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FATA? Is that where tribesmen are cannibals and women are slaves?


Feb 2, 2012
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FATA? Is that where tribesmen are cannibals and women are slaves?

July 6, 2013

Over the years, the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan (FATA) have been a hot topic of discussion, but for all the wrong reasons.

We, the tribal people, have been termed as ‘wild’ and are somehow depicted as sub-human. Our women are often at the receiving end of pity because they are believed to be subjected and persecuted. Where to start and where to begin here?

Through this post, I would like to introduce you to the Fata I have spent my entire life in by busting some popular myths about this region.

Myth 1: In Fata,women are to remain illiterate and house-bound

Please do not believe everything you read.

In all fairness, there are problems here due to the law and order situation. Nevertheless, several tribal females do pursue education within this region. Many of my female cousins, including my sister, have graduated from renowned colleges in Fata. This is true for other families in my neighbourhood as well.

There are 13 girls’ degree-colleges, out of which 11 are currently operational. Thousands of female students pursue education in these colleges while roughly 200,000 girls are currently enrolled in government-run primary, middle and secondary schools. These figures do not include the thousands who are enrolled in private schools.

Though there is no co-education at secondary or college level, private schools have co-education at primary and middle school level.

Myth 2: Tribesmen either love militants or drones.

The reality is far from this as an overwhelming majority of us tribesmen hate both militants and drones.

We hate militants because they have ruined the lives of people and pushed the advancement of Fata ten years back. My own tribe has been maintaining a lashkar (armed group of people) against militants.

However, we also hate drones because they give militants the much needed ‘ideological space’ and make petty criminals look like divine soldiers.

Additionally, the collateral damage due to drone attacks means that these drones give birth to more terrorists than they manage to kill – hence the vicious cycle of unending violence goes on.

Myth 3: Fata is the hub of militancy and terrorism.

This is one statement that particularly makes me sad. Think about it; this place is the worst victim of militancy. Since 9/11, we have had thousands of tribesmen killed, thousands of us injured, hundreds of schools destroyed and thousands of homes crushed to the ground.

Almost 40% of the 4.5 million people living in Fata have been internally displaced, with nowhere to go.

I myself have lost a couple of good friends and many acquaintances in this vicious war. Yet, people believe that tribesmen are violent people who kill for the sake of killing.

Though, the hard terrain and tough life may have made us hot-headed, most of us yearn for peaceful lives. My own father, despite his lack of education, never allowed me to carry a weapon in my village. He believed that most enmities are sown because verbal arguments turn into a killing spree in the heat of the moment between people who carelessly carry weapons.

Yes, we have some criminals here, but isn’t this true for almost every district in the world?

People here just want peace.

Myth 4: Tribesmen are utterly different from ‘typical human beings’.

What can I say here expect that we tribesmen are not unlike regular people.

We require schools for our children, hospitals for our ill and playgrounds for exertion. We need industrial activity, agriculture and business growth to earn a living. We need roads, bridges and other infrastructure projects to facilitate mobility for us. We need electricity, water, sanitation, waste disposal and other services including social uplift projects. We need telephones, mobile phones and the internet to keep abreast with the latest developments in the world.

Our needs and wants are hardly any different from those of typical ‘human beings’.

Myth 5: Tribesmen are wild; they can never be tamed and they don’t want to abide by the laws.

The truth is that we are not ‘wild’ at all.

In fact, when seen in context, we may be more law abiding than several people elsewhere in Pakistan. We wholeheartedly follow unwritten laws called tribal customs. Even in the absence of formal police and judicial authorities, the pre 9/11 crime rate in Fata, excluding deaths in tribal feuds, remained lower than that of any settled areas of the country.

Robberies, thefts and rape cases are rare. This is not to assert that the tribal customs are perfect laws; on the contrary, I feel many are primitive. But my point is that our people have the capacity to abide by and accept laws.

There is only one precondition: the laws must not be ‘imposed’ on us forcefully. Any law that is implemented through a gradual system of evolution is respected and adhered to. Taming the tribesmen requires some skill and affection.

A Pashto saying explains this perfectly:

‘You can take a Pashtun to hell by the way of love but you can’t take him to heaven by the way of force.’

Myth 6: Fata is geographically and culturally a coherent entity, capable of being a separate province.

The reality, however, is that we are anything but a coherent entity.

Geographically Fata is like a chain: every tribal agency is connected to the next like the links in a chain. Bajaur Agency, going up to Chitral, is the northern end of this chain while South Waziristan, bordering Balochistan, is the southern end.

A tribesman from Bajaur or Mohmand will never get to see North or South Waziristan, or Kurram or Orakzai under regular circumstances.

