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Fall of Dhaka 1971: Questioning the Iconic 3 million

History is written by the Victors.
Pakistan army is meant to have killed 3 million civilians whilst fighting on all fronts against rebels backed by Bharat in 9 months. Sure maybe 3 million were killed but Pakistan Army could not physically do this.

Bengalis and Biharis loyal to Pakistan were killed by rebel forces and it is possible this number was added into the mix.

Says who???

Feel free to challenge sources on wikipedia

the number of Jews dead was close to 6 million.
2.5 million Soviet POWs were starved to death
2 million non-Jewish Poles were killed in concentration camps

Add Gypsies, mentally retarded and homosexuals
Bengali are layers.
For comparison USA dropped 635,000 tons of bombs from air on North Korea and 32000 tons of Napalm, literally ingniting entire cities. Not a single building was left standing in Pyongyang.
On top of that USA also fired unknown amount of artillery shells and bullets during the war which went on for 3 years.
Now xomc to 1971 war . From march to November it was not a war just insurgency with sporadic attacks here and there.
In November the full blown war started and ended in mid December.

Korean war with three super powers involved and astronomical firepower used could kill 5 million people as per the highest estimates. That's an average of 1.6 million per year and those casulticas include deaths from all sides , the Korean, Chinese , Americans and all.
But Bengalis claim that just 40,000 combat troops of Pakistan army who had basic weapons killed 3 million Bengalis in 9 month?
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