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Fareed Zakaria: Let’s be honest, Islam has a problem right now

Hopefully, all religions will disappear and countries will be ruled by logic, science and evidence some day in the future.
Muslim scientist were the ones who have introduced logic and evidence as a basis of any worthy scientific work, based on the Koran's asking anyone to come up with any evidence to challenge it. So this is inherent in a religion some people are full-heartedly attached to, since it is based on scientific and logical endeavor.

China's war of independence, like the US, French revolution etc - have all been extremely bloody.


what the Americans did can also not be justified...they armed AQ and then when it turned against US, it attacked 'em.There were more bombs dropped on Vietnam than those dropped on Germany during WWII.
From where should we start?? The Philippine American war or from the last one decade??

I'm not trying to put a blame on anyone here.The gist of the argument is that whether its Islam,Christianity or Jews, followers of every religion has committed sins.There's no way that only one religion and its followers be called wrong.
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I'm not trying to put a blame on anyone here.The gist of the argument is that whether its Islam,Christianity or Jews, followers of every religion has committed sins.There's no way that only one religion and its followers be called wrong.
Wish the 19 year old in your avatar could speak. :) Peace. I am not SINGLING out any particular religion.

What you're saying about the Iraq situation is right, I agree with it. One small thing though, Wars have been going on since the beginning of humanity (not just religion). Humans will find a reason to murder each other , no matter what.
Exactly bro. Only that killing in the name of God is the worst form of hypocrisy.
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I'm sure she would not have had anything against the religion but ISIS.
You missed my point.

This is it - Killing for money, oil etc can be understood. Human beings are the vilest creatures on earth and them killing other people for material/other greed is one thing. But killing in the name of God is the worst form of hypocrisy. It is the worst murder.

If there is a God, he/she/it would hang head in shame.
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The crux of whole article is following:

There is a cancer of extremism within Islam today. A small minority of Muslims celebrates violence and intolerance and harbors deeply reactionary attitudes toward women and minorities. While some confront these extremists, not enough do so, and the protests are not loud enough. How many mass rallies have been held against the Islamic State (also known as ISIS) in the Arab world today?

This is what I am saying for past many months. If Israel becomes offensive even once to Gaza. Whole Muslim world jumps up and down. ISIS doesn't seem a problem for these people. Selectivity of Human rights make Islam is in more danger than people like ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda etc

dare to call spade a spade....

10 terrorists seized Mumbai, 12 terrorists blew twin tower, 7 terrorists created havoc in London..

A civilized world can't fight the terrorist...

We have to give up PritviRaj Syndrom (being civilized to cruel animals) , we need to think like Churchil, Golda Mier, Shivajee.. Then only terrorism can be tamed...

And who said terrorism in not in India? what Indian Muslim are doing in Iraq? Have they gone there to learn peace? And don't give bullshit that only 10 , 12 or 100 have gone there, These 100 terrorists are creating a launching-pad for Jihad in India...

Its time to tame this Islamization of Mulsims else first they will eliminate Hindus, Then they will butcher Shia and Ahmedi, Then they will torture women (no education, Wear Burkha, no driving etc), Then they will put bann on movie, song, entertainmaint...

Only entertainment remain will be "Public prosecution in Talkatora Stadium"
I have said exactly this thing before on PDF. Just as Christianity evolved, so will Islam.

Unfortunately I don't see that happening in the near future. Change is not an option in Islam because what God said can't be changed. Reform is a natural course. Only a "luddite" opposes it but as I see it, most Muslims are conditioned to be such by the religion itself.
You missed my point.

This is it - Killing for money, oil etc can be understood. Human beings are the vilest creatures on earth and them killing other people for material/other greed is one thing. But killing in the name of God is the worst form of hypocrisy. It is the worst murder.

If there is a God, he/she/it would hang head in shame.

God is a energetic principle .Pure energy consciousness. Do you think humans are the only ones in the universe ? Russian military has some good research on remote viewing and ET's.

The best method to verify existence of spiritual forces. Compare commodity prices with planetary movements. Yes,universe(multiverse) is based on recurring patterns like law of three,law of seven,Golden ratio and law of karma .

