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Feb. 28 coup general appears to curse president in recording


May 11, 2012
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United States

Gen. Tevfik Özkılıç seen at a national holiday ceremony. (Photo: Cihan)

A voice recording that was anonymously posted online on Thursday allegedly features the voice of a general who was recently arrested in the ongoing investigation into the Feb. 28, 1997 military intervention using vulgar language when speaking about Present Abdullah Gül.

The voice of Gen. Tevfik Özkılıç is believed to be in the recording, the link to which was shared in a tweet by Ses TV, a news account that uses Twitter to share stories. The general was arrested last month for his suspected role in the 1997 unarmed military intervention that resulted in the resignation of the government in power at the time.

The voice in the recording says: “That son of a ***** became the president and the country is now out of hand. Now that son of ***** is sitting at Çankaya [presidential palace]. There is a statewide problem about him.” The same expression is repeated several more times throughout the recording. The voice, however, also tells its listeners not to be let down. “Don't let this demoralize you,” the voice says. “We will follow this threat, structure and danger and monitor it.”

The general continues: “At the end of the day, there is a serious difference between us, the military, seeing the threat, formation and danger and civilians seeing it. But there have been differences of interpretation between the Land Forces Command and the General Staff.”

The voice says: “We will work on this later. You will not use computers. Ever. You will not see any other contact besides those people you see here until further notice. We were ready [for an intervention]. We were ready, emotionally as well. But there were differences in interpretation regarding the threat assessment.”

The person in the audio recording believed to be Gen. Özkılıç also praises the founding fathers of the republic, Atatürk and İsmet İnönü, saying: “Courage is also important, friends. These are big decisions, friends. Big decisions; big steps. Big men make big decisions. İsmet İnönü and Atatürk were big men. They made big decisions, and they carried them out with no remorse. We are, in reality, extremely determined about this. We believe that we will protect our country, our nation, in the best way -- that we love it. We also believe that something must be done. However, we have hesitations about where and how it will be done. This is the thing. We will clarify this.”

Further into the recording, the voice lectures the listeners more on being careful about working on computers when compiling lists, including information about people. “Be extremely careful. Buy a computer that has never been used before and work on that. Don’t ever connect to the Internet.”

Speaking about intelligence documents and blacklists compiled BY the coup plotters to keep tabs on people, the voice says: “They should absolutely not be duplicated. They will absolutely not be copied onto an electronic device. Nobody but the people here will bring them in person. If there are any leaks, I will be very upset. Very upset.”

He adds: “Those who have been in the mountains [fighting terrorists in the Southeast] know. Sometimes, for the noble interests of the state, illegal methods can be employed. I have personally done such things. We will take all we do to the grave with us and we won’t regret any of it. Is everyone with me?” Two other voice recordings were released earlier this week. In one, Rear Adm. Cem Aziz Çakmak, who is currently among dozens of military officers jailed for suspected involvement in a coup plot dubbed “Sledgehammer,” says that “there will be revenge taken for the Sledgehammer” probe within two years and that it will hurt many, including children.

In an earlier recording released a few days prior to that of Çakmak, another Sledgehammer suspect threatened the government with a civil war to begin as soon as the suspects imprisoned on charges of planning a coup d’état are released from prison.

In the recording, a person alleged to be Rear Adm. Fatih Ilgar harshly criticizes the prime minister and senior military officers and says that the suspects who have been jailed on charges of plotting to overthrow the government will be released from prison in about two months thanks to a bill that will be voted on in Parliament soon.

Whoever believes that the coup is far away from Turkiye is WRONG. The traitors are still strong and active in the military. They are just nesting silently and on the lookout for an opportunity to plot the coup. As long as these traitors are not expelled from the military and the civil government does not change the education system in the military, the coup can happen anytime in Turkiye
A voice recording that was anonymously posted online

One cant base anything with those anonymously posted voice recordings..

The voice of Gen. Tevfik Özkılıç is believed to be in the recording

Believed by whom?

Its interesting, those anonymous sources flourish for the last few years..We shouldnt judge anyone with such ambiguous "evidences" if you call them evidence
Let me translate these words for you.

A voice recording that was anonymously posted online: There are some people in the army who believe in democracy and against the coups. In order to hide their identity they post online as "unknown officer" or "mechul subay".

The voice of Gen. Tevfik Özkılıç is believed to be in the recording: In order to avoid prosecution, the report says it is believed which means it is known who this person is but we do not say directly. This is just a tactic of the newspapers.

Those people who are being accused can apply court to prove that those voices do not belong them. It is so easy to prove whether these voices belong them or not. Have you ever heard that any of these people applied the court to prove their innocence?
Let me translate these words for you.

A voice recording that was anonymously posted online: There are some people in the army who believe in democracy and against the coups. In order to hide their identity they post online as "unknown officer" or "mechul subay".
As those sources are anonymous how do you know if they are military members? Do you know something that we dont know?

The voice of Gen. Tevfik Özkılıç is believed to be in the recording: In order to avoid prosecution, the report says it is believed which means it is known who this person is but we do not say directly. This is just a tactic of the newspapers.

Again, how do you know if it is known? As far as i know, this case is strictly prohibited for public..

Those people who are being accused can apply court to prove that those voices do not belong them. It is so easy to prove whether these voices belong them or not. Have you ever heard that any of these people applied the court to prove their innocence?
Can you name any civilized country based on rule of law of these countless examples, where individuals have to prove their innocence?

For the record, i am not against the prosecution of Generals IF they really plotted to overthrow the government..But actual evidences must be base for this prosecution not some ambiguous evidences coming from anonymous sources
how do you know if they are military members?

Brother it seems you did not listen or read the news carefully. Please listen or read it one more time. Then, you can understand the person who is peaking is an officer. I am just an ordinary person and I just analyze the things.

Again, how do you know if it is known? As far as i know, this case is strictly prohibited for public

This is not about the case. This general was not arrested based on this record!!! He was arrested because of the evidence of Feb. 28th case. Please do not be confused.

Can you name any civilized country based on rule of law of these countless examples, where individuals have to prove their innocence?

Brother, these people have tried everything to invalidate , frustrate ERGENEKON, BALYOZ, ODA TV etc. cases. Do you really believe these people really would not apply the court if these records helped them? Come on, ADAMLARIN ATMADIKLARI TAKLA KALMADI DARBE DAVALARINI SULANDIRMAK, ITIBARSIZLASTIRMAK, VE BOSA CIKARMAK ICIN.

Last thing, this record is not to be used as EVIDENCE but show their real agenda. the goal is here to raise public awareness. As I said, noone was arrested because of the records. Normally these people swear to President, Prime Minister etc., did you hear the President or PM went to court for these people because they are insulted? NO, As mentioned it is just show who these traitors really are. DO NOT FORGET WE HAD 4 COUPS IN OUR HISTORY. Do you know the Major Samet Kuscu? He was the one who informed Adnan Menderes government about the coup in 1957. But Adnan Menderes did not take him serious and then you know what happenned, do not you?
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