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Fasting Restricted for Government Employees and Students in Xinjiang

This will cause more discontent in the residents of East Turkistan (Xinjiang). China needs to respect religious rights or give up the occupation of this area. Are the Chinese Hans allowed religious freedom?
In India, some states have banned beef and all Pakistani's go on a frenzy how intolerant India is and when "higher than mountain..." does something which actually hampers religious practices (unlike eating chicken/goat instead of beef), everything is calm on the PDF Front :-)
Any Chinese to answer this @Chinese-Dragon

I don't agree with it personally.

I have always stated that Chinese government policy in Xinjiang has failed, usually from being too soft, or targeting the wrong things (fasting for example is irrelevant to security).

Anyway, I'm not sure why you guys are always so interested in our internal affairs. When was the last time we complained about your internal affairs regarding minorities?

This will cause more discontent in the residents of East Turkistan (Xinjiang). China needs to respect religious rights or give up the occupation of this area. Are the Chinese Hans allowed religious freedom?

Joke of the century.

Not one single government on Earth recognizes either Xinjiang or Tibet as disputed territories. Not a single one.
Anyway, I'm not sure why you guys are always so interested in our internal affairs. When was the last time we complained about your internal affairs regarding minorities?
I only called you in to ask about the topic at hand as it is related to your country! Should I have asked an Indian instead?

If a thread on your country is opened whom should I ask if not a Chinese himself? Sorry I dont follow the "know it all" strategy!
I only called you in to ask about the topic at hand as it is related to your country! Should I have asked an Indian instead?

If a thread on your country is opened whom should I ask if not a Chinese himself? Sorry I dont follow the "know it all" strategy!

I think both @Chinese-Dragon & You misunderstood one another - No need to fight over it ! :)

Though he is correct - Its none of our business just as our internal affairs are none of their business !
I only called you in to ask about the topic at hand as it is related to your country! Should I have asked an Indian instead?

If a thread on your country is opened whom should I ask if not a Chinese himself? Sorry I dont follow the "know it all" strategy!

I was obviously referring to this post:

This will cause more discontent in the residents of East Turkistan (Xinjiang). China needs to respect religious rights or give up the occupation of this area. Are the Chinese Hans allowed religious freedom?
Wont "their country,their rules" apply here?
Their country their rules allow full religious freedom!! But they are depriving people of it and thats wrong .. are you saying it is correct to do this..
How would all the hindus of Pakistan react if all the temples are brought down and how would all the sikhs react if the govt would not allow them to visit guru nanak? ?
Religion and its practices unless harmful is a persons oown matter and I .don't think fasting hurts anyone ..
I don't agree with it personally.
I have always stated that Chinese government policy in Xinjiang has failed, usually from being too soft, or targeting the wrong things (fasting for example is irrelevant to security).
Anyway, I'm not sure why you guys are always so interested in our internal affairs. When was the last time we complained about your internal affairs regarding minorities?
Excellent answer and good decision by your government!
And here they say muslims are the biased and extreme minded ones
Whats would it hurt to let people fast!! All the muslims around the globe do this and hell certainly never occurs
Though he is correct - Its none of our business just as our internal affairs are none of their business !

Apparently no one here got that memo!

Check any thread to do with Xinjiang.

Like I said, I feel Chinese government policy in Xinjiang has failed. If you want my opinion, there it is.

But the comments on this forum supporting separatism and supporting the acts of terrorists against my fellow citizens (of Han, Hui and Uyghur descent) are really just ridiculous.

When the people here cheer over such attacks, do they realize that Uyghurs themselves are the main victims of the ETIM terrorists?
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