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Fatwas ban outsiders’ entry into Rameswaram villages

This guy MH Jawahirullah of the Muslaim Munnetra Kazhagam (MMK) is such an extremist, who leaded anti US protest in Chennai for the you tube video incident, protestors ransacked places, and got a fitting reply from police.!
He is also the guy who told the relationship btw kamal haasan and his daughter is like lovers(worse than that.) This guy should be tamed. TN have always been peacefull and extremism is increasing a little nowadays. Must be nipped in the Bud. Kalam sir would be very sad to know this
Dravidian politicians do not indulge in their politics for the fear of losing their vote. The man who can stop this idiocity is Muhammad Jon of AIADMK. Hope he take notice of this.
The Muslims of india have no choice but to band together in area's where they can rely and protect each other

If they are a minority in any area's then they are under risk from attack and when the attack occurs, everone from the police to politicians will look the other way

This is the only way for indian muslims to protect themselves , maybe they cant carry guns but they need weapons of some sort

The hindu's will vote for Modi a terrorist who partook in the slaughter of muslims in gujraat and at best turned the other way whilst his minions colluded with the slaughter

The Muslims of india need to be in a much more stable position where they can band together in as many numbers as they can muster before the next "riot"

Okay, let me get this straight.. Poor Muslims in India should gather together in a place and do not let any others to come to their place right? I think muslims from all over the world should do that.. This cavemen like mentality is what exploited by people like Anjum Choudary and Jawahirullah..
As far as I can recall it is the hometown of our former President and Missile Man Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam sir - I have gone through many of his books for "Ignited Minds", "Wings of Fire" and the latest "My Journey - Transforming Dreams into Actions" in which he has constantly highlighted the deep communal harmony prevalent in Rameswaram among the Hindu, Muslim and Christian Religions right from his times in 1930's - seems like the very same has deteriorated over these years - Its a matter of concern for us - it should be addressed with utmost responsibility - Fatwas have no constitutional relevance at all....
There are many such Islands of Muslim Rule spread throughout India. That's perfectly fine as long as they abide by our Constitution. But any such ideas to turn these little enclaves into Islamic Jamhuriyats are idiotic at best and moreover, they act as homing beacons for their Right-Wing Hindu cousins! :butcher:
There are many such Islands of Muslim Rule spread throughout India. That's perfectly fine as long as they abide by our Constitution. But any such ideas to turn these little enclaves into Islamic Jamhuriyats are idiotic at best and moreover, they act as homing beacons for their Right-Wing Hindu cousins! :butcher:

Ya. Do not waste any opportunity to blame everything on the Hindu right wing. If the muslims go crazy, its is the Hindus' fault. If they do not go crazy , it is still the Hindus fault. :sick:

There are many such Islands of Muslim Rule spread throughout India. That's perfectly fine as long as they abide by our Constitution. But any such ideas to turn these little enclaves into Islamic Jamhuriyats are idiotic at best and moreover, they act as homing beacons for their Right-Wing Hindu cousins! :butcher:

Mate, as for me, this kind of acts done by what ever religious persons should be suppressed in the beginning itself.. Politicians encouraging this kind of acts for votes is a dangerous scenario..
The Entire Hindu Right Wing movement was established in response to a particular mass conversion in Tamil Naudu. Let me give you a brief history of how it happend,

The Conversions
Minakshipuram is a village in Tenkasi Taluk in the western part of Tirunelveli District in southern Tamil Nadu. In 1980 it consisted of 300 households of whom 280 were Dalits of the Pallar caste and the rest belonged to the dominant Maravar caste. The land around Minakshipuram belongs to a Hindu monastery and is cultivated mainly by Maravar and Dalit tenants from Minakshipuram and surrounding villages. In 1969the tenants formed a co-operative society under Maravar control but it split in 1980 when the Dalits formed their own association. The Maravars regarded this as a challenge to their traditional dominance and relations between the two castes deteriorated sharply.

These relations had already been strained earlier when in 1977 a young Dalit from Minakshipuram eloped with a Maravar girl. Both converted to Islam in neighbouring Kerala and married under Muslim law.

