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Female foeticide


Mar 31, 2007
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‘Female foeticide shameful for India’

NEW DELHI: India’s widespread practice of aborting female foetuses is a “national shame,” the prime minister said Monday, insisting the country can no longer ignore the problem if it wants to be a modern nation.

Experts say up to 500,000 female foetuses are aborted in India every year because of discrimination against women and a deep-rooted cultural preference for male children, who will help support their parents in old age and attract wives who come with substantial dowries.

“This is a national shame and we must face this challenge squarely here and now,” Prime Minister Manmohan Singh told a conference on ways to “Save the girl child.” “No nation, no society, no community can hold its head high and claim to be part of the civilized world if it condones the practice of discriminating against one half of humanity represented by women,” Singh said.

The British medical journal The Lancet recently reported that up to 500,000 female foetuses are aborted every year. Singh said the number of girls per 1,000 boys declined nationally from 962 in 1981 to just 927 in the last census in 2001. Activists believe the problem has become even worse since the census. Singh said to achieve equality for women the country has to address many issues, including child marriage, female illiteracy, malnutrition and taboos on women in public places.

“I do not say this as the prime minister of India. I say this as the proud father of three daughters. I wish for every girl in our country what I wish for my own daughters,” he said. ap

Manmohan Singh is not a Hindu so why should hindus follow his belief?
Main reason for this is ignorance. In Indian and Pakistan society, female children are considered a liability whereas male children are an asset; hence female foecticide.

Guess people fail to realize that if there were no females, human race will die out.
One solution to this problem is equal rights in many places as possible.
Batman, if you keep your prejudices aside and look closely, Punjab is the state with by far the most cases of female foeticide.

Also, Punjab has majority Sikhs, not Hindus.

On the other hand, the problem is almost non-existent in South India, which are by far Hindu majority states.

It is a social problem, not a religious one. If you want any more proof of this, then go to China, where female foeticide is rampant too.
‘Female foeticide shameful for India’

Manmohan Singh is not a Hindu so why should hindus follow his belief?

1. Because selective foeticide has nothing to do with "Hindu beliefs".
2. Because Manmohan Singh's own religious background has no bearing upon his executive powers as the head of state.

This is problem which has more to do with socioeconomic conditions and practices which transcend everything else.

As the elected leader of the nation it is Manmohan Singh's duty to address any and all national concernes regardless of their origins (theological or otherwise); and this one ranks way up there. I am glad that this issue is being widely discussed and debated in the open media within India. More needs to be done in terms of legislation, effective implementation of the law (by far the most important), social and education campaigns.

I have been involved in such projects for a few years now and hopefully they will continue to grow.
Batman, if you keep your prejudices aside and look closely, Punjab is the state with by far the most cases of female foeticide.

Also, Punjab has majority Sikhs, not Hindus.

On the other hand, the problem is almost non-existent in South India, which are by far Hindu majority states.

It is a social problem, not a religious one. If you want any more proof of this, then go to China, where female foeticide is rampant too.

I was about to say the same thing. China is also a major culprit with 30 million missing females.

Yes it is most shameful and must be eradicated. But it is a problem in much of developing world including many Muslim countries.
I was about to say the same thing. China is also a major culprit with 30 million missing females.

Yes it is most shameful and must be eradicated. But it is a problem in much of developing world including many Muslim countries.

The practices of countries in regards to the same reprehensible behavior is a non sequitur. Just because the Chinese, African or Islamic societies indulge in the same ghastly practice doesn't mean that India is somehow off the hook. This problem needs to be publicly exposed and discussed by each society for their own sake.
Batman, if you keep your prejudices aside and look closely
You are judging me for the comments which are not of my own. You think that by typifying and branding me will help you to mask the absolute immorality.
Sorry, Mr. wrong call.
The moment, I read this news. I affirmed that I must not over look killing of millions living beings by the hands of ill-bred clan.
Using the platform of this forum, I beg to Indians to stop this carnage immediately and let the angles live.
If I manage to save one life, I will believe that I have accomplished the purpose of my life.

Punjab is the state with by far the most cases of female foeticide.
Also, Punjab has majority Sikhs, not Hindus.
Is it written in the article above that Indian Sikhs are wholly responsible for killing only girl foeticide?

On the other hand, the problem is almost non-existent in South India, which are by far Hindu majority states.
And you are saying this because you are Hindu or is it reflected by the statistics of census.