Culturally too, Bajaur and Mohmand are nearer to the Yousafzai culture of Malakand and Peshawar valley while the Waziristanis have similarities with Bannu or North Balochistan. The Orakzai and Kurram tribesmen have a somewhat different cultural setup, similar to Kohat, Hangu or perhaps Tirah and Khyber.

For instance, ‘Attann’, a Pashto folk chorus dance set to the beat of drums, is a symbol of pride in Waziristan or Kurram (Kurramis call it ‘Ghara’) and thus widely practiced. The same ‘Attann’ or any other dance is considered taboo in Bajaur or Mohmand.

Similarly, while Pashto is the language of all Fata tribes, the dialect spoken in Bajaur or Mohmand is altogether different from the one spoken in Waziristan or Kurram/Orakzai.

We may look alike, but we are a diverse province.

Myth 7: Fata is an inaccessible area (Elaqa-e-Gher).

Again, untrue.

Barring a few regions (Tirah and Shawal amongst them), no area of Fata is inaccessible. Most of the major towns are an hour to two hours drive away from the urban cities of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P).

For example, Miranshah is an hour’s drive from Bannu; Jamrud is less than an hour’s drive from Peshawar. Ghallanai is an hour’s drive from Peshawar; Khar Bajaur is an hour away from Timergara (Dir) and Orakzai’s Kalaya is an hour or so from Kohat. Parachinar and Wana however, are further away from the cities of K-P.

Myth 8: Tribesmen are fiercely religious so they only vote for religious parties in elections.

Except the 2002 elections (when the MMA wave swept the entire Pashtun region from Swat to Quetta), we tribesmen have traditionally elected non-religious ‘electables’ to the assemblies, mostly of feudal or business backgrounds (though all elections before 1997 were based on ‘Lungi’ system and not adult franchise).

In 2008, religious parties could claim only two to three NA seats out of the total 11 in Fata (elections were not held to the 12th seat).

This time, however, the youth vote played a major role in elections and policies. Religion alone has not decided the fate of electoral candidates.


A beard and a shalwar kameez doesn’t necessarily mean that person is ‘wild’ or suppressive towards women. I hope that PTI can enable an environment where all Pakistanis can come and visit us so that they can decide for themselves whether we are like ‘typical human beings’ or not!

Source - FATA? Is that where tribesmen are cannibals and women are slaves? – The Express Tribune Blog

' @RazPaK @Secur @haviZsultan @TaimiKhan @Spring Onion @chauvunist @datalibdaz @Hyperion @Talon @Hermione G @Marshmallow @balixd @Chuck Bamu @SHAMK9 @genmirajborgza786 @Leader @Icarus @Xeric @Raja.Pakistani @A.Rafay @Aeronaut
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I think people paint these backward stuff about FATA just so that there are reasons to do operations there which people will support....

Yes, they ARE problems there but which district doesnt have its own problems?

I know a handful of pashtoons who have whole families and cousins and uncles and aunts who are doctors or engineers...

I also know of handful of those who ARE sending their children to study further be it a daughter or a son....
Propaganda to downgraded the intellectuals of KPK province

I strongly suggest such stereo types are not mentioned against highly respectable citizens of Pakistan thank you

Education is an issue and more funds are being allocated

Problem is coming due to weapons that come thru Afghanistan as its a lawless country

All we know is when ever Pakistan had wars the residents of KPK stepped up to help armed forces

The Rouge elements from Afganistan are not KPK residents

Drone strikes are illegal , and against the sovereignty of Pakistan , it violates our airspace and killings are unjustified.

There is no rule of law that says you can kill someone with out Justice in court room
FATIAN's have always been suspected of being terrorists. This is a brilliant article that proves things are not as black and white as they seem. This stereotype of tribals as bearded barbarians is something I wish to break with my book Badal. I want to prove that it is not the tribals fault but the fault of the malignant ideology of the Taliban and the Taliban are not exclusively a Pashtun problem but more of a Pakistani problem for all of us.

In my book one of the characters is a secularist in South Waziristan who is working for change there. If anyone is interested in FATA I would advise him to follow my posts on twitter.
heavily edited by tribune, said the author in his twitter account.
I was of same view
heavily edited by tribune, said the author in his twitter account.

I am of view that there has been some cases of wrong doings in tribal areas, but where doesn't it happen? it happens in every corner of the world. In every society you have good people and than you have bad people. It is sad that only bad things make it out to the world through media. Where they report bad cases of women getting killed or lashed, they should also report about tourism potential of the area
I have lived in Landi Kotal khyber agency for more than two years and some of these are not just myths but there is some reality in them. You have to live there to witness some of these harsh realities and I guess these illegal weapon shops, opium trafficking and smuggling are myth as well . Its also myth that literacy rate of men in FATA is 35.8% compare to 7.5% of women
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