After their return to the village the man worked on a nearby estate and in December 1980 he was accused of involvement in the murder of two Maravar guards on the estate. Police investigations led to the arrest and alleged torture of large numbers of Dalit but charges were eventually dropped. The police inspector in charge of the investigation was a Maravar, who owned land under his wife's name in Minakshipuram and allegedly colluded with local Maravars against the Dalits. In the face of what they saw as severe police repression a group of Dalits from Minakshipuram decided in early February 1981 to convert to Islam. They had considered this option on earlier occasions, but older,more conservative Dalits had opposed it. The older generation of Dalits leaders had gradually been replaced by a younger and more educated generation resentful of caste discrimination. The conversions were conducted on 19th February 1981 by the Isha-Athul Islam Sabha, a Muslim organisation based in the District headquarters Tirunelveli that provides support to converts. Originally 220 out of the 280 Dalits families had agreed to convert, but only 200 applied for conversion and of those who applied only 180 actually converted. A second group of 27 families converted on 23rd May 1981. The converts decided to change the name of their village from Minakshipuram to Rahmatnagar

Although the ADMK government of Tamil Nadu denied allegations that police behaviour had caused the conversions and accused the Congress-led central government of trying to make political capital of the issue, the Maravar police inspector in charge of the murder investigation was transferred and later charged with corruption. This was more of a Maravar-Dalit rather than caste Hindu-Dalit conflict.

The Hindu Reaction
The very first conversions on 19th February 1981 attracted no outside attention, even though the organisers had sought publicity. Only after the conversion of another 27 families on 23rd May 1981 were conducted by Abul Hasan Nadvi, a well-known Muslim scholar from Lucknow, were they reported in the Hyderabad Urdu daily Rahnuma-e-Deccan on 4th April. Eight days later the Madras edition of the Indian Express covered the Minakshipuram conversions on its front page.Within days the conversions became front-page and cover-story material for most Indian newspapers and magazines. Minakshipuram and its fallout received daily coverage in the regional and national press some times with upto a dozen articles a day dealing directly or indirectly with the conversions and their aftermath. Eventually news of the conversions even made it into the international press, for example, in the Economist and Time magazine.

Minakshipuram became a crucial rallying point in the Hindu revival. Long established Hindu organisations were reinvigorated and new organisations were established to mobilise Hindus against any further conversions and to bring about reconversions. Among the existing organisations that became involved were the Arya Samaj, the Viswa Hindu Parishad (VHP), Rashtriya Swaramsevak Sangh (RSS) and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The RSS All-India General Secretary declared the Minakshipuram conversions the main concern of his organisation and indeed of the entire Hindu society. Due to the mistrust in Tamil Nadu of Brahman-dominated and predominantly North Indian organisations, the intiative in opposing the conversions fell to the Hindu Unity Front (Hindu Munnani). At the national level, the main new organisation to emerge was the Virat Hindu Samaj (VHS). Its founder and leader was the former Education Minister and Vedic scholar Karan Singh, a descendant of the former Hindu dynasty of the predominantly Muslim state of Kashmir. In response to the conversions he convened the Hindu Unity Conference in New Delhi with participation of over sixty Hindu organisations, which decided to come together under the umbrella of the VHS with the aim of preventing conversions to look after the Dalits and eradicate untouchability.
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Ya. Do not waste any opportunity to blame everything on the Hindu right wing. If the muslims go crazy, its is the Hindus' fault. If they do not go crazy , it is still the Hindus fault. :sick:


Now, now....who's making strawman arguments? The underlying inference was that in any region, once the minorities have resorted to such antics, they shouldn't be surprised if any retaliatory moves come their way from Right-Wing Hindu groups. After all, they share a symbiotic relationship with one another. They raise each other's bogey as justification for their actions. I see both as extra-constitutional.
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oh please thats a gross exaggeration

bro , when a health minister of a.p visited oldcity for some inspection he was told by akbaruddin owaisi that he may be minister for guntur /a.p but not for oldcity ..... the minister had to cut short hos onspection and return silently... hw is this an exaggeration ??
Now, now....who's making strawman arguments? The underlying inference was that in any region, once the minorities have resorted to such antics, they shouldn't be surprised if any retaliatory moves come their way from Right-Wing Hindu groups. After all, they share a symbiotic relationship with one another. They raise each other's bogey as justification for their actions. I see both as extra-constitutional.