It is a social problem, not a religious one.
Are you saying this honestly!
You should know that I’m not a distant native, who know nothing about Hinduism.
If you want any more proof of this, then go to China, where female foeticide is rampant too.
No comments.
^^^Batman, I'm sorry to say that I seriously doubt your concern for the "angels".

Your first comment is "Why should Hindus follow Manmohan Singh's belief".
Please tell me what I am supposed to make of this.

Regarding my other comments, please check the facts yourself if you are so interested.

And yeah...foeticide is a Social problem, not a religious one.
1. Because selective foeticide has nothing to do with "Hindu beliefs".
Selective foeticide? Or unambigously girl foeticide!
How about burning women alive with the dead body of her husband? Is that also not Hindu belief? How about white dress and married women staying away from the shadow of widows? How about special houses for widows? and being denied from attending marriage ceremonies!
May be non existant in newly found Hinduism.

2. Because Manmohan Singh's own religious background has no bearing upon his executive powers as the head of state.
I have no objection who so ever addresses such shocking issue but since it came from a Sikh and knowing Hinduism, it is logical to think that why Hindus should heed his advice.

This is problem which has more to do with socioeconomic conditions and practices which transcend everything else.
I guess Indians have higher per capita income than many countries of the world. Hence, I refuse to accept this 'socio economic' argument.
There is definitely something wrong elsewhere.
but I also know that no Pakistani can bring Indian out from the state of denial, not even in 1000 years.

As the elected leader of the nation it is Manmohan Singh's duty to address any and all national concernes regardless of their origins (theological or otherwise); and this one ranks way up there. I am glad that this issue is being widely discussed and debated in the open media within India. More needs to be done in terms of legislation, effective implementation of the law (by far the most important), social and education campaigns.
You think this issue is being widely discussed? Have you noticed the conservative figure of ½ million plus female foeticide annual and on ever rampant?
I suddenly don’t wish to live any more in such a cruel world.
Where was your media for all those years? How many thousand doctors are required to accomplish this world record? How can it become such a wide spread practice and openly available without marketing aid? Was there no laws than? Was there no law enforcing agencies?
Ironically, whole India was watching and the materialistic approach of Indians lead them to new heights of obscurity.

I have been involved in such projects for a few years now and hopefully they will continue to grow.
I trust you will make the difference and next census will reflect your good work.
^^^Batman, I'm sorry to say that I seriously doubt your concern for the "angels".
Than please, have no doubts and take care of my angels in your sarroundings.

Your first comment is "Why should Hindus follow Manmohan Singh's belief".
Please tell me what I am supposed to make of this.
You have already commented against my comment and I have replied, so if you want to discuss it more start from my reply but not from letter 'A' again and round in circles.

Regarding my other comments, please check the facts yourself if you are so interested.
Yes, I'm interested only after your denial?
And you should prove that you were not lying.

And yeah...foeticide is a Social problem, not a religious one.
Please, see my remarks in post above.
I was about to say the same thing. China is also a major culprit with 30 million missing females.

Yes it is most shameful and must be eradicated. But it is a problem in much of developing world including many Muslim countries.

What is wrong with you man? You see millions missing and you are not bothered! You need to address the issue but in separate thread. But don’t justify the subject matter.
It is people like you who undo the hard work from likes of energon.
Imagine if any potential Indian parent trusts your comment he/she will consider female foeticide a wide spread concept, hence will be more encouraged.
One solution to this problem is equal rights in many places as possible.

I think solution to this is; embrace Islam or at least start practicing the teachings of Quran.
Islam the religon of peace was revealed to Mohammad (PBUH) at the very moment when the residents of land were indulged in exactly similar practice.
new born female killing was the first thing which prophet banned.
His own life is an example, how to treat daughters and widows.
What is wrong with you man? You see millions missing and you are not bothered! You need to address the issue but in separate thread. But don’t justify the subject matter.
It is people like you who undo the hard work from likes of energon.
Imagine if any potential Indian parent trusts your comment he/she will consider female foeticide a wide spread concept, hence will be more encouraged.

Dude, either you haven't understood the context, or you are purposely misinterpreting our posts.

The China comparison came up to prove that its a social problem, not a religious one.

It wasn't meant to justify the crime by saying that "The Chinese do it, so can we".

I think this much was obvious to anyone who followed the thread.
Dude, either you haven't understood the context, or you are purposely misinterpreting our posts.

The China comparison came up to prove that its a social problem, not a religious one.

It wasn't meant to justify the crime by saying that "The Chinese do it, so can we".

I think this much was obvious to anyone who followed the thread.

Thanks for clearing up on behalf of your compatriot.
My appoligies for the misunderstanding.
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