

Furthermore, I believe it necessary to upgrade the existing fleet of MiG-31 before adopting new aircraft with better performance characteristics and combat capabilities. Available machine MiG-31M and their engines should be used as prototypes and flying laboratories for aerodynamic research, testing propulsion, new construction materials, mining onboard systems, combat systems, etc.

Such solutions can provide delivery in the Russian Armed Forces unique, unparalleled combat complex tasks for ASD in a relatively short period.

Tarnaev Alexander ,
a member of the State Duma Committee on Defense
Published in issue number 6 (524) for February 18, 2014

More: Истребитель, опередивший время | Еженедельник «Военно-промышленный курьер»
Article error - altitude record of the MiG-31 is not 37650 feet - is 37650 meters.
How the Mig-31 repelled the SR-71 Blackbird from Soviet skies
Dec 11 2013 - 28 Comments

By Dario Leone
Even if no SR-71 was lost due to hostile actions during the entire Blackbird career, the Mach 3+ capable spyplane faced an adversary that could effectively intercept it: the MiG-31 Foxhound.

The SR-71 impressive mission record was reached thanks to some unique features of its airframe, such as its ability to fly at more than three and a half times the speed of sound at 88,000 feet, its small (for the time) Radar Cross Section (RCS) and its sophisticated electronic countermeasures (ECM).

These flight characteristics made the Blackbird safe against any attempt of interception conducted by enemy fighters or surface-to-air missiles (SAM), during its reconnaissance missions in the Russian skies during the Cold War years.

The only aircraft which possessed the capabilities to shoot down an SR-71 was the F-14 Tomcat, that could use itsAIM-54 Phoenix long range missile against the fast black plane.

In fact the Phoenix was developed to shoot down Soviet cruise missiles which flew at an altitude similar to the one reached by the Blackbird. Moreover with a speed between Mach 4 and Mach 5, the AIM-54 was fast enough to cause serious problems to the SR-71.

But, the capabilities featured by the Tomcat and its long range missiles, weren’t matched by any Russian interceptor, and to stop SR-71s’ overflights, the Soviets developed an aircraft which had similar characteristics to those owned by the F-14.

As we have recently explained, the only aircraft that had a speed close to the one of the SR-71 was the MiG-25. But even if it could fly at Mach 3.2, the Foxbat wasn’t able to sustain such speeds long enough to reach the Blackbird.

Another serious problem which affected the Foxbat was the lack of effectiveness of its R-40 missiles (AA-6 Acrid based on NATO designation) against an air-to-air target smaller than a large strategic bomber.

These deficiencies were settled when a more advanced MiG-25 development, the MiG-31, entered in service in the 1980s: the Foxhound was armed with a missile very similar to the US AIM-54 Phoenix, the R-33 (AA-9 Amos as reported by NATO designation).

This weapon was ideal not only for shooting down the American bombers, but also to intercept and destroy fast reconnaissance aircraft, such as the SR-71.

This statement was dramatically confirmed in Paul Crickmore’s book Lockheed Blackbird: Beyond The Secret Missions.

In this book one of the first Foxhound pilots, Captain Mikhail Myagkiy, who had been scrambled with its MiG-31 several times to intercept the US super-fast spy plane, explains how he was able to lock on a Blackbird on Jan. 31, 1986:

“The scheme for intercepting the SR-71 was computed down to the last second, and the MiGs had to launch exactly 16 minutes after the initial alert. (…) They alerted us for an intercept at 11.00. They sounded the alarm with a shrill bell and then confirmed it with a loudspeaker. The appearance of an SR-71 was always accompanied by nervousness. Everyone began to talk in frenzied voices, to scurry about, and react to the situation with excessive emotion.”

Myagkiy and its Weapons System Officer (WSO) were able to achieve a SR-71 lock on at 52,000 feet and at a distance of 120 Km from the target.

The Foxhound climbed at 65,676 feet where the crew had the Blackbird in sight and according to Myagkiy:

“Had the spy plane violated Soviet airspace, a live missile launch would have been carried out. There was no practically chance the aircraft could avoid an R-33 missile.”

After this interception Blackbirds reportedly began to fly their reconnaissance missions from outside the borders of the Soviet Union.

But the MiG-31s intercepted the SR-71 at least another time.