How is that a strawman ? It is you who pointed to 'hindu right wing' when there is nothing about them in the article posted.

The inference is clear. You are extra eager to drag in the 'hindu right wing' even when they have nothing to do with the issue being discussed.

Second point is that why would such muslim extremist action provoke a 'hindu right wing' action ? Why wont it provoke a normal Hindu reaction ? or even a normal christian or Atheist Indian reaction ?

Are you saying that only the Hindu right wing is genuinely concerned about subversion of Indian constitution in India by religious extremists ?

Are you suggesting that the 'normal hindu' is a cowardly being who will not protest against such ridiculous action by muslim extremists ? But it seems to me that what you are REALLY implying is that even if "normal Hindu" protest and takes action against such muslim extremists they become "hindu right wing" in the eyes of secular's like yourself and your kind.
How is that a strawman ? It is you who pointed to 'hindu right wing' when there is nothing about them in the article posted.

The inference is clear. You are extra eager to drag in the 'hindu right wing' even when they have nothing to do with the issue being discussed.

Second point is that why would such muslim extremist action provoke a 'hindu right wing' action ? Why wont it provoke a normal Hindu reaction ? or even a normal christian or Atheist Indian reaction ?

Are you saying that only the Hindu right wing is genuinely concerned about subversion of Indian constitution in India by religious extremists ?

Are you suggesting that the 'normal hindu' is a cowardly being who will not protest against such ridiculous action by muslim extremists ? But it seems to me that what you are REALLY implying is that even if "normal Hindu" protest and takes action against such muslim extremists they become "hindu right wing" in the eyes of secular's like yourself and your kind.

I see you have a point there. But if you check the history of our communal riots, it's always the Right-Wing Religious groups who've spearheaded them on both sides. Perhaps these groups would do well not to hijack every such issue and let perhaps allow moderates to handle such issues too.

There are plenty of secular groups who protest such actions as well. But why is it that Hardline Islamists/Evangelicals and Hindutva groups are the ones always to get into fisticuffs with each other?
I see you have a point there. But if you check the history of our communal riots, it's always the Right-Wing Religious groups who've spearheaded them on both sides. Perhaps these groups would do well not to hijack every such issue and let perhaps allow moderates to handle such issues too.

There are plenty of secular groups who protest such actions as well. But why is it that Hardline Islamists/Evangelicals and Hindutva groups are the ones always to get into fisticuffs with each other?

The same way any attack on christian is spearheaded by the Church in India. However it is the normal christians who support such protests spearheaded by the church.

"Moderates" like the congress or SP or AGP let these issues fester to become vote banks and then encash them.

If they were to take action, it would not give rise to "Hindu" leadership in the first place. That is the whole point.
The same way any attack on christian is spearheaded by the Church in India. However it is the normal christians who support such protests spearheaded by the church.

"Moderates" like the congress or SP or AGP let these issues fester to become vote banks and then encash them.

If they were to take action, it would not give rise to "Hindu" leadership in the first place. That is the whole point.

It's again the case of the Hen or the Egg. If this vicious cycle is to be ended, it entails curbing the extra-juducial elements of every major faith ( just like universal demilitarization is the only solution for comprehensive nuclear disarmament). Of course, the path is not easy.

And please! Why do you consider the Congress and SP as moderates?? They're the pseudo-secularists that you so often allude to. They proclaiming themselves as secular doesn't make them one.
It's again the case of the Hen or the Egg.

NO it is NOT. Stop trying to make it into one. Everyone knows who wanted a separate "pure land" as they could not live with kaffirs.

If this vicious cycle is to be ended, it entails curbing the extra-juducial elements of every major faith ( just like universal demilitarization is the only solution for comprehensive nuclear disarmament). Of course, the path is not easy.

And please! Why do you consider the Congress and SP as moderates?? They're the pseudo-secularists that you so often allude to. They proclaiming themselves as secular doesn't make them one.

Before curbing extra judicial process, ensure judicial process.

Like 'hindu right wing', extra judicial process spring up in the ABSENCE of relevant Judicial process and action.

Now do give me cr@p again about chick and egg. As to the pseudo-secularist, you might want to take a look in the mirror yourself. :P
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