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Fearful Putin Shuts Down Voice Of America In Russia


Oct 10, 2013
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‘Double Standard’: US blasts Russia for blocking Voice of America
Published April 11, 2014

March 28, 2014: Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks in the Kremlin in Moscow.AP

U.S. officials are assailing the Russian government for shutting down Voice of America's radio broadcasts in Moscow, in a move that marked a dramatic escalation of the message war between the two governments amid the Ukraine conflict.

The U.S. government-backed radio broadcast had been operating from a local frequency in Russia's capital for years. But Dmitry Kiselev, the director of the information agency Rossiya Segodnya (Russia Today), informed Voice of America late last month it would "not cooperate" with a U.S. request to renew its license.

According to Russian media, he dismissed U.S. and other radio stations as a "spam on our frequencies."

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki on Friday condemned the decision and accused Russia of hypocrisy for defending free speech in other countries, but not their own.

"We call on them now to drop this obvious double standard, and allow the same access to information for their people that it insists other nations provide," she said.

Asked Friday if the U.S. would reciprocate by shutting down Russia outlets in the U.S., Psaki said the U.S. would not -- because of a belief in free media.

The Russia media decision has hardened the stand-off between Vladimir Putin's government and the West over the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula and troop build-up on the Ukraine border. U.S. officials argue that the Russian government has increasingly frozen out media and online publications, while ignoring harassment of and attacks on journalists in the country.

The U.S. Embassy in Russia issued a scathing statement, saying the license denial is "particularly ironic" since Russian officials were just denouncing a Kiev court for allowing the suspension of Russian broadcasts in Ukraine.

"We call on the Russian government to allow the same access to information for their people that it insists other nations provide," the U.S. Embassy said.

Diplomatic officials are stepping into the fray after Russia's media infrastructure tangled days earlier with the U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors, which oversees Voice of America.

"Moscow has chosen to do the wrong thing and restrict free speech," BBG Chairman Jeff Shell said in a statement.

According to the BBG, distribution of Voice of America and other related programming reached a "high point" in Russia in 2005. But the Russian government then started asking U.S. stations to reapply for their licenses, and began denying them.

Shell noted that while Russia cracks down on U.S. outlets, Russian media including Russia Today enjoy "open access" in the United States.

According to Russia Today, Kiselev denied the decision to end the Voice of America contract had "anything to do with the freedom of speech."

He reportedly said that Voice of America and one other station in question "have nothing original to say."

U.S. officials noted that the license decision is part of a broader pattern, where the Russian government has passed laws "imposing unprecedented censorship and restrictions on media and online publications."

This includes blocking independent websites and blogs, and denying visas to foreign journalists.

Despite the license denial, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty's Russian Service still offers radio programming over the Internet and satellite.

All of Putins 'moves' are derived from fear and weakness. He's the BEST thing to happen in Russia for the West.
An eye for an eye. Russian media is not allowed in the US, so US media is not allowed in Russia. 8-)
Plus less BS propaganda the better the country...Look at USA ...90% of the time they dont know what is going on in the world...My cousin's project was involved in doing a research on high school kids ...half of them didnt know that Nebraska was not a country! Only those who had relatives in other states actually knew the names of the states while many thought only their state was America rest of the 49 states was rest of the world :blink:
Title of thread is quite childish although ti's not Putin 'Fearful' but NATO. Once again these barbarians (NATO) went on killing innocent people in the name of democracy.

Putin's action could be called as reciprocal therefore other countries also should follow to ban this US propaganda machine.
Our bearded friend @boomslang has a distorted view of double standards. Look at all of the businesses deals and illegal acts the west has committed recently.

Western Businesses have been closing doors in Crimea, freezing Visa bank transactions, refusing to cooperate in the ISS and illegally suspending Russia from the G-8. Not to mentioned the Ukrainian authorities have been arresting protesters in East Ukraine and sending in the Army to battle them, yet the west is totally quiet about this despite the fact that in Kiev when violent protesters were arrested western countries started calling the government oppressive and undemocratic.

By the way 6 of the 7 countries in the former G-8 have gone to war with Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Argentina, Lybia, Granada, Vietnam twice, Korea, ect, ect, ect. I wonder why they do not use the same standards and ban themselves? Still want to talk double standards?

Your view of fear and weakness is also twisted, If Canada and Mexico fell under an illegal communist government and China installed a "missile defence system" in those countries as well as built up a military poised to invade the US would the US be weak because they took action? Thank goodness there arn't many leaders that are as naive and misinformed about world events as you.
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To host US media in Russia is a privilege, not a right.

Right back at ya', chief. Our media owes Dictator Putins' mouthpieces nothing. I wonder if media sources will be there when Vladi builds the NEW wall ? Probably not.:usflag:

Our bearded friend @boomslang.... Look at all of the businesses deals and illegal acts the west has committed recently....

Sure, we'll hose the Russians, and anyone else when the chance arises. And everyone else does the same. It's just that Russia doesn't have the stuff to shut down on the U.S. as the U.S. does on Russia. If you were So concerned about Russia getting ripped off, you should be crying bloody murder over the way Vladi and his pals have taken over anything worth owning in Russia. 'Corrupt' doesn't even BEGIN to explain the 'Putin Posse's' thefts.:rofl:
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A dude with MULLAHS and an Ayatollah trying to teach an American about democracy and freedom, again.:woot:

Man seriously no-one here whether indians,pakistanis,saudis,iranis etc are sympathetic to usa for the reasons even known to u.

I am no usa hater,it did what it had to do for world domination but don't try to teach democracy and freedom to others after killing millions and destroying half a dozen nations.

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