On Sept. 3, 2012 an article written by Rakesh Krishman Simha for Indrus.in explains how the Foxhound was able to stop Blackbirds spy missions over Soviet Union on Jun. 3, 1986.

That day, no less than six MiG-31s “intercepted” an SR-71 over the Barents Sea by performing a coordinated interception that subjected the Blackbird to a possible all angle air-to-air missiles attack.

Apparently, after this interception, no SR-71 flew a reconnaissance missions over the Soviet Union and few years later the Blackbird was retired to be replaced with the satellites.

Even if claiming that the MiG-31 was one of the causes of the SR-71 retirement is a bit far fetched, it is safe to say that towards the end of the career of the legendary spyplane, Russians proved to have developed tactics that could put the Blackbird at risk.

The Mig-31 is still in service, but the SR-71 successor, dubbed SR-72 and capable to reach Mach 6, should be quite safe at hypersonic speed.

David Cenciotti contributed to this post.

Image credit: Russian Air Force / Mig-31 Facebook page

Article error - altitude record of the MiG-31 is not 37650 feet - is 37650 meters.

Translation from Russian, google to be blamed.
The SR-71 may have been on the Mig-31's targeting list.. but it was not the primary target. The Primary Target was the AGM-86 and B-1s flying in at Low altitude. Its Phaztron Radar was tested with the R-33 specifically against ground clutter and shot down Cruise system emulating targets flying at that altitude.

The SR-71 cruised at a speed where there was very little room for manoeuvring against a missile without breaking the aircraft up. It depended on ECM and Chaff.. It did have a relatively low RCS but that mattered little with its massive heat signature.
The SR-71 may have been on the Mig-31's targeting list.. but it was not the primary target. The Primary Target was the AGM-86 and B-1s flying in at Low altitude. Its Phaztron Radar was tested with the R-33 specifically against ground clutter and shot down Cruise system emulating targets flying at that altitude.

The SR-71 cruised at a speed where there was very little room for manoeuvring against a missile without breaking the aircraft up. It depended on ECM and Chaff.. It did have a relatively low RCS but that mattered little with its massive heat signature.

SR-71's missile warning systems would alert the pilots and they would thrust into Mach 3 plus. This is the story we read here and there. What about it?
SR-71's missile warning systems would alert the pilots and they would thrust into Mach 3 plus. This is the story we read here and there. What about it?

They would be warned of an interception and they would their speed up. You should read Brian Shul's "sled driver" to get possibly one of the best accounts of the SR-71. The speed was to increase the distance between them and the threat.. while hoping that the ECM and Chaff would keep them safe in the process.
They would be warned of an interception and they would their speed up. You should read Brian Shul's "sled driver" to get possibly one of the best accounts of the SR-71. The speed was to increase the distance between them and the threat.. while hoping that the ECM and Chaff would keep them safe in the process.

Those hopes were fully justified. Not one SR-71 was ever harmed over Russia.
I wonder if any SR-72 have been made till date.though i would not be suprised if it will hv speed in excess of 6 Mac.Americans came up wid many experimental concepts like X30 ,etc.though no one eva saw'em,these americans are quite good at confusing the whole world,damn they ..
Those hopes were fully justified. Not one SR-71 was ever harmed over Russia.

Later flights were not done over Russian airspace as such. Although "cocking a snoot" at their defences was regular game. Simply put, what the SR-71 was it something ONLY the likes of early American innovators could accomplish. Literally working on sparse nothings.. the history of the U-2 and the A-12(SR-71) is a read on how brilliant minds and leadership comes up with things the world still awes after 50 years.

Still, the advent of the Sa-10 and later missile systems put the SR-71 in greater danger than it was before. And the Sr-71 WAS harmed.. more than twice over vietnam with the venerable Sa-2.
Later flights were not done over Russian airspace as such. Although "cocking a snoot" at their defences was regular game. Simply put, what the SR-71 was it something ONLY the likes of early American innovators could accomplish. Literally working on sparse nothings.. the history of the U-2 and the A-12(SR-71) is a read on how brilliant minds and leadership comes up with things the world still awes after 50 years.

Still, the advent of the Sa-10 and later missile systems put the SR-71 in greater danger than it was before. And the Sr-71 WAS harmed.. more than twice over vietnam with the venerable Sa-2.

Kindly give source, thanks.
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