Golden ratio which is the fibonacci number is present everywhere.
Islam, my friend had problems since its inception, even Prophet Mohammad PBUH had to fight for his survival because of Islam.
It is nothing new. If one thinks in a historical perspective, one can see that there were 12 crusades against Islam, The whole of Europe Christianity gathered to kill it in its infancy... with no avail. They gathered again against the ottoman Empire with the help of Russia, and couldn't succeed either but to stop the turks from taking Vienna on the demand of a Christian king.
What is going on today is the continuation of this onslaught on Islam, using the Media as another weapon for spreading defamation on the most peaceful religion ever, the religion of Abraham, since Islam relates directly to Abraham PBUH. Its anti-corruption ideology combined with no-nonsense rules of social conduct for individuals and societies makes it the bitterest medication to swallow for corrupt and twisted minded individuals, groups and societies... even within the Muslim world.
Not all Muslims are equal in thought, behavior or faith. So any criticism has to pinpoint the individuals and the groups that are guilty of something,- it is too bad that they happen to be "Muslims" in the middle east, but the whole middle east is majority Muslim and is the hottest point on earth today, by coincidence... - and leave Islam as a religion alone, it is heavenly and rightful. It suites only righteous people, thus the age old opposition to it. Most humans will rather prefer to have easy money, easy drugs, easy sex...etc, without thinking about the aftermath of their effects on the individual as well as on the societies. Islam brings with it a code of ethics to prevent these consequences, one can safely say that it is a proactive system to prevent social decadence and social disease.In brief, anyone who opposes such a system is rather an active decadent and a sick person or group.
Everyone can see how decadent and sick is America today... But that is another story altogether related to befriending a group of people known to spread social disease everywhere it went and throughout history for thousands of years.

Question then is why you are sitting in sick and decadent western land of north america?The land of easy money,easy sex and easy drugs is no place for you.
On topic,whatever the solution to me it has to come from within ..like muslims fix their own issue,can't be done from outside.For that to me you need 1)education 2)stop living in denial or conspiracy theories3)stable political systems in muslim countries.Education alone is not answer as we see educated kids radicalized quickly and joining isis in scores worldwide.
Its going to take time.Hopefully this can be achieved with minimal violence but hoping for that in the quagmire called the middle east is a pipe dream really.
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Sad but true.
When I posted it on some other thread that Islam was wrongly misinterpreted and taught, then it was objected upon.There're some muslim countries which do support radicals.I'm not naming any one but then many of us do know that it is true.

But hey....what about the atrocities done by USA/Britain in Vietnam,Aghanistan and Iraq?? so should we also say that Bush's/Tony Blair's Christianity also has a PROBLEM right now??
You should think before writing ..Everyone can write politically correct statements ..I avoid hurting people but problem does not get solved automatically ..human is prone to do mistake it is duty of religion to give proper guidance and make him realise what is good and what is bad ..Here innocent children are indoctrinated to hate in the name of religion ..thats what suffocating me ..I dont have any sympathy for a criminal who does crime for his selfish motive and gets punishment but here children are groomed to commit voilence in the name of religion ..I dont know what quraan teaches so cant comment on that but some muslims are certainly showing it in bad light ..So who to blame ? Intolerance of muslims for all other religion is quite evident ..Finally in my opinion its high time to reform Islam as a religion taking whats required to live with peace and happiness ..Or if intolerance is what they teach to their children then I am afraid nothing gonna change and polarisation will increase each passing day ..People with different background,culture,religion make this earth vibrant and colourful ..If you want to coexist peacefully you have to spread love rather than hatred ..World would have been less complicated now if mankind avoided shortcut called religion for its development in early stage
Unfortunately I don't see that happening in the near future. Change is not an option in Islam because what God said can't be changed. Reform is a natural course. Only a "luddite" opposes it but as I see it, most Muslims are conditioned to be such by the religion itself.

Given the fact that it took hundreds of years for Christianity, it will take only decades for Islam to evolve similarly, since modern times change much quicker. I am quite sure that the entire middle East will change drastically in the next few years, just like the pace of change after USSR, for the better.
Given the fact that it took hundreds of years for Christianity, it will take only decades for Islam to evolve similarly, since modern times change much quicker. I am quite sure that the entire middle East will change drastically in the next few years, just like the pace of change after USSR, for the better.

Let's hope so but I am not holding my breath.
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